setsession($session); } // ____________________________________________________ C O N F I G ______________________________________________ public function configform() { ?>

Config file does not exist yet, or maybe you deleted it ? Anyway, it is time to set it :

Database settings

Domain name settings

W_cms settings

(You can change everything later, set at least your admin password, and don't forget it !)
secure() == 1) { echo 'This article is private'; } if ($art->secure() == 2) { echo "This article is not published yet"; } if ($app->session() >= $art->secure()) { ?>

titre() ?>

soustitre() ?>
html($app) ?>
session() >= self::$edit) { ?>
textarea{font-size: ' . $fontsize . '}'; $tablist = ['html' => $art->md(), 'css' => $art->css(), 'aside' => 'NOT WORKING', 'footer' => 'NOT WORKING']; $this->tabs($tablist, 'html'); ?>
👁 id() ?>
'; foreach ($tablist as $key => $value) { echo '
'; if ($key == $opentab) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo ''; } public function copy(Art $art, $list) { ?>
'; ?>
<?= $title ?> ' : '' ?> <?= $edit == 1 ? '✏' : '' ?> <?= $art->titre() ?> ❓ <?= $id ?> '; echo ' '; echo ' '; } public function lien($getlist, $lien, App $app) { echo '
'; echo ' '; echo '
'; } public function dump($getlist) { echo ' '; } public function header() { echo '
'; $this->search(); echo '
'; } public function home2table(App $app, $getlist, $masslist) { echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '
'; ?>

Mass Edit

session() >= $app::EDITOR) { echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($getlist as $item) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
xtitletagsummary↘ to↗ fromlast modificationdate of creationprivacydisplay
' . $item->titre() . '' . $item->tag('sort') . '' . $item->intro() . '' . $item->liento('sort') . '' . $item->lien('sort') . '' . $item->datemodif('hrdi') . '' . $item->datecreation('hrdi') . '' . $item->secure('string') . '👁
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } public function option(App $app, Opt $opt) { if ($app->session() >= $app::EDITOR) { echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '⬅'; $this->optionsort($opt); $this->optionprivacy($opt); $this->optiontag($opt); if ($opt->invert() == 1) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo '
'; } } public function optiontag(Opt $opt) { echo '
'; } public function optionprivacy(Opt $opt) { echo '
'; } public function optionsort(Opt $opt) { echo '
Sort'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo 'order() == '1' ? "checked" : "") . ' />'; echo '
'; echo 'order() == '-1' ? "checked" : "") . ' />'; echo '
'; } public function mapheader() { $selectcurve = isset($_GET['curve']) ? $_GET['curve'] : 'basis'; $selectorient = isset($_GET['orient']) ? $_GET['orient'] : 'TD'; $curves = ['linear', 'basis', 'natural', 'step', 'stepAfter', 'stepBefore', 'monotoneX', 'monotoneY']; $orients = ['TD', 'LR', 'BT', 'RL']; ?>


session() >= $app::EDITOR) { echo ' '; } } public function nav($app) { echo ' session() >= $app::EDITOR) { ?>
Add Media
Media List
id() . '.' . $item->extension(); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($item->type() == 'image') { echo ''; echo ''; } elseif ($item->type() == 'sound') { echo ''; echo ''; } else { echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; } ?>
' . $item->extension() . '' . $item->width() . '' . $item->height() . '' . readablesize($item->size()) . '👁' . $item->id() . '
'; echo 'Media List'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; ?>
'; echo ''; } //______________________________________________________ A D M _________________________________________________ public function admincss(Config $config, $app) { ?>


Current global css : cssread() ?>

Default CSS

This CSS will apply to all your articles.

cssread(); if (is_file($cssfile)) { $cssread = file_get_contents($cssfile); echo '
'; echo 'Edit current CSS'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } ?>
Add CSS file


Database credentials

Fill this sections with the database settings you want to connect to



Edit your own admin password. You can find it in the config.json file, in the root of your website folder.


Use this section to set all the others users passwords. They cant access this page, so they cant change it by themselves.


Database status :

Current Table : arttable(); ?>

Select Table

The table is where all your articles are stored, select the one you want to use.

Add table

Create new table in your database. You need at least one to use W_cms

Duplicate Table

If you want to save versions of your work.


Update favicon
Change desktop background color
= 0) { $session = intval($session); $this->session = $session; } } //______________________________________________________ G E T _________________________________________________ public function session() { return $this->session; } } ?>