path: root/lib/events
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authorAlexey Rusakov <Kitsune-Ral@users.sf.net>2022-06-22 13:17:22 +0200
committerAlexey Rusakov <Kitsune-Ral@users.sf.net>2022-07-13 21:36:25 +0200
commite172699e9a20737c4abb9bd96609f48e65415961 (patch)
tree01b64432e404eb38ba3df75368ddb63a64d0ce20 /lib/events
parent73167a23212541ff6aeaeb901d7dfe636badc6e8 (diff)
eventcontent.h: Use C++17 nested namespaces notation
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/events')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/lib/events/eventcontent.h b/lib/events/eventcontent.h
index 7611d077..af26c0a4 100644
--- a/lib/events/eventcontent.h
+++ b/lib/events/eventcontent.h
@@ -17,240 +17,238 @@
class QFileInfo;
-namespace Quotient {
-namespace EventContent {
- //! \brief Base for all content types that can be stored in RoomMessageEvent
+namespace Quotient::EventContent {
+//! \brief Base for all content types that can be stored in RoomMessageEvent
+//! Each content type class should have a constructor taking
+//! a QJsonObject and override fillJson() with an implementation
+//! that will fill the target QJsonObject with stored values. It is
+//! assumed but not required that a content object can also be created
+//! from plain data.
+class QUOTIENT_API Base {
+ explicit Base(QJsonObject o = {}) : originalJson(std::move(o)) {}
+ virtual ~Base() = default;
+ QJsonObject toJson() const;
+ QJsonObject originalJson;
+ // You can't assign those classes
+ Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
+ Base& operator=(Base&&) = delete;
+ Base(const Base&) = default;
+ Base(Base&&) noexcept = default;
+ virtual void fillJson(QJsonObject&) const = 0;
+// The below structures fairly follow CS spec The overall
+// set of attributes for each content types is a superset of the spec
+// but specific aggregation structure is altered. See doc comments to
+// each type for the list of available attributes.
+// A quick classes inheritance structure follows (the definitions are
+// spread across eventcontent.h and roommessageevent.h):
+// UrlBasedContent<InfoT> : InfoT + thumbnail data
+// PlayableContent<InfoT> : + duration attribute
+// FileInfo
+// FileContent = UrlBasedContent<FileInfo>
+// AudioContent = PlayableContent<FileInfo>
+// ImageInfo : FileInfo + imageSize attribute
+// ImageContent = UrlBasedContent<ImageInfo>
+// VideoContent = PlayableContent<ImageInfo>
+//! \brief Mix-in class representing `info` subobject in content JSON
+//! This is one of base classes for content types that deal with files or
+//! URLs. It stores the file metadata attributes, such as size, MIME type
+//! etc. found in the `content/info` subobject of event JSON payloads.
+//! Actual content classes derive from this class _and_ TypedBase that
+//! provides a polymorphic interface to access data in the mix-in. FileInfo
+//! (as well as ImageInfo, that adds image size to the metadata) is NOT
+//! polymorphic and is used in a non-polymorphic way to store thumbnail
+//! metadata (in a separate instance), next to the metadata on the file
+//! itself.
+//! If you need to make a new _content_ (not info) class based on files/URLs
+//! take UrlBasedContent as the example, i.e.:
+//! 1. Double-inherit from this class (or ImageInfo) and TypedBase.
+//! 2. Provide a constructor from QJsonObject that will pass the `info`
+//! subobject (not the whole content JSON) down to FileInfo/ImageInfo.
+//! 3. Override fillJson() to customise the JSON export logic. Make sure
+//! to call toInfoJson() from it to produce the payload for the `info`
+//! subobject in the JSON payload.
+//! \sa ImageInfo, FileContent, ImageContent, AudioContent, VideoContent,
+//! UrlBasedContent
+class QUOTIENT_API FileInfo {
+ FileInfo() = default;
+ //! \brief Construct from a QFileInfo object
- //! Each content type class should have a constructor taking
- //! a QJsonObject and override fillJson() with an implementation
- //! that will fill the target QJsonObject with stored values. It is
- //! assumed but not required that a content object can also be created
- //! from plain data.
- class QUOTIENT_API Base {
- public:
- explicit Base(QJsonObject o = {}) : originalJson(std::move(o)) {}
- virtual ~Base() = default;
- QJsonObject toJson() const;
- public:
- QJsonObject originalJson;
- // You can't assign those classes
- Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
- Base& operator=(Base&&) = delete;
- protected:
- Base(const Base&) = default;
- Base(Base&&) noexcept = default;
- virtual void fillJson(QJsonObject&) const = 0;
- };
- // The below structures fairly follow CS spec The overall
- // set of attributes for each content types is a superset of the spec
- // but specific aggregation structure is altered. See doc comments to
- // each type for the list of available attributes.
- // A quick classes inheritance structure follows (the definitions are
- // spread across eventcontent.h and roommessageevent.h):
- // UrlBasedContent<InfoT> : InfoT + thumbnail data
- // PlayableContent<InfoT> : + duration attribute
- // FileInfo
- // FileContent = UrlBasedContent<FileInfo>
- // AudioContent = PlayableContent<FileInfo>
- // ImageInfo : FileInfo + imageSize attribute
- // ImageContent = UrlBasedContent<ImageInfo>
- // VideoContent = PlayableContent<ImageInfo>
- //! \brief Mix-in class representing `info` subobject in content JSON
+ //! \param fi a QFileInfo object referring to an existing file
+ explicit FileInfo(const QFileInfo& fi);
+ explicit FileInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, qint64 payloadSize = -1,
+ const QMimeType& mimeType = {},
+ QString originalFilename = {});
+ //! \brief Construct from a JSON `info` payload
- //! This is one of base classes for content types that deal with files or
- //! URLs. It stores the file metadata attributes, such as size, MIME type
- //! etc. found in the `content/info` subobject of event JSON payloads.
- //! Actual content classes derive from this class _and_ TypedBase that
- //! provides a polymorphic interface to access data in the mix-in. FileInfo
- //! (as well as ImageInfo, that adds image size to the metadata) is NOT
- //! polymorphic and is used in a non-polymorphic way to store thumbnail
- //! metadata (in a separate instance), next to the metadata on the file
- //! itself.
- //!
- //! If you need to make a new _content_ (not info) class based on files/URLs
- //! take UrlBasedContent as the example, i.e.:
- //! 1. Double-inherit from this class (or ImageInfo) and TypedBase.
- //! 2. Provide a constructor from QJsonObject that will pass the `info`
- //! subobject (not the whole content JSON) down to FileInfo/ImageInfo.
- //! 3. Override fillJson() to customise the JSON export logic. Make sure
- //! to call toInfoJson() from it to produce the payload for the `info`
- //! subobject in the JSON payload.
- //!
- //! \sa ImageInfo, FileContent, ImageContent, AudioContent, VideoContent,
- //! UrlBasedContent
- class QUOTIENT_API FileInfo {
- public:
- FileInfo() = default;
- //! \brief Construct from a QFileInfo object
- //!
- //! \param fi a QFileInfo object referring to an existing file
- explicit FileInfo(const QFileInfo& fi);
- explicit FileInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, qint64 payloadSize = -1,
- const QMimeType& mimeType = {},
- QString originalFilename = {});
- //! \brief Construct from a JSON `info` payload
- //!
- //! Make sure to pass the `info` subobject of content JSON, not the
- //! whole JSON content.
- FileInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, const QJsonObject& infoJson,
- QString originalFilename = {});
- bool isValid() const;
- QUrl url() const;
- //! \brief Extract media id from the URL
- //!
- //! This can be used, e.g., to construct a QML-facing image://
- //! URI as follows:
- //! \code "image://provider/" + info.mediaId() \endcode
- QString mediaId() const { return url().authority() + url().path(); }
- public:
- FileSourceInfo source;
- QJsonObject originalInfoJson;
- QMimeType mimeType;
- qint64 payloadSize = 0;
- QString originalName;
- };
- QUOTIENT_API QJsonObject toInfoJson(const FileInfo& info);
- //! \brief A content info class for image/video content types and thumbnails
- class QUOTIENT_API ImageInfo : public FileInfo {
- public:
- ImageInfo() = default;
- explicit ImageInfo(const QFileInfo& fi, QSize imageSize = {});
- explicit ImageInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, qint64 fileSize = -1,
- const QMimeType& type = {}, QSize imageSize = {},
- const QString& originalFilename = {});
- ImageInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, const QJsonObject& infoJson,
- const QString& originalFilename = {});
- public:
- QSize imageSize;
- };
- QUOTIENT_API QJsonObject toInfoJson(const ImageInfo& info);
- //! \brief An auxiliary class for an info type that carries a thumbnail
- //!
- //! This class saves/loads a thumbnail to/from `info` subobject of
- //! the JSON representation of event content; namely, `info/thumbnail_url`
- //! (or, in case of an encrypted thumbnail, `info/thumbnail_file`) and
- //! `info/thumbnail_info` fields are used.
- class QUOTIENT_API Thumbnail : public ImageInfo {
- public:
- using ImageInfo::ImageInfo;
- explicit Thumbnail(const QJsonObject& infoJson,
- const Omittable<EncryptedFileMetadata>& efm = none);
- //! \brief Add thumbnail information to the passed `info` JSON object
- void dumpTo(QJsonObject& infoJson) const;
- };
- class QUOTIENT_API TypedBase : public Base {
- public:
- virtual QMimeType type() const = 0;
- virtual const FileInfo* fileInfo() const { return nullptr; }
- virtual FileInfo* fileInfo() { return nullptr; }
- virtual const Thumbnail* thumbnailInfo() const { return nullptr; }
- protected:
- explicit TypedBase(QJsonObject o = {}) : Base(std::move(o)) {}
- using Base::Base;
- };
- //! \brief A template class for content types with a URL and additional info
- //!
- //! Types that derive from this class template take `url` (or, if the file
- //! is encrypted, `file`) and, optionally, `filename` values from
- //! the top-level JSON object and the rest of information from the `info`
- //! subobject, as defined by the parameter type.
- //! \tparam InfoT base info class - FileInfo or ImageInfo
- template <class InfoT>
- class UrlBasedContent : public TypedBase, public InfoT {
- public:
- using InfoT::InfoT;
- explicit UrlBasedContent(const QJsonObject& json)
- : TypedBase(json)
- , InfoT(QUrl(json["url"].toString()), json["info"].toObject(),
- json["filename"].toString())
- , thumbnail(FileInfo::originalInfoJson)
- {
- if (const auto efmJson = json.value("file"_ls).toObject();
- !efmJson.isEmpty())
- InfoT::source = fromJson<EncryptedFileMetadata>(efmJson);
- // Two small hacks on originalJson to expose mediaIds to QML
- originalJson.insert("mediaId", InfoT::mediaId());
- originalJson.insert("thumbnailMediaId", thumbnail.mediaId());
- }
- QMimeType type() const override { return InfoT::mimeType; }
- const FileInfo* fileInfo() const override { return this; }
- FileInfo* fileInfo() override { return this; }
- const Thumbnail* thumbnailInfo() const override { return &thumbnail; }
- public:
- Thumbnail thumbnail;
- protected:
- virtual void fillInfoJson(QJsonObject& infoJson [[maybe_unused]]) const
- {}
- void fillJson(QJsonObject& json) const override
- {
- Quotient::fillJson(json, { "url"_ls, "file"_ls }, InfoT::source);
- if (!InfoT::originalName.isEmpty())
- json.insert("filename", InfoT::originalName);
- auto infoJson = toInfoJson(*this);
- if (thumbnail.isValid())
- thumbnail.dumpTo(infoJson);
- fillInfoJson(infoJson);
- json.insert("info", infoJson);
- }
- };
- //! \brief Content class for m.image
- //!
- //! Available fields:
- //! - corresponding to the top-level JSON:
- //! - source (corresponding to `url` or `file` in JSON)
- //! - filename (extension to the spec)
- //! - corresponding to the `info` subobject:
- //! - payloadSize (`size` in JSON)
- //! - mimeType (`mimetype` in JSON)
- //! - imageSize (QSize for a combination of `h` and `w` in JSON)
- //! - thumbnail.url (`thumbnail_url` in JSON)
- //! - corresponding to the `info/thumbnail_info` subobject: contents of
- //! thumbnail field, in the same vein as for the main image:
- //! - payloadSize
- //! - mimeType
- //! - imageSize
- using ImageContent = UrlBasedContent<ImageInfo>;
- //! \brief Content class for m.file
+ //! Make sure to pass the `info` subobject of content JSON, not the
+ //! whole JSON content.
+ FileInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, const QJsonObject& infoJson,
+ QString originalFilename = {});
+ bool isValid() const;
+ QUrl url() const;
+ //! \brief Extract media id from the URL
- //! Available fields:
- //! - corresponding to the top-level JSON:
- //! - source (corresponding to `url` or `file` in JSON)
- //! - filename
- //! - corresponding to the `info` subobject:
- //! - payloadSize (`size` in JSON)
- //! - mimeType (`mimetype` in JSON)
- //! - thumbnail.source (`thumbnail_url` or `thumbnail_file` in JSON)
- //! - corresponding to the `info/thumbnail_info` subobject:
- //! - thumbnail.payloadSize
- //! - thumbnail.mimeType
- //! - thumbnail.imageSize (QSize for `h` and `w` in JSON)
- using FileContent = UrlBasedContent<FileInfo>;
-} // namespace EventContent
-} // namespace Quotient
+ //! This can be used, e.g., to construct a QML-facing image://
+ //! URI as follows:
+ //! \code "image://provider/" + info.mediaId() \endcode
+ QString mediaId() const { return url().authority() + url().path(); }
+ FileSourceInfo source;
+ QJsonObject originalInfoJson;
+ QMimeType mimeType;
+ qint64 payloadSize = 0;
+ QString originalName;
+QUOTIENT_API QJsonObject toInfoJson(const FileInfo& info);
+//! \brief A content info class for image/video content types and thumbnails
+class QUOTIENT_API ImageInfo : public FileInfo {
+ ImageInfo() = default;
+ explicit ImageInfo(const QFileInfo& fi, QSize imageSize = {});
+ explicit ImageInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, qint64 fileSize = -1,
+ const QMimeType& type = {}, QSize imageSize = {},
+ const QString& originalFilename = {});
+ ImageInfo(FileSourceInfo sourceInfo, const QJsonObject& infoJson,
+ const QString& originalFilename = {});
+ QSize imageSize;
+QUOTIENT_API QJsonObject toInfoJson(const ImageInfo& info);
+//! \brief An auxiliary class for an info type that carries a thumbnail
+//! This class saves/loads a thumbnail to/from `info` subobject of
+//! the JSON representation of event content; namely, `info/thumbnail_url`
+//! (or, in case of an encrypted thumbnail, `info/thumbnail_file`) and
+//! `info/thumbnail_info` fields are used.
+class QUOTIENT_API Thumbnail : public ImageInfo {
+ using ImageInfo::ImageInfo;
+ explicit Thumbnail(const QJsonObject& infoJson,
+ const Omittable<EncryptedFileMetadata>& efm = none);
+ //! \brief Add thumbnail information to the passed `info` JSON object
+ void dumpTo(QJsonObject& infoJson) const;
+class QUOTIENT_API TypedBase : public Base {
+ virtual QMimeType type() const = 0;
+ virtual const FileInfo* fileInfo() const { return nullptr; }
+ virtual FileInfo* fileInfo() { return nullptr; }
+ virtual const Thumbnail* thumbnailInfo() const { return nullptr; }
+ explicit TypedBase(QJsonObject o = {}) : Base(std::move(o)) {}
+ using Base::Base;
+//! \brief A template class for content types with a URL and additional info
+//! Types that derive from this class template take `url` (or, if the file
+//! is encrypted, `file`) and, optionally, `filename` values from
+//! the top-level JSON object and the rest of information from the `info`
+//! subobject, as defined by the parameter type.
+//! \tparam InfoT base info class - FileInfo or ImageInfo
+template <class InfoT>
+class UrlBasedContent : public TypedBase, public InfoT {
+ using InfoT::InfoT;
+ explicit UrlBasedContent(const QJsonObject& json)
+ : TypedBase(json)
+ , InfoT(QUrl(json["url"].toString()), json["info"].toObject(),
+ json["filename"].toString())
+ , thumbnail(FileInfo::originalInfoJson)
+ {
+ if (const auto efmJson = json.value("file"_ls).toObject();
+ !efmJson.isEmpty())
+ InfoT::source = fromJson<EncryptedFileMetadata>(efmJson);
+ // Two small hacks on originalJson to expose mediaIds to QML
+ originalJson.insert("mediaId", InfoT::mediaId());
+ originalJson.insert("thumbnailMediaId", thumbnail.mediaId());
+ }
+ QMimeType type() const override { return InfoT::mimeType; }
+ const FileInfo* fileInfo() const override { return this; }
+ FileInfo* fileInfo() override { return this; }
+ const Thumbnail* thumbnailInfo() const override { return &thumbnail; }
+ Thumbnail thumbnail;
+ virtual void fillInfoJson(QJsonObject& infoJson [[maybe_unused]]) const
+ {}
+ void fillJson(QJsonObject& json) const override
+ {
+ Quotient::fillJson(json, { "url"_ls, "file"_ls }, InfoT::source);
+ if (!InfoT::originalName.isEmpty())
+ json.insert("filename", InfoT::originalName);
+ auto infoJson = toInfoJson(*this);
+ if (thumbnail.isValid())
+ thumbnail.dumpTo(infoJson);
+ fillInfoJson(infoJson);
+ json.insert("info", infoJson);
+ }
+//! \brief Content class for m.image
+//! Available fields:
+//! - corresponding to the top-level JSON:
+//! - source (corresponding to `url` or `file` in JSON)
+//! - filename (extension to the spec)
+//! - corresponding to the `info` subobject:
+//! - payloadSize (`size` in JSON)
+//! - mimeType (`mimetype` in JSON)
+//! - imageSize (QSize for a combination of `h` and `w` in JSON)
+//! - thumbnail.url (`thumbnail_url` in JSON)
+//! - corresponding to the `info/thumbnail_info` subobject: contents of
+//! thumbnail field, in the same vein as for the main image:
+//! - payloadSize
+//! - mimeType
+//! - imageSize
+using ImageContent = UrlBasedContent<ImageInfo>;
+//! \brief Content class for m.file
+//! Available fields:
+//! - corresponding to the top-level JSON:
+//! - source (corresponding to `url` or `file` in JSON)
+//! - filename
+//! - corresponding to the `info` subobject:
+//! - payloadSize (`size` in JSON)
+//! - mimeType (`mimetype` in JSON)
+//! - thumbnail.source (`thumbnail_url` or `thumbnail_file` in JSON)
+//! - corresponding to the `info/thumbnail_info` subobject:
+//! - thumbnail.payloadSize
+//! - thumbnail.mimeType
+//! - thumbnail.imageSize (QSize for `h` and `w` in JSON)
+using FileContent = UrlBasedContent<FileInfo>;
+} // namespace Quotient::EventContent
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(const Quotient::EventContent::TypedBase*)