reset(); $this->hydrate($datas); } public function hydrate($datas) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $method = 'set' . $key; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method($value); } } } public function reset() { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); $this->settitle($this->id()); $this->setdescription(''); $this->settag([]); $this->setdate($now); $this->setdatecreation($now); $this->setdatecreation($now); $this->setdatemodif($now); $this->setdaterender($now); $this->setcss(''); $this->setquickcss([]); $this->setjavascript(''); $this->setbody(''); $this->setheader(''); $this->setmain(''); $this->setnav(''); $this->setaside(''); $this->setfooter(''); $this->setexternalcss([]); $this->setcustomhead(''); $this->setrenderhead(''); $this->setrenderbody(''); $this->setsecure(Config::defaultprivacy()); $this->setinterface('main'); $this->setlinkfrom([]); $this->setlinkto([]); $this->settemplatebody(''); $this->settemplatecss(''); $this->settemplatejavascript(''); $this->settemplateoptions(['externalcss', 'externaljavascript', 'favicon', 'reccursivecss', 'quickcss']); $this->setfavicon(''); $this->setauthors([]); $this->setinvites([]); $this->setreaders([]); $this->setaffcount(0); $this->setvisitcount(0); $this->seteditcount(0); $this->seteditby([]); } public static function classvarlist() { $classvarlist = []; foreach (get_class_vars(__class__) as $var => $default) { $classvarlist[] = $var; } return ['artvarlist' => $classvarlist]; } public function dry() { $array = []; foreach (get_class_vars(__class__) as $var => $value) { if (in_array($var, self::VAR_DATE)) { $array[$var] = $this->$var('string'); } else { $array[$var] = $this->$var(); } } return $array; } /** * Check if page have a thumbnail * @return bool true if the page have a thumbnail otherwise return false. */ public function thumbnailexist() : bool { $thumbnaillink = Model::THUMBNAIL_DIR . $this->id . '.jpg'; $test = file_exists($thumbnaillink); $exist = file_exists(Model::THUMBNAIL_DIR . $this->id . '.jpg'); return $exist; } // _____________________________________________________ G E T ____________________________________________________ public function id($type = 'string') { return $this->id; } public function title($type = 'string') { if($type == 'sort') { return strtolower($this->title); } else { return $this->title; } } public function description($type = 'string') { if($type == 'short' && strlen($this->description) > 15 ) { return substr($this->description, 0, 20) . '...'; } else { return $this->description; } } public function tag($option = 'array') { if ($option == 'string') { return implode(", ", $this->tag); } elseif ($option == 'array') { return $this->tag; } elseif ($option == 'sort') { return count($this->tag); } } public function date($option = 'date') { if ($option == 'string') { return $this->date->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') { return $this->date; } elseif ($option == 'hrdi') { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); return hrdi($this->date->diff($now)); } elseif ($option == 'pdate') { return $this->date->format('Y-m-d'); } elseif ($option == 'ptime') { return $this->date->format('H:i'); } elseif ($option = 'dmy') { return $this->date->format('d/m/Y'); } } public function datecreation($option = 'date') { if ($option == 'string') { return $this->datecreation->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') { return $this->datecreation; } elseif ($option == 'hrdi') { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); return hrdi($this->datecreation->diff($now)); } } public function datemodif($option = 'date') { if ($option == 'string') { return $this->datemodif->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') { return $this->datemodif; } elseif ($option == 'hrdi') { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); return hrdi($this->datemodif->diff($now)); } } public function daterender($option = 'date') { if ($option == 'string') { return $this->daterender->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } elseif ($option == 'date' || $option == 'sort') { return $this->daterender; } elseif ($option == 'hrdi') { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); return hrdi($this->daterender->diff($now)); } } public function css($type = 'string') { return $this->css; } public function quickcss($type = 'array') { if ($type == 'json') { return json_encode($this->quickcss); } elseif ($type == 'array') { return $this->quickcss; } } public function javascript($type = 'string') { return $this->javascript; } public function body($type = 'string') { return $this->body; } public function header($type = 'string') { return $this->header; } public function main($type = 'string') { return $this->main; } public function nav($type = "string") { return $this->nav; } public function aside($type = "string") { return $this->aside; } public function externalcss($type = "array") { return $this->externalcss; } public function customhead($type = "string") { return $this->customhead; } public function footer($type = "string") { return $this->footer; } public function renderhead($type = 'string') { if ($type == 'string') { return $this->renderhead; } } public function renderbody($type = 'string') { if ($type == 'string') { return $this->renderbody; } } public function secure($type = 'int') { if ($type == 'string') { if ($this->secure == 0) $secure = 'public'; if ($this->secure == 1) $secure = 'private'; if ($this->secure == 2) $secure = 'not_published'; return $secure; } else { return $this->secure; } } public function invitepassword($type = 'string') { return $this->invitepassword; } public function readpassword($type = 'string') { return $this->readpassword; } public function interface($type = 'string') { return $this->interface; } public function linkfrom($option = 'array') { if ($option == 'json') { $linkfrom = json_encode($this->linkfrom); } elseif ($option == 'array') { $linkfrom = $this->linkfrom; } elseif ($option == 'sort') { return count($this->linkfrom); } elseif ($option == 'string') { return implode(', ', $this->linkfrom); } return $linkfrom; } public function linkto($option = 'array') { if ($option == 'json') { $linkto = json_encode($this->linkto); } elseif ($option == 'array') { $linkto = $this->linkto; } elseif ($option == 'sort') { return count($this->linkto); } elseif ($option == 'string') { return implode(', ', $this->linkto); } return $linkto; } public function templatebody($type = 'string') { return $this->templatebody; } public function templatecss($type = 'string') { return $this->templatecss; } public function templatejavascript($type = 'string') { return $this->templatejavascript; } public function template() { $template['body'] = $this->templatebody; $template['css'] = $this->templatecss; $template['javascript'] = $this->templatejavascript; $template['cssreccursive'] = $this->checkoption('reccursive'); $template['cssquickcss'] = $this->checkoption('quickcss'); $template['externalcss'] = $this->checkoption('externalcss'); $template['cssfavicon'] = $this->checkoption('favicon'); $template['externaljavascript'] = $this->checkoption('externaljavascript'); return $template; } public function templateoptions($type = 'array') { return $this->templateoptions; } function checkoption($option) { if (in_array('reccursive', $this->templateoptions)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function favicon($type = 'string') { return $this->favicon; } public function authors($type = 'array') { return $this->authors; } public function invites($type = 'array') { return $this->invites; } public function readers($type = 'array') { return $this->invites; } public function affcount($type = 'int') { return $this->affcount; } public function visitcount($type = 'int') { return $this->visitcount; } public function editcount($type = 'int') { return $this->editcount; } public function editby($type = 'array') { return $this->editby; } // _____________________________________________________ S E T ____________________________________________________ public function setid($id) { if (strlen($id) <= Model::MAX_ID_LENGTH and is_string($id)) { $this->id = strip_tags(strtolower(str_replace(" ", "", $id))); } } public function settitle($title) { if (strlen($title) < self::LEN and is_string($title)) { $this->title = strip_tags(trim($title)); } } public function setdescription($description) { if (strlen($description) < self::LEN and is_string($description)) { $this->description = strip_tags(trim($description)); } } public function settag($tag) { if (is_string($tag)) { if (strlen($tag) < self::LEN and is_string($tag)) { $tag = strip_tags(trim(strtolower($tag))); $tag = str_replace('*', '', $tag); $tag = str_replace(' ', '', $tag); $taglist = explode(",", $tag); $taglist = array_filter($taglist); $this->tag = $taglist; } } elseif (is_array($tag)) { $this->tag = $tag; } } public function setdate($date) { if ($date instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { $this->date = $date; } else { $this->date = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $date, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); } } public function setdatecreation($datecreation) { if ($datecreation instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { $this->datecreation = $datecreation; } else { $this->datecreation = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $datecreation, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); } } public function setdatemodif($datemodif) { if ($datemodif instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { $this->datemodif = $datemodif; } else { $this->datemodif = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $datemodif, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); } } public function setdaterender($daterender) { if ($daterender instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { $this->daterender = $daterender; } else { $this->daterender = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $daterender, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); } } public function setcss($css) { if (strlen($css) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($css)) { $this->css = trim(strtolower($css)); } } public function setquickcss($quickcss) { if (is_string($quickcss)) { $quickcss = json_decode($quickcss, true); } if (is_array($quickcss)) { $this->quickcss = $quickcss; } } public function setjavascript($javascript) { if (strlen($javascript < self::LENTEXT && is_string($javascript))) { $this->javascript = $javascript; } } public function setbody($body) { if (strlen($body < self::LENTEXT && is_string($body))) { $this->body = $body; } } public function setheader($header) { if (strlen($header < self::LENTEXT && is_string($header))) { $this->header = $header; } } public function setmain($main) { if (strlen($main) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($main)) { $this->main = $main; } } public function setnav($nav) { if (strlen($nav) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($nav)) { $this->nav = $nav; } } public function setaside($aside) { if (strlen($aside) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($aside)) { $this->aside = $aside; } } public function setexternalcss($externalcss) { if(is_array($externalcss)) { $this->externalcss = array_values(array_filter($externalcss)); } } public function setcustomhead(string $customhead) { if(is_string($customhead)) { $this->customhead = $customhead; } } public function setfooter($footer) { if (strlen($footer) < self::LENTEXT and is_string($footer)) { $this->footer = $footer; } } public function setrenderhead(string $render) { $this->renderhead = $render; } public function setrenderbody(string $render) { $this->renderbody = $render; } public function setsecure($secure) { if ($secure >= 0 and $secure <= self::SECUREMAX) { $this->secure = intval($secure); } } public function setinvitepassword($invitepassword) { if (is_string($invitepassword) && strlen($invitepassword) < self::LEN) { $this->invitepassword = $invitepassword; } } public function setreadpassword($readpassword) { if (is_string($readpassword) && strlen($readpassword) < self::LEN) { $this->readpassword = $readpassword; } } public function setinterface($interface) { if (in_array($interface, self::TABS)) { $this->interface = $interface; } } public function setlinkfrom($linkfrom) { if (is_array($linkfrom)) { $this->linkfrom = $linkfrom; } elseif (is_string($linkfrom)) { $linkfromjson = json_decode($linkfrom); if (is_array($linkfromjson)) { $this->linkfrom = $linkfromjson; } } elseif ($linkfrom === null) { $this->linkfrom = []; } } public function setlinkto($linkto) { if (is_array($linkto)) { $this->linkto = $linkto; } elseif (is_string($linkto)) { $linktojson = json_decode($linkto); if (is_array($linktojson)) { $this->linkto = $linktojson; } } elseif ($linkto === null) { $this->linkto = []; } } public function settemplatebody($templatebody) { if (is_string($templatebody)) { $this->templatebody = $templatebody; } } public function settemplatecss($templatecss) { if (is_string($templatecss)) { $this->templatecss = $templatecss; } } public function settemplatejavascript($templatejavascript) { if (is_string($templatejavascript)) { $this->templatejavascript = $templatejavascript; } } public function settemplateoptions($templateoptions) { if(is_array($templateoptions)) { $this->templateoptions = array_values(array_filter($templateoptions)); } } public function setfavicon($favicon) { if (is_string($favicon)) { $this->favicon = $favicon; } } public function setauthors($authors) { if(is_array($authors)) { $this->authors = array_values(array_filter($authors)); } } public function setinvites($invites) { if(is_array($invites)) { $this->invites = array_values(array_filter($invites)); } } public function setreaders($readers) { if(is_array($readers)) { $this->readers = array_values(array_filter($readers)); } } public function setaffcount($affcount) { if (is_int($affcount)) { $this->affcount = $affcount; } elseif (is_numeric($affcount)) { $this->affcount = intval($affcount); } } public function setvisitcount($visitcount) { if (is_int($visitcount)) { $this->visitcount = $visitcount; } elseif (is_numeric($visitcount)) { $this->visitcount = intval($visitcount); } } public function seteditcount($editcount) { if (is_int($editcount)) { $this->editcount = $editcount; } elseif (is_numeric($editcount)) { $this->editcount = intval($editcount); } } public function seteditby($editby) { if(is_array($editby)) { $this->editby = $editby; } } // __________________________________ C O U N T E R S ______________________________ public function addeditcount() { $this->editcount++; } public function addaffcount() { $this->affcount++; } public function addvisitcount() { $this->visitcount++; } public function updateedited() { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(null, timezone_open("Europe/Paris")); $this->setdatemodif($now); $this->addeditcount(); } public function addauthor(string $id) { if(!in_array($id, $this->authors)) { $this->authors[] = $id; } } public function addeditby(string $id) { $this->editby[$id] = true; } public function removeeditby(string $id) { unset($this->editby[$id]); } public function iseditedby() { return count($this->editby) > 0; } } ?>