fontlist($this->list()); } public function getfonttypes() { $fonttypes = array_map(function ($ext) { return '.' . $ext; }, $this::FONT_TYPES); return implode(', ', $fonttypes); } public function renderfontface() { $list = $this->list(); $fontlist = $this->fontlist($list); $fontface = $this->fontface($fontlist); $this->write($fontface); } public function list() { if ($handle = opendir(Model::FONT_DIR)) { $list = []; while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { $list[] = $entry; } } } return $list; } public function fontlist(array $list) { $fontlist = []; $fonttypes = implode('|', $this::FONT_TYPES); $regex = '#(.+)\.(' . $fonttypes . ')#'; foreach ($list as $font) { if (preg_match($regex, $font, $out)) { $fontlist[] = ['id' => $out[1], 'ext' => $out[2], 'size' => filesize(Model::FONT_DIR . $font)]; } } return $fontlist; } public function fontface(array $fontlist) { $fontface = ''; foreach ($fontlist as $font) { $fontface .= '@font-face {' . PHP_EOL . 'font-family: ' . $font['id'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . ' src: url( ' . Model::fontpath() . $font['id'] . '.' . $font['ext'] . ');' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } return $fontface; } public function write(string $fontface) { $write = file_put_contents(Model::GLOBAL_DIR . 'fonts.css', $fontface); if ($write !== false) { } } public function upload(array $file, $maxsize = 2 ** 24, $id = null) { $message = 'runing'; if (isset($file) and $file['font']['error'] == 0 and $file['font']['size'] < $maxsize) { $infosfichier = pathinfo($file['font']['name']); $extension_upload = $infosfichier['extension']; $extensions_autorisees = $this::FONT_TYPES; if (in_array($extension_upload, $extensions_autorisees)) { if (!empty($id)) { $id = strtolower(strip_tags($id)); $id = str_replace(' ', '_', $id); } else { $id = $infosfichier['filename']; } if (!file_exists($this::FONT_DIR . $id . '.' . $extension_upload)) { $extension_upload = strtolower($extension_upload); $uploadok = move_uploaded_file($file['font']['tmp_name'], $this::FONT_DIR . $id . '.' . $extension_upload); if ($uploadok) { $message = 'uploadok'; } else { $message = 'uploaderror'; } } else { $message = 'filealreadyexist'; } } } else { $message = 'filetoobig'; } return $message; } } ?>