public function hydrate($donnees)
foreach ($donnees as $key => $value) {
$method = 'set' . $key;
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
public function reset()
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
public function updatelinkfrom()
$this->linkfrom = [];
$this->linkfrom = array_unique(search($this->md(true), self::DEBUT, self::FIN));
public static function classvarlist()
$classvarlist = [];
foreach (get_class_vars(__class__) as $var => $default) {
$classvarlist[] = $var;
return ['artvarlist' => $classvarlist];
public function calclinkto($getlist)
$linkto = [];
if (!empty($getlist)) {
foreach ($getlist as $link) {
if (in_array($this->id(), $link->linkfrom('array'))) {
$linkto[] = $link->id();
public function autotaglist()
$pattern = "/%%(\w*)%%/";
preg_match_all($pattern, $this->md(), $out);
return $out[1];
public function autotaglistupdate($taglist)
foreach ($taglist as $tag => $artlist) {
$replace = '
$this->section = str_replace('%%' . $tag . '%%', $replace, $this->section);
public function autotaglistcalc($taglist)
foreach ($taglist as $tag => $artlist) {
foreach ($artlist as $art) {
if (!in_array($art->id(), $this->linkfrom('array')) && $art->id() != $this->id()) {
$this->linkfrom[] = $art->id();
public function templaterender(array $vars)
$datas = [];
foreach ($vars as $var) {
if (method_exists($this, $var))
$datas[$var] = $this->$var();
return $datas;
public function dry()
$array = [];
foreach (get_class_vars(__class__) as $var => $value) {
if(in_array($var, self::VAR_DATE)) {
$array[$var] = $this->$var('string');
} else {
$array[$var] = $this->$var();
return $array;
// _____________________________________________________ G E T ____________________________________________________
public function id($type = 'string')
return $this->id;
public function title($type = 'string')
return $this->title;
public function description($type = 'string')
return $this->description;
public function tag($option = 'array')
if ($option == 'string') {
return implode(", ", $this->tag);
} elseif ($option == 'array') {
return $this->tag;
} elseif ($option == 'sort') {
return count($this->tag);
public function date($option = 'date')
if ($option == 'string') {
return $this->date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') {
return $this->date;
} elseif ($option == 'hrdi') {
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
return hrdi($this->date->diff($now));
public function datecreation($option = 'date')
if ($option == 'string') {
return $this->datecreation->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') {
return $this->datecreation;
} elseif ($option == 'hrdi') {
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
return hrdi($this->datecreation->diff($now));
public function datemodif($option = 'date')
if ($option == 'string') {
return $this->datemodif->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') {
return $this->datemodif;
} elseif ($option == 'hrdi') {
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
return hrdi($this->datemodif->diff($now));
public function daterender($option = 'date')
if ($option == 'string') {
return $this->daterender->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') {
return $this->daterender;
} elseif ($option == 'hrdi') {
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));
return hrdi($this->daterender->diff($now));
public function css($type = 'string')
return $this->css;
public function quickcss($type = 'array')
if ($type == 'json') {
return json_encode($this->quickcss);
} elseif ($type == 'array') {
return $this->quickcss;
public function csstemplate(App $app)
$data = [];
$temp = '';
if (!empty($this->template())) {
if ($app->exist($this->template()) and !in_array($this->template(), $data)) {
$template = $app->get($this->template());
$temp = $temp . $template->css($app);
$data[] = $template->id();
$cssprint = str_replace('url(/', 'url(' . $app::MEDIA_DIR, $temp . $this->css);
return $cssprint;
public function javascript($type = 'string')
return $this->javascript;
public function html($type = 'string')
return $this->html;
public function header($type = 'string')
return $this->header;
public function md($expand = false)
if ($expand == true) {
$md = str_replace('](=', '](?id=', $this->section);
} else {
$md = $this->section;
return $md;
public function section($type = 'string')
return $this->section;
public function section888(App $app)
$section = str_replace('%TITLE%', $this->title(), $this->section);
$section = str_replace('%DESCRIPTION%', $this->description(), $section);
$parser = new MarkdownExtra;
// id in headers
$parser->headerid_func = function ($header) {
return preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '', strtolower($header));
$section = $parser->transform($section);
// replace = > ?id=
$section = str_replace('href="=', 'href="?id=', $section);
// infobulles tooltip
foreach ($this->linkfrom('array') as $id) {
$title = "Cet article n'existe pas encore";
foreach ($app->getlister(['id', 'description']) as $item) {
if ($item->id() == $id) {
$title = $item->description();
$linkfrom = 'href="?id=' . $id . '"';
$titlelinkfrom = ' title="' . $title . '" ' . $linkfrom;
$section = str_replace($linkfrom, $titlelinkfrom, $section);
if (!empty(strstr($section, '%SUMMARY%'))) {
$section = str_replace('%SUMMARY%', sumparser($section), $section);
$section = str_replace('href="./media/', ' class="file" target="_blank" href="./media/', $section);
$section = str_replace('href="http', ' class="external" target="_blank" href="http', $section);
$section = str_replace('
', $section);
return $section;
public function nav($type = "string")
return $this->nav;
public function aside($type = "string")
return $this->aside;
public function footer($type = "string")
return $this->footer;
public function render($type = 'string')
return $this->render;
public function secure($type = 'int')
if ($type == 'string') {
if ($this->secure == 0) $secure = 'public';
if ($this->secure == 1) $secure = 'private';
if ($this->secure == 2) $secure = 'not published';
return $secure;
} else {
return $this->secure;
public function invitepassword($type = 'string')
return $this->invitepassword;
public function interface($type = 'string')
return $this->interface;
public function linkfrom($option = 'array')
if ($option == 'json') {
$linkfrom = json_encode($this->linkfrom);
} elseif ($option == 'array') {
$linkfrom = $this->linkfrom;
} elseif ($option == 'sort') {
return count($this->linkfrom);
return $linkfrom;
public function linkto($option = 'array')
if ($option == 'json') {
$linkto = json_encode($this->linkto);
} elseif ($option == 'array') {
$linkto = $this->linkto;
} elseif ($option == 'sort') {
return count($this->linkto);
return $linkto;
public function template($type = 'array')
if ($type == 'json') {
return json_encode($this->template);
} elseif ($type = 'array') {
return $this->template;
public function affcount($type = 'int')
return $this->affcount;
public function editcount($type = 'int')
return $this->editcount;
// _____________________________________________________ S E T ____________________________________________________
public function setid($id)
if (strlen($id) < self::LEN and is_string($id)) {
$this->id = strip_tags(strtolower(str_replace(" ", "", $id)));
public function settitle($title)
if (strlen($title) < self::LEN and is_string($title)) {
$this->title = strip_tags(trim($title));
public function setdescription($description)
if (strlen($description) < self::LEN and is_string($description)) {
$this->description = strip_tags(trim($description));
public function settag($tag)
if (is_string($tag)) {
if (strlen($tag) < self::LEN and is_string($tag)) {
$tag = strip_tags(trim(strtolower($tag)));
$tag = str_replace('*', '', $tag);
$tag = str_replace(' ', '', $tag);
$taglist = explode(",", $tag);
$taglist = array_filter($taglist);
$this->tag = $taglist;
} elseif (is_array($tag)) {
$this->tag = $tag;
public function setdate($date)
if ($date instanceof DateTimeImmutable) {
$this->date = $date;
} else {
$this->date = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
public function setdatecreation($datecreation)
if ($datecreation instanceof DateTimeImmutable) {
$this->datecreation = $datecreation;
} else {
$this->datecreation = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $datecreation, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
public function setdatemodif($datemodif)
if ($datemodif instanceof DateTimeImmutable) {
$this->datemodif = $datemodif;
} else {
$this->datemodif = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $datemodif, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
public function setdaterender($daterender)
if ($daterender instanceof DateTimeImmutable) {
$this->daterender = $daterender;
} else {
$this->daterender = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $daterender, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
public function setcss($css)
if (strlen($css) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($css)) {
$this->css = strip_tags(trim(strtolower($css)));
public function setquickcss($quickcss)
if (is_string($quickcss)) {
$quickcss = json_decode($quickcss, true);
if (is_array($quickcss)) {
$this->quickcss = $quickcss;
public function setjavascript($javascript)
if (strlen($javascript < self::LENTEXT && is_string($javascript))) {
$this->javascript = $javascript;
public function sethtml($html)
if (strlen($html < self::LENTEXT && is_string($html))) {
$this->html = $html;
public function setheader($header)
if (strlen($header < self::LENTEXT && is_string($header))) {
$this->header = $header;
public function setsection($section)
if (strlen($section) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($section)) {
$this->section = $section;
public function setnav($nav)
if (strlen($nav) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($nav)) {
$this->nav = $nav;
public function setaside($aside)
if (strlen($aside) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($aside)) {
$this->aside = $aside;
public function setfooter($footer)
if (strlen($footer) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($footer)) {
$this->footer = $footer;
public function setrender($render)
$this->render = $render;
public function setsecure($secure)
if ($secure >= 0 and $secure <= self::SECUREMAX) {
$this->secure = intval($secure);
public function setinvitepassword($invitepassword)
if (is_string($invitepassword) && strlen($invitepassword) < self::LEN) {
$this->invitepassword = $invitepassword;
public function setinterface($interface)
if (in_array($interface, self::TABS)) {
$this->interface = $interface;
public function setlinkfrom($linkfrom)
if(is_array($linkfrom)) {
$this->linkfrom = $linkfrom;
} elseif(is_string($linkfrom)) {
$linkfromjson = json_decode($linkfrom);
if(is_array($linkfromjson)) {
$this->linkfrom = $linkfromjson;
} elseif ($linkfrom === null) {
$this->linkfrom = [];
public function setlinkto($linkto)
if(is_array($linkto)) {
$this->linkto = $linkto;
} elseif(is_string($linkto)) {
$linktojson = json_decode($linkto);
if(is_array($linktojson)) {
$this->linkto = $linktojson;
} elseif ($linkto === null) {
$this->linkto = [];
public function settemplate($template)
if (is_string($template)) {
$template = json_decode($template, true);
if (is_array($template)) {
$this->template = $template;
public function setaffcount($affcount)
if (is_int($affcount)) {
$this->affcount = $affcount;
} elseif (is_numeric($affcount)) {
$this->affcount = intval($affcount);
public function seteditcount($editcount)
if (is_int($editcount)) {
$this->editcount = $editcount;
} elseif (is_numeric($editcount)) {
$this->editcount = intval($editcount);
// __________________________________ C O U N T E R S ______________________________
public function addeditcount()
$this->editcount ++;
public function addaffcount()
$this->affcount ++;
public function updateedited()
$now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris"));