modelhome = new Modelhome(); } public function desktop() { if ($this->user->isvisitor() && Config::homepage() === 'redirect' && !empty(Config::homeredirect())) { $this->routedirect('pageread/', ['page' => Config::homeredirect()]); } else { $pagelist = $this->modelhome->pagelist(); $this->opt = $this->modelhome->optinit($pagelist); $vars['colors'] = new Colors(Model::COLORS_FILE, $this->opt->taglist()); $deepsearch = $this->deepsearch(); $vars['pagelistopt'] = $this->modelhome->pagetable( $pagelist, $this->opt, $deepsearch['regex'], $deepsearch['searchopt'] ); $vars['columns'] = $this->modelhome->setcolumns($this->user->columns()); $vars['faviconlist'] = $this->mediamanager->listfavicon(); $vars['thumbnaillist'] = $this->mediamanager->listthumbnail(); $vars['editorlist'] = $this->usermanager->getlisterbylevel(2, '>='); $vars['user'] = $this->user; $vars['opt'] = $this->opt; $vars['deepsearch'] = $deepsearch['regex']; $vars['searchopt'] = $deepsearch['searchopt']; $vars['display'] = $_GET['display'] ?? 'list'; if ($vars['display'] === 'map') { $vars['layout'] = $_GET['layout'] ?? 'cose-bilkent'; $vars['showorphans'] = boolval($_GET['showorphans'] ?? false); $vars['showredirection'] = boolval($_GET['showredirection'] ?? false); $datas = $this->modelhome->cytodata( $vars['pagelistopt'], $vars['layout'], $vars['showorphans'], $vars['showredirection'] ); $vars['json'] = json_encode($datas, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } $vars['footer'] = [ 'version' => getversion(), 'total' => count($pagelist), 'database' => Config::pagetable() ]; $this->listquery($pagelist); $vars['optlist'] = $this->optlist ?? null; $this->showtemplate('home', $vars); } } /** * Look for GET deepsearch datas and transform it an array * * @return array containing `string $regex` and `array $searchopt` */ public function deepsearch(): array { if (!isset($_GET['search'])) { $searchopt = [ 'id' => 1, 'title' => 1, 'description' => 1, 'content' => 1, 'other' => 0, 'casesensitive' => 0 ]; } else { $searchopt['id'] = $_GET['id'] ?? 0; $searchopt['title'] = $_GET['title'] ?? 0; $searchopt['description'] = $_GET['description'] ?? 0; $searchopt['content'] = $_GET['content'] ?? 0; $searchopt['other'] = $_GET['other'] ?? 0; $searchopt['casesensitive'] = $_GET['case'] ?? 0; } $regex = $_GET['search'] ?? ''; return ['regex' => $regex, 'searchopt' => $searchopt]; } public function listquery(array $pagelist) { if (isset($_POST['query']) && $this->user->iseditor()) { $datas = array_merge($_POST, $_SESSION['opt']); $this->optlist = new Optlist(); $this->optlist->hydrate($datas); $vars['optlist'] = $this->optlist; } } public function columns() { if (isset($_POST['columns']) && $this->user->iseditor()) { $user = $this->usermanager->get($this->user->id()); $user->hydrate($_POST); $this->usermanager->add($user); $this->usermanager->writesession($user); } $this->routedirect('home'); } public function colors() { if (isset($_POST['tagcolor']) && $this->user->issupereditor()) { $colors = new Colors(Model::COLORS_FILE); $colors->update($_POST['tagcolor']); } $this->routedirect('home'); } public function search() { if (isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'read': $this->routedirect('pageread/', ['page' => $_POST['id']]); break; case 'edit': $this->routedirect('pageedit', ['page' => $_POST['id']]); break; } } } else { $this->routedirect('home'); } } /** * Render every pages in the database */ public function renderall() { if ($this->user->iseditor()) { $pagelist = $this->modelhome->pagelist(); $count = 0; foreach ($pagelist as $page) { $page = $this->renderpage($page); if ($this->pagemanager->update($page)) { $count++; } } $total = count($pagelist); $this->sendstatflashmessage($count, $total, 'pages have been rendered'); } $this->routedirect('home'); } public function multi() { if (isset($_POST['action']) && $this->user->issupereditor() && !empty($_POST['pagesid'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'edit': $this->multiedit(); break; case 'render': $this->multirender(); break; case 'delete': $this->multidelete(); break; } } else { $action = $_POST['action'] ?? 'edit'; Model::sendflashmessage('Please select some pages to ' . $action, 'warning'); } $this->routedirect('home'); } public function multiedit() { $pagelist = $_POST['pagesid'] ?? []; $datas = $_POST['datas'] ?? []; $datas = array_filter($datas, function ($var) { return $var !== ""; }); $datas = array_map(function ($value) { if ($value === "!") { return ""; } else { return $value; } }, $datas); $reset = $_POST['reset'] ?? []; $addtag = $_POST['addtag'] ?? ''; $addauthor = $_POST['addauthor'] ?? ''; $count = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($pagelist as $id) { $total++; if ($this->pagemanager->pageedit($id, $datas, $reset, $addtag, $addauthor)) { $count++; } } $this->sendstatflashmessage($count, $total, 'pages have been edited'); } public function multirender() { $pagelist = $_POST['pagesid'] ?? []; $total = count($pagelist); $pagelist = $this->pagemanager->pagelistbyid($pagelist); $count = 0; foreach ($pagelist as $page) { $page = $this->renderpage($page); if ($this->pagemanager->update($page)) { $count++; } } $this->sendstatflashmessage($count, $total, 'pages have been rendered'); } public function multidelete() { if (isset($_POST['confirmdelete']) && $_POST['confirmdelete']) { $pagelist = $_POST['pagesid'] ?? []; $total = count($pagelist); $count = 0; foreach ($pagelist as $id) { if ($this->pagemanager->delete($id)) { $count++; } } $this->sendstatflashmessage($count, $total, 'pages have been deleted'); } else { Model::sendflashmessage('Confirm delete has not been cheked', 'warning'); } } } 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176