path: root/MANUAL.md
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1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MANUAL.md b/MANUAL.md
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+Welcome to __W__, this manual is here to help you get the best of this tool.
+If it's you're first time using it, you should learn how to [create your first page](#create-your-first-page).
+If you already know the basics, you may want to check the references :
+- Discover how to [navigate](#navigation).
+- Get to know the [structure of a page](#page-structure) to edit meta content.
+- Learn more about the [URL based commands](#url-based-command-interface) you can type in the adress bar.
+- Master the [render engine](#page-editing) to release the full potential of __W__.
+### Create your first page
+This 3 steps tutorial will introduce you to the basic __W__ moves.
+#### Add a new page
+The first thing you have to do before creating a page is to **choose an adress** for this page. Each page have a unique adress that identify it, it's the [**page id**](#page-id). You can use the adress bar of your web browser to directly access, [edit](#edit) or [delete](#delete) a page.
+You can type anything in your adress bar, if it's an already exisiting page_id, you will access a page, otherwise, you will arrive to an empty space waiting to be filled.
+Once you've typed an adress and found nothing, if you are connected, you now have the opportunity to create a page at this adress.
+There is two ways to do this :
+1. Graphicaly, by clicking the "create" button
+2. Using the adress bar, by typing `/add` just after the adress
+There it is ! Congratulation, you've created your first page using W.
+#### Edit your page content
+Now you should be in front of the [edit interface](#editor) of your page. If you check the adress bar, you will now see `/edit` written after your page adress.
+You can type a few words in the main text area. Once you're happy with what you wrote, it's time to save your work : click on the <kbd>update</kbd> button in the top left corner. You can use the shortcut <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> too if you prefer. After you've done this, you sould have notice that the asterix `*` next to your page_id have left, it's the sign that saving was sucesfull.
+Let's come back to the page reading view to see the result of our editing. There are different approaches for doing so :
+1. By removing the `/edit` command after your page adress
+2. Pressing the "display" button (next to "update"), or using <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>D</kbd> shortcut.
+The first method will use the same tab while the second will create a new one, wich is usefull if you want to keep your [edit interface](#editor) open to come back quickly.
+You should now see something that look like what you've typed.
+#### Create a hyperlink
+The [markdown synthax](), this is a formating standard well known accross the web. It's main goal is to be a intermediate between an easy to read prose text, and the internet standard tag language, the HTML. One of the main interest of Markdown, is it's ability to be mixed with HTML. That way, people can type more easily basic text, and switch to HTML at any time, to achieve a more complex layout. You can use the official Markdonw synthax with __W__ alongside with HTML to build your pages.
+[Official website describing Markdown synthax](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax)
+One of the most interesting things to do when you use internet publishing, is to create HYPERLINKS. __W__ encourage you creating those links between pages using a very light synthax. There are multiple ways to do it.
+1. Using classic HTML : `<a href="<page_id>">click here</a>`
+2. Using Markdown : `[click here](<page_id>)`
+3. Using W quick synthax : `[<page_id>]`
+All those methods will create a link pointing to the `<page_id>` you've given.
+Those kind of links are called internal links beccause they stay inside of your domain. To set a link outside of your website, simply remplace `<page_id>` by
+### Navigation
+Discover the differents interfaces of __W__.
+#### Home
+The Home interface is the main view of your project. You can access it only when you're connected. All the pages of your database are listed here.
+The [readers](#reader) and [invite editors](#invite-editor) can't access this interface.
+##### Home menu
+In the home menu [super editors and above](#super-editor) can :
+- File : import pages as JSON file. (usefull for transfering pages from a W instance to another)
+- Edit :
+The Home view is divided in two main parts :
+##### Options
+ where you can apply filters and sorting
+##### Pages
+the list of pages after filtering
+#### Edition
+The edition interface is accessible when typing `/edit` after an existing [page_id](#page-id) in the adress bar. Or from the [home](#home), by clicking on the pencil button.
+[Invite editors](#invite-editor) and [editors](#editor) users can only access edition of pages where they are listed as [author](#authors).
+The Edition view is composed of a main content edition area, surounded by two lateral panels that you can deploy or hide.
+##### left panel
+This is the
+- Meta infos : edit [title](#title), [description](#description) and more infos about your page.
+- Templating
+- Advanced
+- Help : a quick synthax reference for markdown and W synthax
+##### contents area
+Each tab allow you to edit a different type of content :
+[main](#main), [nav](#nav), [aside](#aside)
+Note that the MAIN tab is the default opened tab, this is meant to be the most spontaneous place to store information when you are using __W__ in *note taking style*.
+##### right panel
+#### Media manager
+When you need to use images, sound or videos in your pages, or any other type of files, you can use the media manager to host them before including them in your pages.
+[Invite editors](#invite-editor) don't have access to this place.
+##### Media menu
+The media menu allow you to do more powerfull function like moving medias or delete folders.
+#### Admin
+#### User manager
+Page Editing
+### Synthax
+#### Markdown
+- [Daring Fireballs](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) Official reference of Markdown Synthax
+- [Michel Fortin's Markdown extra](https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/) The library used in W.
+#### W specific synthax
+##### Auto url
+When you use an adress starting with `http://` or `https://`, W will automaitcaly create a link pointing to a new tab.
+ <a href="<url>" target="_blank" class="external"><url></a>
+Note that the `.external` class have been added.
+##### Quick links
+ [<page_id>]
+Will generate :
+ <a href="<page_id>" title="PAGE_DESCRIPTION" class="internal">PAGE_TITLE</a>
+Where [PAGE_DESCRIPTION](#description) and [PAGE_TITLE](page-title) are the [page_id](#page-id)'s meta infos.
+Note that the `.internal` class have been added to the `a` html link, allowing you to differenciate internal link styling from `.external`.
+### Inclusions
+#### Basic inclusions
+##### Title inclusion
+This will include the page [title](#page-title).
+##### Description inclusion
+This will include the page [description](#description).
+##### Date inclusion
+ %DATE%
+#### Page list
+Sometimes, when you want to add links to a lot of pages, it can be way to long. This tool is here to help you generate list of links automatically.
+It use the same logic as the page filter.
+When you are in the [home view](#home), ajust the filters using the [options panel](#options) to achieve the page selection you desire. Then select "filters" in the [menu](#home-menu), choose options you prefer and hit "generate". You can now copy and paste the code obtainded that way in one of the [elements](#markdown-elements) of a page.
+Display options are :
+- title : display the [title](#page-title) of the page
+- description : display the [description](#description) of the page.
+- thumbnail : display the [thumnail](#thumbnail) of the page.
+- date : display the [date](#date) of the page.
+- time : display the [time](#time) of the page.
+Generate :
+ <ul class="pagelist">
+ <li><a href="ID">TITLE</a> DESCRIPTION DATE TIME ... </li>
+ ....
+ </ul>
+#### Media list
+### Templating
+### Content insertion
+#### Advanced BODY synthax
+### Page structure
+Technicaly, each page is stored as a JSON object in yout fatabase folder.
+A page consist of meta informations and contents.
+#### Meta infos
+##### Page ID
+The unique identifier of a page.
+##### Page title
+The page title is also very important. It's like the official name of a page.
+##### Description
+##### Tag
+Tags are very powerfull to help you organize your pages. As in __W__, there is no hierarchy between pages, this is the only tool to create groups of pages.
+Tags can be set in the [left panel of the editor interface](#left-panel) using comma to separate tags.
+##### Date & time
+##### Thumbnail
+The thumbnail have two use cases :
+- When you share a link to a page on a social network
+- When you generate a [list of page](#page-list) and activated the `thumbail` option.
+##### Authors
+List of [users](#user-levels) that have edited the page, or that can do it. You have to be at least [super-editor](#super-editor) to add or remove authors.
+#### Content
+##### markdown elements
+Main, Nav, Aside, Header, Footer
+##### CSS
+##### BODY
+##### Javascript
+### User levels
+#### Visitor
+> level : 0
+#### Reader
+> level : 1
+#### Invite Editor
+> level : 2
+Invite Editors are the lowest editor status possible. They can only access the [Edition interface](#edition). They can't create page but only edit page when listed as [author](#authors).
+#### Editor
+> level : 3
+- Can create pages and edit them.
+- Can only edit pages when listed as [author](#authors)
+#### Super Editor
+> level : 4
+- Can edit any pages they like (they will be added as [author](#authors) of the page).
+- Can use the home menu and media menu to access powerfull features.
+#### Administrator
+> level : 10
+- Can access the [admin interface](#admin).
+- Can create new users.
+### URL based command interface
+#### Pages commands
+Type thoses commands after a __page_id__
+##### /add
+Command used to add a page in the database.
+##### /edit
+Command used to edit a page. If you're not logged in, it will ask for your credentials.
+##### /delete
+Command used to delete a page from the database. This will ask you for a confirmation.
+##### /render
+Force the rendering of a page.
+##### /log
+Show a `var_dump` of the page object. This could be usefull for debbuging.