Pages Import W JSON page file Upload page file as json JSON Page file change ID Reset date creation as now Reset author(s) as just you Replace if already existing > Generate list Generate code to display a list of pages description() ? 'checked' : '' ?>> Show description thumbnail() ? 'checked' : '' ?>> Show thumbnail date() ? 'checked' : '' ?>> Show date author() ? 'checked' : '' ?>> Show author(s) list style() == 1 ? 'selected' : '' ?>>div ' . $optlist->getcode() . ''; } ?> x id edit see del issupereditor()) { ?> dl tag title summary to from last modification date of creation date privacy visit edit aff = $item->id() ?> ✖ issupereditor()) { ?> = $item->tag('sort') ?> = $item->title() ?> = $item->description('short') ?> = $item->linkto('sort') ?> = $item->linkfrom('sort') ?> = $item->datemodif('hrdi') ?> = $item->datecreation('hrdi') ?> = $item->date('dmy') ?> = $item->secure('string') ?> = $item->visitcount() ?> = $item->editcount() ?> = $item->affcount() ?>