path: root/pdf
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-11add structs basic content + gob pike's refn-peugnet
2021-11-11finito la parite 2 Plus petit par sur le choix du gon-peugnet
2021-11-11encodage delta + un max de refsn-peugnet
2021-11-10blabla à propos de la restauration de la dernière versionn-peugnet
2021-11-10quelques paragraphes sur l'importn-peugnet
2021-11-10export, reorga + ajout par compression en communn-peugnet
2021-11-10break some long lines + mini fixes (centering, etc.)n-peugnet
2021-11-10add fonts command and use it in summary tablesn-peugnet
2021-11-10small pdf correctionsn-peugnet
2021-11-10Merge pull request #7 from LeilaRenard/patch-1Nicolas Peugnet
2021-11-10relecture etienneEtienne Le Louet
2021-11-10paragraphe de l'export + vraies donnes daily & weeklyn-peugnet
2021-11-09micro erreur de frappe + suggestionsLeilaRenard
2021-11-09fin de la partie 'contenu du repo'n-peugnet
2021-11-09break some long linesn-peugnet
2021-11-09paragraphe expliquant le fonctionnement globaln-peugnet
2021-11-09details about repo + subfigure repo orga + move restoren-peugnet
2021-11-09annulation "envisager" retour phrase d'avantLeilaRenard
2021-11-09modifs partie bio introLeilaRenard
2021-11-08réorganisation de la section 2.2n-peugnet
2021-11-08finish sketches and add indexn-peugnet
2021-11-08rabin fingerprint and sketchn-peugnet
2021-11-06fingerprints and stated to talk about the indexn-peugnet
2021-11-06started presentation generalen-peugnet
2021-11-06move acronyms to appendix and remove header from tocn-peugnet
2021-11-06use xspace to not have to worry about the space in macrosn-peugnet
2021-11-06add some refs, fix som nbsp, and some numprintn-peugnet
2021-11-06add backrefs and move hyperrefs as the last usepackagen-peugnet
2021-11-05fix warning (ext4): destination with the same identifiern-peugnet
2021-11-05intelligent quiet pdflatex mode + some fixes & notesn-peugnet
2021-11-05add doi numbers and links using natbibn-peugnet
2021-11-05convert fs acronyms to citationsn-peugnet
2021-11-04add compression paragraphn-peugnet
2021-11-02petits paragraphes sur l'abstraction offerte par les FSn-peugnet
2021-11-02petites correctionsn-peugnet
2021-11-02décousu mais mieux que rienn-peugnet
2021-10-29better problematic and added a basic plan for FS sectionn-peugnet
2021-10-29plasmides + problématiquen-peugnet
2021-10-29some corrections by Pr. ChoupichouGuillaume Peugnet
2021-10-28fin du vol de l'introduction de yannickn-peugnet
2021-10-28add encoding tables and more introductions paragraphsn-peugnet
2021-10-27suite du vol de l'intro de Yannickn-peugnet
2021-10-27vol de l'intro de yannickn-peugnet
2021-10-27ajout (enfin) d'un peu de texte, surtout pour l'intron-peugnet
2021-10-27passage au style repo + acronimes + annexesn-peugnet
2021-10-27switch once again to single page and some other fixesn-peugnet
2021-10-25add go.mod in pdf dir for go tools to skip itn-peugnet
2021-10-25start redaction of intro + add biblion-peugnet
2021-10-25generate LaTeX tables summary from ext and input it in pdfn-peugnet