/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Felix Rohrbach * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "user.h" #include "connection.h" #include "room.h" #include "avatar.h" #include "events/event.h" #include "events/roommemberevent.h" #include "jobs/setroomstatejob.h" #include "jobs/generated/profile.h" #include "jobs/generated/content-repo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QMatrixClient; using namespace std::placeholders; using std::move; class User::Private { public: static Avatar makeAvatar(QUrl url) { static const QIcon icon { QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("user-available")) }; return Avatar(move(url), icon); } Private(QString userId, Connection* connection) : userId(move(userId)), connection(connection) { } QString userId; Connection* connection; QString bridged; QString mostUsedName; QMultiHash otherNames; Avatar mostUsedAvatar { makeAvatar({}) }; std::vector otherAvatars; auto otherAvatar(QUrl url) { return std::find_if(otherAvatars.begin(), otherAvatars.end(), [&url] (const auto& av) { return av.url() == url; }); } QMultiHash avatarsToRooms; mutable int totalRooms = 0; QString nameForRoom(const Room* r, const QString& hint = {}) const; void setNameForRoom(const Room* r, QString newName, QString oldName); QUrl avatarUrlForRoom(const Room* r, const QUrl& hint = {}) const; void setAvatarForRoom(const Room* r, const QUrl& newUrl, const QUrl& oldUrl); void setAvatarOnServer(QString contentUri, User* q); }; QString User::Private::nameForRoom(const Room* r, const QString& hint) const { // If the hint is accurate, this function is O(1) instead of O(n) if (hint == mostUsedName || otherNames.contains(hint, r)) return hint; return otherNames.key(r, mostUsedName); } static constexpr int MIN_JOINED_ROOMS_TO_LOG = 20; void User::Private::setNameForRoom(const Room* r, QString newName, QString oldName) { Q_ASSERT(oldName != newName); Q_ASSERT(oldName == mostUsedName || otherNames.contains(oldName, r)); if (totalRooms < 2) { Q_ASSERT_X(totalRooms > 0 && otherNames.empty(), __FUNCTION__, "Internal structures inconsistency"); mostUsedName = move(newName); return; } otherNames.remove(oldName, r); if (newName != mostUsedName) { // Check if the newName is about to become most used. if (otherNames.count(newName) >= totalRooms - otherNames.size()) { Q_ASSERT(totalRooms > 1); QElapsedTimer et; if (totalRooms > MIN_JOINED_ROOMS_TO_LOG) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Switching the most used name of user" << userId << "from" << mostUsedName << "to" << newName; qCDebug(MAIN) << "The user is in" << totalRooms << "rooms"; et.start(); } for (auto* r1: connection->roomMap()) if (nameForRoom(r1) == mostUsedName) otherNames.insert(mostUsedName, r1); mostUsedName = newName; otherNames.remove(newName); if (totalRooms > MIN_JOINED_ROOMS_TO_LOG) qCDebug(PROFILER) << et << "to switch the most used name"; } else otherNames.insert(newName, r); } } QUrl User::Private::avatarUrlForRoom(const Room* r, const QUrl& hint) const { // If the hint is accurate, this function is O(1) instead of O(n) if (hint == mostUsedAvatar.url() || avatarsToRooms.contains(hint, r)) return hint; auto it = std::find(avatarsToRooms.begin(), avatarsToRooms.end(), r); return it == avatarsToRooms.end() ? mostUsedAvatar.url() : it.key(); } void User::Private::setAvatarForRoom(const Room* r, const QUrl& newUrl, const QUrl& oldUrl) { Q_ASSERT(oldUrl != newUrl); Q_ASSERT(oldUrl == mostUsedAvatar.url() || avatarsToRooms.contains(oldUrl, r)); if (totalRooms < 2) { Q_ASSERT_X(totalRooms > 0 && otherAvatars.empty(), __FUNCTION__, "Internal structures inconsistency"); mostUsedAvatar.updateUrl(newUrl); return; } avatarsToRooms.remove(oldUrl, r); if (!avatarsToRooms.contains(oldUrl)) { auto it = otherAvatar(oldUrl); if (it != otherAvatars.end()) otherAvatars.erase(it); } if (newUrl != mostUsedAvatar.url()) { // Check if the new avatar is about to become most used. if (avatarsToRooms.count(newUrl) >= totalRooms - avatarsToRooms.size()) { QElapsedTimer et; if (totalRooms > MIN_JOINED_ROOMS_TO_LOG) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Switching the most used avatar of user" << userId << "from" << mostUsedAvatar.url().toDisplayString() << "to" << newUrl.toDisplayString(); et.start(); } avatarsToRooms.remove(newUrl); auto nextMostUsedIt = otherAvatar(newUrl); Q_ASSERT(nextMostUsedIt != otherAvatars.end()); std::swap(mostUsedAvatar, *nextMostUsedIt); for (const auto* r1: connection->roomMap()) if (avatarUrlForRoom(r1) == nextMostUsedIt->url()) avatarsToRooms.insert(nextMostUsedIt->url(), r1); if (totalRooms > MIN_JOINED_ROOMS_TO_LOG) qCDebug(PROFILER) << et << "to switch the most used avatar"; } else { if (otherAvatar(newUrl) == otherAvatars.end()) otherAvatars.emplace_back(makeAvatar(newUrl)); avatarsToRooms.insert(newUrl, r); } } } User::User(QString userId, Connection* connection) : QObject(connection), d(new Private(move(userId), connection)) { setObjectName(userId); } User::~User() = default; QString User::id() const { return d->userId; } bool User::isGuest() const { Q_ASSERT(!d->userId.isEmpty() && d->userId.startsWith('@')); auto it = std::find_if_not(d->userId.begin() + 1, d->userId.end(), [] (QChar c) { return c.isDigit(); }); Q_ASSERT(it != d->userId.end()); return *it == ':'; } QString User::name(const Room* room) const { return d->nameForRoom(room); } QString User::rawName(const Room* room) const { return d->bridged.isEmpty() ? name(room) : name(room) % " (" % d->bridged % ')'; } void User::updateName(const QString& newName, const Room* room) { updateName(newName, d->nameForRoom(room), room); } void User::updateName(const QString& newName, const QString& oldName, const Room* room) { Q_ASSERT(oldName == d->mostUsedName || d->otherNames.contains(oldName, room)); if (newName != oldName) { emit nameAboutToChange(newName, oldName, room); d->setNameForRoom(room, newName, oldName); setObjectName(displayname()); emit nameChanged(newName, oldName, room); } } void User::updateAvatarUrl(const QUrl& newUrl, const QUrl& oldUrl, const Room* room) { Q_ASSERT(oldUrl == d->mostUsedAvatar.url() || d->avatarsToRooms.contains(oldUrl, room)); if (newUrl != oldUrl) { d->setAvatarForRoom(room, newUrl, oldUrl); setObjectName(displayname()); emit avatarChanged(this, room); } } void User::rename(const QString& newName) { auto job = d->connection->callApi(id(), newName); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, this, [=] { updateName(newName); }); } void User::rename(const QString& newName, const Room* r) { if (!r) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Passing a null room to two-argument User::rename()" "is incorrect; client developer, please fix it"; rename(newName); return; } Q_ASSERT_X(r->memberJoinState(this) == JoinState::Join, __FUNCTION__, "Attempt to rename a user that's not a room member"); MemberEventContent evtC; evtC.displayName = newName; auto job = d->connection->callApi( r->id(), id(), RoomMemberEvent(move(evtC))); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, this, [=] { updateName(newName, r); }); } bool User::setAvatar(const QString& fileName) { return avatarObject().upload(d->connection, fileName, std::bind(&Private::setAvatarOnServer, d.data(), _1, this)); } bool User::setAvatar(QIODevice* source) { return avatarObject().upload(d->connection, source, std::bind(&Private::setAvatarOnServer, d.data(), _1, this)); } void User::requestDirectChat() { Q_ASSERT(d->connection); d->connection->requestDirectChat(d->userId); } void User::Private::setAvatarOnServer(QString contentUri, User* q) { auto* j = connection->callApi(userId, contentUri); connect(j, &BaseJob::success, q, [=] { q->updateAvatarUrl(contentUri, avatarUrlForRoom(nullptr)); }); } QString User::displayname(const Room* room) const { auto name = d->nameForRoom(room); return name.isEmpty() ? d->userId : room ? room->roomMembername(this) : name; } QString User::fullName(const Room* room) const { auto name = d->nameForRoom(room); return name.isEmpty() ? d->userId : name % " (" % d->userId % ')'; } QString User::bridged() const { return d->bridged; } const Avatar& User::avatarObject(const Room* room) const { auto it = d->otherAvatar(d->avatarUrlForRoom(room)); return it != d->otherAvatars.end() ? *it : d->mostUsedAvatar; } QImage User::avatar(int dimension, const Room* room) { return avatar(dimension, dimension, room); } QImage User::avatar(int width, int height, const Room* room) { return avatar(width, height, room, []{}); } QImage User::avatar(int width, int height, const Room* room, Avatar::get_callback_t callback) { return avatarObject(room).get(d->connection, width, height, [=] { emit avatarChanged(this, room); callback(); }); } QString User::avatarMediaId(const Room* room) const { return avatarObject(room).mediaId(); } QUrl User::avatarUrl(const Room* room) const { return avatarObject(room).url(); } void User::processEvent(RoomMemberEvent* event, const Room* room) { if (event->membership() != MembershipType::Invite && event->membership() != MembershipType::Join) return; auto aboutToEnter = room->memberJoinState(this) == JoinState::Leave && (event->membership() == MembershipType::Join || event->membership() == MembershipType::Invite); if (aboutToEnter) ++d->totalRooms; auto newName = event->displayName(); // `bridged` value uses the same notification signal as the name; // it is assumed that first setting of the bridge occurs together with // the first setting of the name, and further bridge updates are // exceptionally rare (the only reasonable case being that the bridge // changes the naming convention). For the same reason room-specific // bridge tags are not supported at all. QRegularExpression reSuffix(" \\((IRC|Gitter|Telegram)\\)$"); auto match = reSuffix.match(newName); if (match.hasMatch()) { if (d->bridged != match.captured(1)) { if (!d->bridged.isEmpty()) qCWarning(MAIN) << "Bridge for user" << id() << "changed:" << d->bridged << "->" << match.captured(1); d->bridged = match.captured(1); } newName.truncate(match.capturedStart(0)); } if (event->prevContent()) { // FIXME: the hint doesn't work for bridged users auto oldNameHint = d->nameForRoom(room, event->prevContent()->displayName); updateName(newName, oldNameHint, room); updateAvatarUrl(event->avatarUrl(), d->avatarUrlForRoom(room, event->prevContent()->avatarUrl), room); } else { updateName(newName, room); updateAvatarUrl(event->avatarUrl(), d->avatarUrlForRoom(room), room); } }