path: root/lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp
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authorAlexey Rusakov <Kitsune-Ral@users.sf.net>2022-05-26 08:51:22 +0200
committerAlexey Rusakov <Kitsune-Ral@users.sf.net>2022-05-29 08:17:56 +0200
commit0b5e72a2c6502f22a752b72b4df5fa25746fdd25 (patch)
treedba7f9d9030f884f37253c3a1d370784707726f1 /lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp
parent729ba7da174eacc88bf9bd4e2e80eeab3fc92716 (diff)
Refactor EncryptedFile and EC::FileInfo::file
Besides having a misleading name (and it goes back to the spec), EncryptedFile under `file` key preempts the `url` (or `thumbnail_url`) string value so only one of the two should exist. This is a case for using std::variant<> - despite its clumsy syntax, it can actually simplify and streamline code when all the necessary bits are in place (such as conversion to JSON and getting the common piece - the URL - out of it). This commit replaces `FileInfo::url` and `FileInfo::file` with a common field `source` of type `FileSourceInfo` that is an alias for a variant type covering both underlying types; and `url()` is reintroduced as a function instead, to allow simplified access to whichever URL is available inside the variant. Oh, and EncryptedFile is EncryptedFileMetadata now, to clarify that it does not represent the file payload itself but rather the data necessary to obtain that payload.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp b/lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a64c7da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/events/filesourceinfo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <carlschwan@kde.org>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+#include "filesourceinfo.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED
+# include "e2ee/qolmutils.h"
+# include <QtCore/QCryptographicHash>
+# include <openssl/evp.h>
+using namespace Quotient;
+QByteArray EncryptedFileMetadata::decryptFile(const QByteArray& ciphertext) const
+#ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED
+ auto _key = key.k;
+ const auto keyBytes = QByteArray::fromBase64(
+ _key.replace(u'_', u'/').replace(u'-', u'+').toLatin1());
+ const auto sha256 =
+ QByteArray::fromBase64(hashes["sha256"_ls].toLatin1());
+ if (sha256
+ != QCryptographicHash::hash(ciphertext, QCryptographicHash::Sha256)) {
+ qCWarning(E2EE) << "Hash verification failed for file";
+ return {};
+ }
+ {
+ int length;
+ auto* ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
+ QByteArray plaintext(ciphertext.size() + EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1, '\0');
+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex(
+ ctx, EVP_aes_256_ctr(), nullptr,
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(keyBytes.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(
+ QByteArray::fromBase64(iv.toLatin1()).data()));
+ EVP_DecryptUpdate(
+ ctx, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(plaintext.data()), &length,
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ciphertext.data()),
+ ciphertext.size());
+ EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx,
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(plaintext.data())
+ + length,
+ &length);
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx);
+ return plaintext.left(ciphertext.size());
+ }
+ qWarning(MAIN) << "This build of libQuotient doesn't support E2EE, "
+ "cannot decrypt the file";
+ return ciphertext;
+std::pair<EncryptedFileMetadata, QByteArray> EncryptedFileMetadata::encryptFile(
+ const QByteArray& plainText)
+#ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED
+ QByteArray k = getRandom(32);
+ auto kBase64 = k.toBase64();
+ QByteArray iv = getRandom(16);
+ JWK key = { "oct"_ls,
+ { "encrypt"_ls, "decrypt"_ls },
+ "A256CTR"_ls,
+ QString(k.toBase64())
+ .replace(u'/', u'_')
+ .replace(u'+', u'-')
+ .left(kBase64.indexOf('=')),
+ true };
+ int length;
+ auto* ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
+ EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_ctr(), nullptr,
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(k.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(iv.data()));
+ const auto blockSize = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx);
+ QByteArray cipherText(plainText.size() + blockSize - 1, '\0');
+ EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(cipherText.data()),
+ &length,
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(plainText.data()),
+ plainText.size());
+ EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx,
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(cipherText.data())
+ + length,
+ &length);
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx);
+ auto hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(cipherText, QCryptographicHash::Sha256)
+ .toBase64();
+ auto ivBase64 = iv.toBase64();
+ EncryptedFileMetadata efm = { {},
+ key,
+ ivBase64.left(ivBase64.indexOf('=')),
+ { { QStringLiteral("sha256"),
+ hash.left(hash.indexOf('=')) } },
+ "v2"_ls };
+ return { efm, cipherText };
+ return {};
+void JsonObjectConverter<EncryptedFileMetadata>::dumpTo(QJsonObject& jo,
+ const EncryptedFileMetadata& pod)
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("url"), pod.url);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("key"), pod.key);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("iv"), pod.iv);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("hashes"), pod.hashes);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("v"), pod.v);
+void JsonObjectConverter<EncryptedFileMetadata>::fillFrom(const QJsonObject& jo,
+ EncryptedFileMetadata& pod)
+ fromJson(jo.value("url"_ls), pod.url);
+ fromJson(jo.value("key"_ls), pod.key);
+ fromJson(jo.value("iv"_ls), pod.iv);
+ fromJson(jo.value("hashes"_ls), pod.hashes);
+ fromJson(jo.value("v"_ls), pod.v);
+void JsonObjectConverter<JWK>::dumpTo(QJsonObject& jo, const JWK& pod)
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("kty"), pod.kty);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("key_ops"), pod.keyOps);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("alg"), pod.alg);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("k"), pod.k);
+ addParam<>(jo, QStringLiteral("ext"), pod.ext);
+void JsonObjectConverter<JWK>::fillFrom(const QJsonObject& jo, JWK& pod)
+ fromJson(jo.value("kty"_ls), pod.kty);
+ fromJson(jo.value("key_ops"_ls), pod.keyOps);
+ fromJson(jo.value("alg"_ls), pod.alg);
+ fromJson(jo.value("k"_ls), pod.k);
+ fromJson(jo.value("ext"_ls), pod.ext);
+template <typename... FunctorTs>
+struct Overloads : FunctorTs... {
+ using FunctorTs::operator()...;
+template <typename... FunctorTs>
+Overloads(FunctorTs&&...) -> Overloads<FunctorTs...>;
+QUrl Quotient::getUrlFromSourceInfo(const FileSourceInfo& fsi)
+ return std::visit(Overloads { [](const QUrl& url) { return url; },
+ [](const EncryptedFileMetadata& efm) {
+ return efm.url;
+ } },
+ fsi);
+void Quotient::setUrlInSourceInfo(FileSourceInfo& fsi, const QUrl& newUrl)
+ std::visit(Overloads { [&newUrl](QUrl& url) { url = newUrl; },
+ [&newUrl](EncryptedFileMetadata& efm) {
+ efm.url = newUrl;
+ } },
+ fsi);
+void Quotient::fillJson(QJsonObject& jo,
+ const std::array<QLatin1String, 2>& jsonKeys,
+ const FileSourceInfo& fsi)
+ // NB: Keeping variant_size_v out of the function signature for readability.
+ // NB2: Can't use jsonKeys directly inside static_assert as its value is
+ // unknown so the compiler cannot ensure size() is constexpr (go figure...)
+ static_assert(
+ std::variant_size_v<FileSourceInfo> == decltype(jsonKeys) {}.size());
+ jo.insert(jsonKeys[fsi.index()], toJson(fsi));