path: root/.clang-format
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-11Small .clang-format adjustmentsAlexey Rusakov
2022-07-08clang-format: don't break lines before lambda bodyAlexey Rusakov
2022-07-08Use clang-format 12; update CONTRIBUTING.md wrt code formattingAlexey Rusakov
2022-01-18.clang-format: try harder to avoid return type on its own lineAlexey Rusakov
2022-01-05.clang-format: slightly tweak penaltiesAlexey Rusakov
2021-07-30.clang-format: add DEFINE_EVENT_TYPEID to StatementMacrosAlexey Rusakov
2021-07-28.clang-format: revert BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatementAlexey Rusakov
2021-06-23Require ClangFormat 10 or newer, if usedAlexey Rusakov
2021-01-16Updated copyright statements upon Git auditKitsune Ral
2021-01-01.clang-format: more old ClangFormat compatKitsune Ral
2021-01-01.clang-format: ensure older ClangFormat compatibilityKitsune Ral
2020-11-11.clang-format: update for ClangFormat 10+Kitsune Ral
2020-11-06.clang-format: add SpaceInEmptyBlock: false (clang 10)Kitsune Ral
2020-04-17.clang-format: no empty lines at the start of blocksKitsune Ral
2019-09-29.clang-format: don't add a whitespace before a colon in range-forKitsune Ral
2019-08-18.clang-format: minor tweaks in penaltiesKitsune Ral
2019-08-02.clang-format: Alter brace wrapping to (mostly) match WebKit styleKitsune Ral
2019-08-02.clang-format: Enable ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLineKitsune Ral
2019-08-02.clang-format: Bring back AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarationsKitsune Ral
2019-07-10CMakeLists.txt: fix things around clang-format, inherit CLANG_FORMAT_ARGSKitsune Ral
2019-06-23.clang-format: Skip on CommentPragmasKitsune Ral
2019-06-22.clang-format: fine-tune penaltiesKitsune Ral
2019-05-19Update .clang-format as per the field experienceKitsune Ral
2019-03-02fixup! fixup! chore: add .clang-formatMarc Deop
2019-03-01fixup! chore: add .clang-formatMarc Deop
2019-03-01chore: add .clang-formatMarc Deop