#include "connection.h" #include "room.h" #include "user.h" #include "uriresolver.h" #include "csapi/joining.h" #include "csapi/leaving.h" #include "csapi/room_send.h" #include "events/reactionevent.h" #include "events/redactionevent.h" #include "events/simplestateevents.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Quotient; using std::clog, std::endl; class TestSuite; class TestManager : public QCoreApplication { public: TestManager(int& argc, char** argv); private: void setupAndRun(); void onNewRoom(Room* r); void doTests(); void conclude(); void finalize(); private: Connection* c = nullptr; QString origin; QString targetRoomName; TestSuite* testSuite = nullptr; QByteArrayList running {}, succeeded {}, failed {}; }; using TestToken = QByteArray; // return value of QMetaMethod::name Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TestToken) // For now, the token itself is the test name but that may change. const char* testName(const TestToken& token) { return token.constData(); } /// Test function declaration /*! * \return true, if the test finished (successfully or unsuccessfully); * false, if the test went async and will complete later */ #define TEST_DECL(Name) bool Name(const TestToken& thisTest); /// The holder for the actual tests /*! * This class takes inspiration from Qt Test in terms of tests invocation; * TestManager instantiates it and runs all public slots (cf. private slots in * Qt Test) one after another. An important diversion from Qt Test is that * the tests are assumed to by asynchronous rather than synchronous; so it's * perfectly normal to have a few tests running at the same time. To avoid * context clashes a special parameter with the name thisTest is passed to * each test. Each test must conclude (synchronously or asynchronously) with * an invocation of FINISH_TEST() macro (or FAIL_TEST() macro that expands to * FINISH_TEST) that expects thisTest variable to be reachable. If FINISH_TEST() * is invoked twice with the same thisTest, the second call will cause assertion * failure; if FINISH_TEST() is not invoked at all, the test will be killed * by a watchdog after a timeout and marked in the final report as not finished. */ class TestSuite : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TestSuite(Room* testRoom, QString source, TestManager* parent) : QObject(parent), targetRoom(testRoom), origin(std::move(source)) { qRegisterMetaType(); Q_ASSERT(testRoom && parent); } signals: void finishedItem(QByteArray /*name*/, bool /*condition*/); public slots: void doTest(const QByteArray& testName); private slots: TEST_DECL(loadMembers) TEST_DECL(sendMessage) TEST_DECL(sendReaction) TEST_DECL(sendFile) TEST_DECL(setTopic) TEST_DECL(changeName) TEST_DECL(sendAndRedact) TEST_DECL(addAndRemoveTag) TEST_DECL(markDirectChat) TEST_DECL(visitResources) // Add more tests above here public: [[nodiscard]] Room* room() const { return targetRoom; } [[nodiscard]] Connection* connection() const { return targetRoom->connection(); } private: [[nodiscard]] bool checkFileSendingOutcome(const TestToken& thisTest, const QString& txnId, const QString& fileName); [[nodiscard]] bool checkRedactionOutcome(const QByteArray& thisTest, const QString& evtIdToRedact); [[nodiscard]] bool validatePendingEvent(const QString& txnId); [[nodiscard]] bool checkDirectChat() const; void finishTest(const TestToken& token, bool condition, const char* file, int line); private: Room* targetRoom; QString origin; }; #define TEST_IMPL(Name) bool TestSuite::Name(const TestToken& thisTest) // Returning true (rather than a void) allows to reuse the convention with // connectUntil() to break the QMetaObject::Connection upon finishing the test // item. #define FINISH_TEST(Condition) \ return (finishTest(thisTest, Condition, __FILE__, __LINE__), true) #define FAIL_TEST() FINISH_TEST(false) void TestSuite::doTest(const QByteArray& testName) { clog << "Starting: " << testName.constData() << endl; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, testName, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(TestToken, testName)); } bool TestSuite::validatePendingEvent(const QString& txnId) { auto it = targetRoom->findPendingEvent(txnId); return it != targetRoom->pendingEvents().end() && it->deliveryStatus() == EventStatus::Submitted && (*it)->transactionId() == txnId; } void TestSuite::finishTest(const TestToken& token, bool condition, const char* file, int line) { const auto& item = testName(token); if (condition) { clog << item << " successful" << endl; if (targetRoom) targetRoom->postMessage(origin % ": " % item % " successful", MessageEventType::Notice); } else { clog << item << " FAILED at " << file << ":" << line << endl; if (targetRoom) targetRoom->postPlainText(origin % ": " % item % " FAILED at " % file % ", line " % QString::number(line)); } emit finishedItem(item, condition); } TestManager::TestManager(int& argc, char** argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), c(new Connection(this)) { Q_ASSERT(argc >= 5); clog << "Connecting to Matrix as " << argv[1] << endl; c->loginWithPassword(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); targetRoomName = argv[4]; clog << "Test room name: " << argv[4] << endl; if (argc > 5) { origin = argv[5]; clog << "Origin for the test message: " << origin.toStdString() << endl; } connect(c, &Connection::connected, this, &TestManager::setupAndRun); connect(c, &Connection::resolveError, this, [](const QString& error) { clog << "Failed to resolve the server: " << error.toStdString() << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(-2); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(c, &Connection::loginError, this, [this](const QString& message, const QString& details) { clog << "Failed to login to " << c->homeserver().toDisplayString().toStdString() << ": " << message.toStdString() << endl << "Details:" << endl << details.toStdString() << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(-2); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(c, &Connection::loadedRoomState, this, &TestManager::onNewRoom); // Big countdown watchdog QTimer::singleShot(180000, this, [this] { if (testSuite) conclude(); else finalize(); }); } void TestManager::setupAndRun() { Q_ASSERT(!c->homeserver().isEmpty() && c->homeserver().isValid()); Q_ASSERT(c->domain() == c->userId().section(':', 1)); clog << "Connected, server: " << c->homeserver().toDisplayString().toStdString() << endl; clog << "Access token: " << c->accessToken().toStdString() << endl; c->setLazyLoading(true); clog << "Joining " << targetRoomName.toStdString() << endl; auto joinJob = c->joinRoom(targetRoomName); // Ensure that the room has been joined and filled with some events // so that other tests could use that connect(joinJob, &BaseJob::success, this, [this, joinJob] { testSuite = new TestSuite(c->room(joinJob->roomId()), origin, this); // Only start the sync after joining, to make sure the room just // joined is in it c->syncLoop(); connect(c, &Connection::syncDone, this, [this] { static int i = 0; clog << "Sync " << ++i << " complete" << endl; if (auto* r = testSuite->room()) { clog << "Test room timeline size = " << r->timelineSize(); if (r->pendingEvents().empty()) clog << ", pending size = " << r->pendingEvents().size(); clog << endl; } if (!running.empty()) { clog << running.size() << " test(s) in the air:"; for (const auto& test: qAsConst(running)) clog << " " << testName(test); clog << endl; } if (i == 1) { testSuite->room()->getPreviousContent(); connectSingleShot(testSuite->room(), &Room::addedMessages, this, &TestManager::doTests); } }); }); connect(joinJob, &BaseJob::failure, this, [this] { clog << "Failed to join the test room" << endl; finalize(); }); } void TestManager::onNewRoom(Room* r) { clog << "New room: " << r->id().toStdString() << endl << " Name: " << r->name().toStdString() << endl << " Canonical alias: " << r->canonicalAlias().toStdString() << endl << endl; connect(r, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, r, [r](RoomEventsRange timeline) { clog << timeline.size() << " new event(s) in room " << r->objectName().toStdString() << endl; }); } void TestManager::doTests() { const auto* metaObj = testSuite->metaObject(); for (auto i = metaObj->methodOffset(); i < metaObj->methodCount(); ++i) { const auto metaMethod = metaObj->method(i); if (metaMethod.access() != QMetaMethod::Private || metaMethod.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Slot) continue; const auto testName = metaMethod.name(); running.push_back(testName); // Some tests return the result immediately but we queue everything // and process all tests asynchronously. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(testSuite, "doTest", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QByteArray, testName)); } clog << "Tests to do:"; for (const auto& test: qAsConst(running)) clog << " " << testName(test); clog << endl; connect(testSuite, &TestSuite::finishedItem, this, [this](const QByteArray& itemName, bool condition) { if (auto i = running.indexOf(itemName); i != -1) (condition ? succeeded : failed).push_back(running.takeAt(i)); else Q_ASSERT_X(false, itemName, "Test item is not in running state"); if (running.empty()) { clog << "All tests finished" << endl; conclude(); } }); } TEST_IMPL(loadMembers) { // Trying to load members from another (larger) room const auto& testRoomAlias = QStringLiteral("#test:matrix.org"); auto* r = connection()->roomByAlias(testRoomAlias, JoinState::Join); if (!r) { clog << testRoomAlias.toStdString() << " is not found in the test user's rooms" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } // It's not exactly correct because an arbitrary server might not support // lazy loading; but in the absence of capabilities framework we assume // it does. if (r->users().size() >= r->joinedCount()) { clog << "Lazy loading doesn't seem to be enabled" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } r->setDisplayed(); connect(r, &Room::allMembersLoaded, this, [this, thisTest, r] { FINISH_TEST(r->users().size() >= r->joinedCount()); }); return false; } TEST_IMPL(sendMessage) { auto txnId = targetRoom->postPlainText("Hello, " % origin % " is here"); if (!validatePendingEvent(txnId)) { clog << "Invalid pending event right after submitting" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToMerge, this, [this, thisTest, txnId](const RoomEvent* evt, int pendingIdx) { const auto& pendingEvents = targetRoom->pendingEvents(); Q_ASSERT(pendingIdx >= 0 && pendingIdx < int(pendingEvents.size())); if (evt->transactionId() != txnId) return false; FINISH_TEST(is(*evt) && !evt->id().isEmpty() && pendingEvents[size_t(pendingIdx)]->transactionId() == evt->transactionId()); }); return false; } TEST_IMPL(sendReaction) { clog << "Reacting to the newest message in the room" << endl; Q_ASSERT(targetRoom->timelineSize() > 0); const auto targetEvtId = targetRoom->messageEvents().back()->id(); const auto key = QStringLiteral("+1"); const auto txnId = targetRoom->postReaction(targetEvtId, key); if (!validatePendingEvent(txnId)) { clog << "Invalid pending event right after submitting" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::updatedEvent, this, [this, thisTest, txnId, key, targetEvtId](const QString& actualTargetEvtId) { if (actualTargetEvtId != targetEvtId) return false; const auto reactions = targetRoom->relatedEvents( targetEvtId, EventRelation::Annotation()); // It's a test room, assuming no interference there should // be exactly one reaction if (reactions.size() != 1) FAIL_TEST(); const auto* evt = eventCast(reactions.back()); FINISH_TEST(is(*evt) && !evt->id().isEmpty() && evt->relation().key == key && evt->transactionId() == txnId); // TODO: Test removing the reaction }); return false; } TEST_IMPL(sendFile) { auto* tf = new QTemporaryFile; if (!tf->open()) { clog << "Failed to create a temporary file" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } tf->write("Test"); tf->close(); // QFileInfo::fileName brings only the file name; QFile::fileName brings // the full path const auto tfName = QFileInfo(*tf).fileName(); clog << "Sending file " << tfName.toStdString() << endl; const auto txnId = targetRoom->postFile("Test file", QUrl::fromLocalFile(tf->fileName())); if (!validatePendingEvent(txnId)) { clog << "Invalid pending event right after submitting" << endl; delete tf; FAIL_TEST(); } // Using tf as a context object to clean away both connections // once either of them triggers. connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::fileTransferCompleted, tf, [this, thisTest, txnId, tf, tfName](const QString& id) { auto fti = targetRoom->fileTransferInfo(id); Q_ASSERT(fti.status == FileTransferInfo::Completed); if (id != txnId) return false; tf->deleteLater(); return checkFileSendingOutcome(thisTest, txnId, tfName); }); connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::fileTransferFailed, tf, [this, thisTest, txnId, tf](const QString& id, const QString& error) { if (id != txnId) return false; targetRoom->postPlainText(origin % ": File upload failed: " % error); tf->deleteLater(); FAIL_TEST(); }); return false; } bool TestSuite::checkFileSendingOutcome(const TestToken& thisTest, const QString& txnId, const QString& fileName) { auto it = targetRoom->findPendingEvent(txnId); if (it == targetRoom->pendingEvents().end()) { clog << "Pending file event dropped before upload completion" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } if (it->deliveryStatus() != EventStatus::FileUploaded) { clog << "Pending file event status upon upload completion is " << it->deliveryStatus() << " != FileUploaded(" << EventStatus::FileUploaded << ')' << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToMerge, this, [this, thisTest, txnId, fileName](const RoomEvent* evt, int pendingIdx) { const auto& pendingEvents = targetRoom->pendingEvents(); Q_ASSERT(pendingIdx >= 0 && pendingIdx < int(pendingEvents.size())); if (evt->transactionId() != txnId) return false; clog << "File event " << txnId.toStdString() << " arrived in the timeline" << endl; // This part tests visit() return visit( *evt, [&](const RoomMessageEvent& e) { // TODO: actually try to download it to check, e.g., #366 // (and #368 would help to test against bad file names). FINISH_TEST( !e.id().isEmpty() && pendingEvents[size_t(pendingIdx)]->transactionId() == txnId && e.hasFileContent() && e.content()->fileInfo()->originalName == fileName); }, [this, thisTest](const RoomEvent&) { FAIL_TEST(); }); }); return true; } TEST_IMPL(setTopic) { const auto newTopic = connection()->generateTxnId(); // Just a way to make // a unique id targetRoom->setTopic(newTopic); connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::topicChanged, this, [this, thisTest, newTopic] { if (targetRoom->topic() == newTopic) FINISH_TEST(true); clog << "Requested topic was " << newTopic.toStdString() << ", " << targetRoom->topic().toStdString() << " arrived instead" << endl; return false; }); return false; } TEST_IMPL(changeName) { auto* const localUser = connection()->user(); const auto& newName = connection()->generateTxnId(); // See setTopic() clog << "Renaming the user to " << newName.toStdString() << endl; localUser->rename(newName); connectUntil(localUser, &User::nameChanged, this, [this, thisTest, newName](const QString& emittedName, QString, const Room* r) { if (r != nullptr) return false; FINISH_TEST(emittedName == newName); }); return false; } TEST_IMPL(sendAndRedact) { clog << "Sending a message to redact" << endl; auto txnId = targetRoom->postPlainText(origin % ": message to redact"); if (txnId.isEmpty()) FAIL_TEST(); connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::messageSent, this, [this, thisTest, txnId](const QString& tId, const QString& evtId) { if (tId != txnId) return false; // The event may end up having been merged, and that's ok; // but if it's not, it has to be in the ReachedServer state. if (auto it = room()->findPendingEvent(tId); it != room()->pendingEvents().cend() && it->deliveryStatus() != EventStatus::ReachedServer) { clog << "Incorrect sent event status (" << it->deliveryStatus() << ')' << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } clog << "Redacting the message" << endl; targetRoom->redactEvent(evtId, origin); connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::addedMessages, this, [this, thisTest, evtId] { return checkRedactionOutcome(thisTest, evtId); }); return false; }); return false; } bool TestSuite::checkRedactionOutcome(const QByteArray& thisTest, const QString& evtIdToRedact) { // There are two possible (correct) outcomes: either the event comes already // redacted at the next sync, or the nearest sync completes with // the unredacted event but the next one brings redaction. auto it = targetRoom->findInTimeline(evtIdToRedact); if (it == targetRoom->timelineEdge()) return false; // Waiting for the next sync if ((*it)->isRedacted()) { clog << "The sync brought already redacted message" << endl; FINISH_TEST(true); } clog << "Message came non-redacted with the sync, waiting for redaction" << endl; connectUntil(targetRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, this, [this, thisTest, evtIdToRedact](const RoomEvent* newEvent, const RoomEvent* oldEvent) { if (oldEvent->id() != evtIdToRedact) return false; FINISH_TEST(newEvent->isRedacted() && newEvent->redactionReason() == origin); }); return true; } TEST_IMPL(addAndRemoveTag) { static const auto TestTag = QStringLiteral("im.quotient.test"); // Pre-requisite if (targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)) targetRoom->removeTag(TestTag); // Unlike for most of Quotient, tags are applied and tagsChanged is emitted // synchronously, with the server being notified async. The test checks // that the signal is emitted, not only that tags have changed; but there's // (currently) no way to check that the server has been correctly notified // of the tag change. QSignalSpy spy(targetRoom, &Room::tagsChanged); targetRoom->addTag(TestTag); if (spy.count() != 1 || !targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)) { clog << "Tag adding failed" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } clog << "Test tag set, removing it now" << endl; targetRoom->removeTag(TestTag); FINISH_TEST(spy.count() == 2 && !targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)); } bool TestSuite::checkDirectChat() const { return targetRoom->directChatUsers().contains(connection()->user()); } TEST_IMPL(markDirectChat) { if (checkDirectChat()) connection()->removeFromDirectChats(targetRoom->id(), connection()->user()); int id = qRegisterMetaType(); // For QSignalSpy Q_ASSERT(id != -1); // Same as with tags (and unusual for the rest of Quotient), direct chat // operations are synchronous. QSignalSpy spy(connection(), &Connection::directChatsListChanged); clog << "Marking the room as a direct chat" << endl; connection()->addToDirectChats(targetRoom, connection()->user()); if (spy.count() != 1 || !checkDirectChat()) FAIL_TEST(); // Check that the first argument (added DCs) actually contains the room const auto& addedDCs = spy.back().front().value(); if (addedDCs.size() != 1 || !addedDCs.contains(connection()->user(), targetRoom->id())) { clog << "The room is not in added direct chats" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } clog << "Unmarking the direct chat" << endl; connection()->removeFromDirectChats(targetRoom->id(), connection()->user()); if (spy.count() != 2 && checkDirectChat()) FAIL_TEST(); // Check that the second argument (removed DCs) actually contains the room const auto& removedDCs = spy.back().back().value(); FINISH_TEST(removedDCs.size() == 1 && removedDCs.contains(connection()->user(), targetRoom->id())); } TEST_IMPL(visitResources) { // Same as the two tests above, ResourceResolver emits signals // synchronously so we use signal spies to intercept them instead of // connecting lambdas before calling openResource(). NB: this test // assumes that ResourceResolver::openResource is implemented in terms // of ResourceResolver::visitResource, so the latter doesn't need a // separate test. static UriDispatcher ud; // This lambda returns true in case of error, false if it's fine so far auto testResourceResolver = [this, thisTest](const QStringList& uris, auto signal, auto* target, QVariantList otherArgs = {}) { int r = qRegisterMetaType(); Q_ASSERT(r != 0); QSignalSpy spy(&ud, signal); for (const auto& uriString: uris) { Uri uri { uriString }; clog << "Checking " << uriString.toStdString() << " -> " << uri.toDisplayString().toStdString() << endl; if (auto matrixToUrl = uri.toUrl(Uri::MatrixToUri).toDisplayString(); !matrixToUrl.startsWith("https://matrix.to/#/")) { clog << "Incorrect matrix.to representation:" << matrixToUrl.toStdString() << endl; } ud.visitResource(connection(), uriString); if (spy.count() != 1) { clog << "Wrong number of signal emissions (" << spy.count() << ')' << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } const auto& emission = spy.front(); Q_ASSERT(emission.count() >= 2); if (emission.front().value() != target) { clog << "Signal emitted with an incorrect target" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } if (!otherArgs.empty()) { if (emission.size() < otherArgs.size() + 1) { clog << "Emission doesn't include all arguments" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } for (auto i = 0; i < otherArgs.size(); ++i) if (otherArgs[i] != emission[i + 1]) { clog << "Mismatch in argument #" << i + 1 << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } } spy.clear(); } return false; }; // Basic tests for (const auto& u: { Uri {}, Uri { QUrl {} } }) if (u.isValid() || !u.isEmpty()) { clog << "Empty Matrix URI test failed" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } if (Uri { QStringLiteral("#") }.isValid()) { clog << "Bare sigil URI test failed" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } QUrl invalidUrl { "https://" }; invalidUrl.setAuthority("---:@@@"); const Uri matrixUriFromInvalidUrl { invalidUrl }, invalidMatrixUri { QStringLiteral("matrix:&invalid@") }; if (matrixUriFromInvalidUrl.isEmpty() || matrixUriFromInvalidUrl.isValid()) { clog << "Invalid Matrix URI test failed" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } if (invalidMatrixUri.isEmpty() || invalidMatrixUri.isValid()) { clog << "Invalid sigil in a Matrix URI - test failed" << endl; FAIL_TEST(); } // Matrix identifiers used throughout all URI tests const auto& roomId = room()->id(); const auto& roomAlias = room()->canonicalAlias(); const auto& userId = connection()->userId(); const auto& eventId = room()->messageEvents().back()->id(); Q_ASSERT(!roomId.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(!roomAlias.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(!userId.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(!eventId.isEmpty()); const QStringList roomUris { roomId, "matrix:roomid/" + roomId.mid(1), "https://matrix.to/#/%21"/*`!`*/ + roomId.mid(1), roomAlias, "matrix:room/" + roomAlias.mid(1), "https://matrix.to/#/" + roomAlias, }; const QStringList userUris { userId, "matrix:user/" + userId.mid(1), "https://matrix.to/#/" + userId }; const QStringList eventUris { "matrix:room/" + roomAlias.mid(1) + "/event/" + eventId.mid(1), "https://matrix.to/#/" + roomId + '/' + eventId }; // Check that reserved characters are correctly processed. static const auto& joinRoomAlias = QStringLiteral("##/?.@\"unjoined:example.org"); static const auto& encodedRoomAliasNoSigil = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(joinRoomAlias.mid(1), ":"); static const QString joinQuery { "?action=join" }; // These URIs are not supposed to be actually joined (and even exist, // as yet) - only to be syntactically correct static const QStringList joinByAliasUris { Uri(joinRoomAlias.toUtf8(), {}, joinQuery.mid(1)).toDisplayString(), "matrix:room/" + encodedRoomAliasNoSigil + joinQuery, "https://matrix.to/#/%23"/*`#`*/ + encodedRoomAliasNoSigil + joinQuery, "https://matrix.to/#/%23" + joinRoomAlias.mid(1) /* unencoded */ + joinQuery }; static const auto& joinRoomId = QStringLiteral("!anyid:example.org"); static const QStringList viaServers { "matrix.org", "example.org" }; static const auto viaQuery = std::accumulate(viaServers.cbegin(), viaServers.cend(), joinQuery, [](const QString& q, const QString& s) { return q + "&via=" + s; }); static const QStringList joinByIdUris { "matrix:roomid/" + joinRoomId.mid(1) + viaQuery, "https://matrix.to/#/" + joinRoomId + viaQuery }; // If any test breaks, the breaking call will return true, and further // execution will be cut by ||'s short-circuiting if (testResourceResolver(roomUris, &UriDispatcher::roomAction, room()) || testResourceResolver(userUris, &UriDispatcher::userAction, connection()->user()) || testResourceResolver(eventUris, &UriDispatcher::roomAction, room(), { eventId }) || testResourceResolver(joinByAliasUris, &UriDispatcher::joinAction, connection(), { joinRoomAlias }) || testResourceResolver(joinByIdUris, &UriDispatcher::joinAction, connection(), { joinRoomId, viaServers })) return true; // TODO: negative cases FINISH_TEST(true); } void TestManager::conclude() { // Clean up the room (best effort) auto* room = testSuite->room(); room->setTopic({}); room->localUser()->rename({}); QString succeededRec { QString::number(succeeded.size()) % " of " % QString::number(succeeded.size() + failed.size() + running.size()) % " tests succeeded" }; QString plainReport = origin % ": Testing complete, " % succeededRec; QString color = failed.empty() && running.empty() ? "00AA00" : "AA0000"; QString htmlReport = origin % ": Testing complete, " % succeededRec; if (!failed.empty()) { QByteArray failedList; for (const auto& f : qAsConst(failed)) failedList += ' ' + f; plainReport += "\nFAILED:" + failedList; htmlReport += "
Failed:" + failedList; } if (!running.empty()) { QByteArray dnfList; for (const auto& r : qAsConst(running)) dnfList += ' ' + r; plainReport += "\nDID NOT FINISH:" + dnfList; htmlReport += "
Did not finish:" + dnfList; } auto txnId = room->postHtmlText(plainReport, htmlReport); // Now just wait until all the pending events reach the server connectUntil(room, &Room::messageSent, this, [this, txnId, room, plainReport] (const QString& sentTxnId) { if (sentTxnId != txnId) return false; const auto& pendingEvents = room->pendingEvents(); if (auto c = std::count_if(pendingEvents.cbegin(), pendingEvents.cend(), [](const PendingEventItem& pe) { return pe.deliveryStatus() < EventStatus::ReachedServer; }); c > 0) { clog << "Events to reach the server: " << c << ", not leaving yet" << endl; return false; } clog << "Leaving the room" << endl; // TODO: Waiting for proper futures to come so that it could be: // room->leaveRoom() // .then(this, &TestManager::finalize); // Qt-style or // .then([this] { finalize(); }); // STL-style auto* job = room->leaveRoom(); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, [this, job,plainReport] { Q_ASSERT(job->status().good()); finalize(); // Still flying, as the exit() connection in finalize() is queued clog << plainReport.toStdString() << endl; }); return true; }); } void TestManager::finalize() { clog << "Logging out" << endl; c->logout(); connect(c, &Connection::loggedOut, this, [this] { QCoreApplication::exit(failed.size() + running.size()); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // TODO: use QCommandLineParser if (argc < 5) { clog << "Usage: quotest [origin]" << endl; return -1; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-static-accessed-through-instance) return TestManager(argc, argv).exec(); } #include "quotest.moc"