readconfig(); if (!$config) { $message = 'config_file_error'; echo $message; if (isset($_POST['config']) && $_POST['config'] == 'create') { $config = $app->createconfig($_POST); $app->savejson($config->tojson()); header('Location: ./'); } else { $aff->configform(); } exit; } // _________________________________________________________ S E S ___________________________________________________________ session(); if (!isset($_SESSION['level'])) { $session = 0; } else { $session = $_SESSION['level']; } $app->setsession($session); //var_dump($config); //var_dump($app); // _________________________________________________________ N A V _______________________________________________ if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $app->setbdd($config); } // _____________________________________________________ A C T I O N __________________________________________________________________ if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'login': $_SESSION['level'] = $app->login($_POST['pass'], $config); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { header('Location: ?id=' . $_GET['id']); } else { header('Location: ./'); } break; case 'logout': $_SESSION['level'] = $app->logout(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { header('Location: ?id=' . $_GET['id']); } else { header('Location: ./'); } break; case 'addmedia': $message = $app->addmedia($_FILES, 2 ** 24, $_POST['id']); header('Location: ./?aff=media&message=' . $message); break; case 'addcss': $message = $app->addcss($_FILES, 2 ** 24, $_POST['id']); header('Location: ./?aff=admin&message=' . $message); break; case 'changecss': $config->setcssread($_POST['lecturecss']); $app->savejson($config->tojson()); header('Location: ./?aff=admin'); break; case 'editconfig': $config->hydrate($_POST); $app->savejson($config->tojson()); header('Location: ./?aff=admin'); break; } } // _____________________________________________________ D A T A B A S E __________________________________________________________________ if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $app->setbdd($config); switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'update': if ($app->exist($_GET['id'])) { $art = new Art($_POST); $app->update($art); header('Location: ?id=' . $art->id() . '&edit=1'); } break; case 'copy': if ($app->exist($_GET['id'])) { $copy = $app->get($_POST['copy']); $art = $app->get($_POST['id']); if (!empty($_POST['css'])) { $art->setcss($copy->css()); } if (!empty($_POST['color'])) { $art->setcouleurtext($copy->couleurtext()); $art->setcouleurbkg($copy->couleurbkg()); $art->setcouleurlien($copy->couleurlien()); $art->setcouleurlienblank($copy->couleurlienblank()); } if (!empty($_POST['html'])) { $art->sethtml($copy->md()); } if (!empty($_POST['template'])) { $art->settemplate($copy->template()); } $app->update($art); header('Location: ?id=' . $art->id() . '&edit=1'); } break; case 'delete': if ($app->exist($_GET['id'])) { $art = new Art($_POST); $app->delete($art); header('Location: ?id=' . $art->id()); } break; } } // _______________________________________________________ H E A D _____________________________________________________________ if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $app->setbdd($config); if ($app->exist($_GET['id'])) { $art = $app->get($_GET['id']); if (isset($_GET['edit']) && $_GET['edit'] == 1) { $aff->arthead($art, $config->cssread(), 1); } else { $aff->arthead($art, $config->cssread(), 0); } } else { $aff->head($_GET['id'], 'w'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['aff'])) { $aff->head($_GET['aff'], $_GET['aff']); } else { $aff->head('home', 'w'); } // _____________________________________________________ A L E R T _______________________________________________________________ if (isset($_GET['message'])) { echo '

' . $_GET['message'] . '

'; } // ______________________________________________________ B O D Y _______________________________________________________________ echo ''; $aff->nav($app); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $app->setbdd($config); if ($app->exist($_GET['id'])) { $art = $app->get($_GET['id']); if (isset($_GET['edit']) and $_GET['edit'] == 1 and $app->session() >= $app::EDITOR) { $aff->edit($art, $app, $app->getlister(['id', 'titre'], 'id')); $aff->copy($art, $app->getlister(['id', 'titre'], 'id')); $aff->aside($app); } else { $aff->lecture($art, $app); } } else { if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'new') { $art = new Art($_GET); $art->reset(); $app->add($art); header('Location: ?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&edit=1'); } } else { echo '

Cet article n\'existe pas encore

'; if ($aff->session() >= 2) { echo '
'; } } } } elseif (isset($_GET['tag'])) { echo '

' . $_GET['tag'] . '

'; $aff->tag($app->getlister(['id', 'titre', 'intro', 'tag'], 'id'), $_GET['tag']); } elseif (isset($_GET['lien'])) { echo '

' . $_GET['lien'] . '

'; $aff->lien($app->getlister(['id', 'titre', 'intro', 'lien'], 'id'), $_GET['lien']); } elseif (isset($_GET['aff']) && $app->session() == $app::ADMIN) { if ($_GET['aff'] == 'admin') { echo '
'; echo '


'; $aff->admincss($config, $app->csslist()); $aff->admindb($config); echo '
'; } elseif ($_GET['aff'] == 'media') { echo '


'; echo '
'; $aff->addmedia(); $aff->medialist($app); echo '
'; } elseif ($_GET['aff'] == 'record') { echo '


'; echo '
'; $aff->recordlist($app); echo '
'; } else { header('Location: ./'); } } else { $app->setbdd($config); if (isset($_GET['tri'])) { $tri = strip_tags($_GET['tri']); } else { $tri = 'id'; } if (isset($_GET['desc'])) { $desc = strip_tags($_GET['desc']); } else { $desc = 'ASC'; } $aff->home2table($app, $app->getlister(['id', 'titre', 'intro', 'lien', 'datecreation', 'datemodif'], $tri, $desc)); } echo ''; ?>