path: root/w/class/modelart.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'w/class/modelart.php')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/w/class/modelart.php b/w/class/modelart.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9763a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/w/class/modelart.php
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+class Modelart extends Modeldb
+ public function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ public function exist($id)
+ {
+ $req = $this->bdd->prepare(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->config->arttable() . ' WHERE id = :id ');
+ $req->execute(array('id' => $id));
+ $donnees = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ return (bool)$donnees['COUNT(*)'];
+ }
+ public function add(Art2 $art)
+ {
+ if ($this->exist($art->id())) {
+ echo '<span class="alert">idalreadyexist</span>';
+ } else {
+ var_dump($art);
+ $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
+ $request = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->config->arttable() . '(id, title, description, tag, date, datecreation, datemodif, daterender, css, quickcss, javascript, html, header, section, nav, aside, footer, render, secure, invitepassword, interface, linkfrom, template, affcount, editcount)
+ VALUES(:id, :title, :description, :tag, :date, :datecreation, :datemodif, :daterender, :css, :quickcss, :javascript, :html, :header, :section, :nav, :aside, :footer, :render, :secure, :invitepassword, :interface, :linkfrom, :template, :affcount, :editcount)';
+ $q = $this->bdd->prepare($request);
+ $q->bindValue(':id', $art->id());
+ $q->bindValue(':title', $art->title());
+ $q->bindValue(':description', $art->description());
+ $q->bindValue(':tag', $art->tag('string'));
+ $q->bindValue(':date', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':datecreation', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':datemodif', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':daterender', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':css', $art->css());
+ $q->bindValue(':quickcss', $art->quickcss('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':javascript', $art->javascript());
+ $q->bindValue(':html', $art->html());
+ $q->bindValue(':header', $art->header());
+ $q->bindValue(':section', $art->md());
+ $q->bindValue(':nav', $art->nav());
+ $q->bindValue(':aside', $art->aside());
+ $q->bindValue(':footer', $art->footer());
+ $q->bindValue(':render', $art->render());
+ $q->bindValue(':secure', $art->secure());
+ $q->bindValue(':invitepassword', $art->invitepassword());
+ $q->bindValue(':interface', $art->interface());
+ $q->bindValue(':linkfrom', $art->linkfrom('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':template', $art->template('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':affcount', $art->affcount());
+ $q->bindValue(':editcount', $art->editcount());
+ $q->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete(Art2 $art)
+ {
+ $req = $this->bdd->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . $this->config->arttable() . ' WHERE id = :id ');
+ $req->execute(array('id' => $art->id()));
+ $req->closeCursor();
+ }
+ public function get(Art2 $art)
+ {
+ $req = $this->bdd->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->config->arttable() . ' WHERE id = :id ');
+ $req->execute(array('id' => $art->id()));
+ $donnees = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ return new Art2($donnees);
+ $req->closeCursor();
+ }
+ public function update(Art2 $art)
+ {
+ $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
+ //$request = 'UPDATE ' . $this->arttable . '(id, title, description, tag, date, datecreation, datemodif, daterender, css, quickcss, javascript, html, header, section, nav, aside, footer, render, secure, invitepassword, interface, linkfrom, template, affcount, editcount) VALUES(:id, :title, :description, :tag, :date, :datecreation, :datemodif, :daterender, :css, :quickcss, :javascript, :html, :header, :section, :nav, :aside, :footer, :render, :secure, :invitepassword, :interface, :linkfrom, :template, :affcount, :editcount) WHERE id = :id';
+ $request = 'UPDATE ' . $this->arttable . ' SET id = :id, title = :title, description = :description, tag = :tag, date = :date, datecreation = :datecreation, datemodif = :datemodif, daterender = :daterender, css = :css, quickcss = :quickcss, javascript = :javascript, html = :html, header = :header, section = :section, nav = :nav, aside = :aside, footer = :footer, render = :footer, secure = :secure, invitepassword = :invitepassword, interface = :interface, linkfrom = :linkfrom, template = :template, affcount = :affcount, editcount = :editcount WHERE id = :id';
+ $q = $this->bdd->prepare($request);
+ $q->bindValue(':id', $art->id());
+ $q->bindValue(':title', $art->title());
+ $q->bindValue(':description', $art->description());
+ $q->bindValue(':tag', $art->tag('string'));
+ $q->bindValue(':date', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':datecreation', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':datemodif', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':daterender', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $q->bindValue(':css', $art->css());
+ $q->bindValue(':quickcss', $art->quickcss('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':javascript', $art->javascript());
+ $q->bindValue(':html', $art->html());
+ $q->bindValue(':header', $art->header());
+ $q->bindValue(':section', $art->md());
+ $q->bindValue(':nav', $art->nav());
+ $q->bindValue(':aside', $art->aside());
+ $q->bindValue(':footer', $art->footer());
+ $q->bindValue(':render', $art->render());
+ $q->bindValue(':secure', $art->secure());
+ $q->bindValue(':invitepassword', $art->invitepassword());
+ $q->bindValue(':interface', $art->interface());
+ $q->bindValue(':linkfrom', $art->linkfrom('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':template', $art->template('json'));
+ $q->bindValue(':affcount', $art->affcount());
+ $q->bindValue(':editcount', $art->editcount());
+ $q->execute();
+ }
+ public function getlister(array $selection = ['id'], array $opt = [])
+ {
+ // give an array using SELECTION columns and sort and desc OPTIONS
+ $default = ['tri' => 'id', 'desc' => 'DESC'];
+ $opt = array_update($default, $opt);
+ $list = [];
+ $option = ['datecreation', 'title', 'id', 'description', 'datemodif', 'tag', 'secure'];
+ if (is_array($selection) && is_string($opt['tri']) && strlen($opt['tri']) < 16 && is_string($opt['desc']) && strlen($opt['desc']) < 5 && in_array($opt['tri'], $option)) {
+ $selection = implode(", ", $selection);
+ $select = 'SELECT ' . $selection . ' FROM ' . $this->config->arttable() . ' ORDER BY ' . $opt['tri'] . ' ' . $opt['desc'];
+ $req = $this->bdd->query($select);
+ while ($donnees = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $list[] = new Art2($donnees);
+ }
+ return $list;
+ }
+ }
+ public function getlisteropt(Opt $opt)
+ {
+ $artlist = [];
+ $select = 'SELECT ' . $opt->col('string') . ' FROM ' . $this->config->arttable();
+ $req = $this->bdd->query($select);
+ while ($donnees = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $artlist[] = new Art2($donnees);
+ }
+ return $artlist;
+ }
+ public function listcalclinkfrom(&$artlist)
+ {
+ foreach ($artlist as $art) {
+ $art->calclinkto($artlist);
+ }
+ }
+ public function artcompare($art1, $art2, $method = 'id', $order = 1)
+ {
+ $result = ($art1->$method('sort') <=> $art2->$method('sort'));
+ return $result * $order;
+ }
+ public function buildsorter($sortby, $order)
+ {
+ return function ($art1, $art2) use ($sortby, $order) {
+ $result = $this->artcompare($art1, $art2, $sortby, $order);
+ return $result;
+ };
+ }
+ public function artlistsort(&$artlist, $sortby, $order = 1)
+ {
+ return usort($artlist, $this->buildsorter($sortby, $order));
+ }
+ public function filtertagfilter(array $artlist, array $tagchecked, $tagcompare = 'OR')
+ {
+ $filteredlist = [];
+ foreach ($artlist as $art) {
+ if (empty($tagchecked)) {
+ $filteredlist[] = $art->id();
+ } else {
+ $inter = (array_intersect($art->tag('array'), $tagchecked));
+ if ($tagcompare == 'OR') {
+ if (!empty($inter)) {
+ $filteredlist[] = $art->id();
+ }
+ } elseif ($tagcompare == 'AND') {
+ if (!array_diff($tagchecked, $art->tag('array'))) {
+ $filteredlist[] = $art->id();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $filteredlist;
+ }
+ public function filtersecure(array $artlist, $secure)
+ {
+ $filteredlist = [];
+ foreach ($artlist as $art) {
+ if ($art->secure() == intval($secure)) {
+ $filteredlist[] = $art->id();
+ } elseif (intval($secure) >= 4) {
+ $filteredlist[] = $art->id();
+ }
+ }
+ return $filteredlist;
+ }
+ public function lister()
+ {
+ $req = $this->bdd->query(' SELECT * FROM ' . $this->arttable . ' ORDER BY id ');
+ $donnees = $req->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ $req->closeCursor();
+ return $donnees;
+ }
+ public function tag(array $artlist, $tagchecked)
+ {
+ $artcheckedlist = [];
+ foreach ($artlist as $art) {
+ if (in_array($tagchecked, $art->tag('array'))) {
+ $artcheckedlist[] = $art;
+ }
+ }
+ return $artcheckedlist;
+ }
+ public function taglist(array $artlist, array $tagcheckedlist)
+ {
+ $taglist = [];
+ foreach ($tagcheckedlist as $tag) {
+ $taglist[$tag] = $this->tag($artlist, $tag);
+ }
+ return $taglist;
+ }
+ public function count()
+ {
+ return $this->bdd->query(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->arttable . ' ')->fetchColumn();
+ }