/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Felix Rohrbach * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "room.h" #include "csapi/kicking.h" #include "csapi/inviting.h" #include "csapi/banning.h" #include "csapi/leaving.h" #include "csapi/receipts.h" #include "csapi/redaction.h" #include "csapi/account-data.h" #include "csapi/message_pagination.h" #include "csapi/room_state.h" #include "csapi/room_send.h" #include "csapi/tags.h" #include "events/simplestateevents.h" #include "events/roomavatarevent.h" #include "events/roommemberevent.h" #include "events/typingevent.h" #include "events/receiptevent.h" #include "events/callinviteevent.h" #include "events/callcandidatesevent.h" #include "events/callanswerevent.h" #include "events/callhangupevent.h" #include "events/redactionevent.h" #include "jobs/mediathumbnailjob.h" #include "jobs/downloadfilejob.h" #include "jobs/postreadmarkersjob.h" #include "avatar.h" #include "connection.h" #include "user.h" #include "converters.h" #include #include // for efficient string concats (operator%) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QMatrixClient; using namespace std::placeholders; using std::move; #if !(defined __GLIBCXX__ && __GLIBCXX__ <= 20150123) using std::llround; #endif enum EventsPlacement : int { Older = -1, Newer = 1 }; // A workaround for MSVC 2015 that fails with "error C2440: 'return': // cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'QMatrixClient::FileTransferInfo'" #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1910) || (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ <= 4) # define WORKAROUND_EXTENDED_INITIALIZER_LIST #endif class Room::Private { public: /** Map of user names to users. User names potentially duplicate, hence a multi-hashmap. */ using members_map_t = QMultiHash; Private(Connection* c, QString id_, JoinState initialJoinState) : q(nullptr), connection(c), id(move(id_)) , joinState(initialJoinState) { } Room* q; // This updates the room displayname field (which is the way a room // should be shown in the room list) It should be called whenever the // list of members or the room name (m.room.name) or canonical alias change. void updateDisplayname(); Connection* connection; Timeline timeline; PendingEvents unsyncedEvents; QHash eventsIndex; QString id; QStringList aliases; QString canonicalAlias; QString name; QString displayname; QString topic; QString encryptionAlgorithm; Avatar avatar; JoinState joinState; int highlightCount = 0; int notificationCount = 0; members_map_t membersMap; QList usersTyping; QMultiHash eventIdReadUsers; QList membersLeft; int unreadMessages = 0; bool displayed = false; QString firstDisplayedEventId; QString lastDisplayedEventId; QHash lastReadEventIds; QString serverReadMarker; TagsMap tags; std::unordered_map accountData; QString prevBatch; QPointer eventsHistoryJob; struct FileTransferPrivateInfo { #ifdef WORKAROUND_EXTENDED_INITIALIZER_LIST FileTransferPrivateInfo() = default; FileTransferPrivateInfo(BaseJob* j, QString fileName) : job(j), localFileInfo(fileName) { } #endif QPointer job = nullptr; QFileInfo localFileInfo { }; FileTransferInfo::Status status = FileTransferInfo::Started; qint64 progress = 0; qint64 total = -1; void update(qint64 p, qint64 t) { if (t == 0) { t = -1; if (p == 0) p = -1; } if (p != -1) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "Transfer progress:" << p << "/" << t << "=" << llround(double(p) / t * 100) << "%"; progress = p; total = t; } }; void failedTransfer(const QString& tid, const QString& errorMessage = {}) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "File transfer failed for id" << tid; if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) qCWarning(MAIN) << "Message:" << errorMessage; fileTransfers[tid].status = FileTransferInfo::Failed; emit q->fileTransferFailed(tid, errorMessage); } /// A map from event/txn ids to information about the long operation; /// used for both download and upload operations QHash fileTransfers; const RoomMessageEvent* getEventWithFile(const QString& eventId) const; QString fileNameToDownload(const RoomMessageEvent* event) const; //void inviteUser(User* u); // We might get it at some point in time. void insertMemberIntoMap(User* u); void renameMember(User* u, QString oldName); void removeMemberFromMap(const QString& username, User* u); void getPreviousContent(int limit = 10); bool isEventNotable(const TimelineItem& ti) const { return !ti->isRedacted() && ti->senderId() != connection->userId() && is(*ti); } void addNewMessageEvents(RoomEvents&& events); void addHistoricalMessageEvents(RoomEvents&& events); /** Move events into the timeline * * Insert events into the timeline, either new or historical. * Pointers in the original container become empty, the ownership * is passed to the timeline container. * @param events - the range of events to be inserted * @param placement - position and direction of insertion: Older for * historical messages, Newer for new ones */ Timeline::difference_type moveEventsToTimeline(RoomEventsRange events, EventsPlacement placement); /** * Remove events from the passed container that are already in the timeline */ void dropDuplicateEvents(RoomEvents& events) const; void setLastReadEvent(User* u, QString eventId); void updateUnreadCount(rev_iter_t from, rev_iter_t to); void promoteReadMarker(User* u, rev_iter_t newMarker, bool force = false); void markMessagesAsRead(rev_iter_t upToMarker); QString sendEvent(RoomEventPtr&& event); template QString sendEvent(ArgTs&&... eventArgs) { return sendEvent(makeEvent(std::forward(eventArgs)...)); } QString doSendEvent(const RoomEvent* pEvent); PendingEvents::iterator findAsPending(const RoomEvent* rawEvtPtr); void onEventSendingFailure(const RoomEvent* pEvent, const QString& txnId, BaseJob* call = nullptr); template auto requestSetState(const QString& stateKey, const EvT& event) { // TODO: Queue up state events sending (see #133). return connection->callApi( id, EvT::matrixTypeId(), stateKey, event.contentJson()); } template auto requestSetState(const EvT& event) { return connection->callApi( id, EvT::matrixTypeId(), event.contentJson()); } /** * @brief Apply redaction to the timeline * * Tries to find an event in the timeline and redact it; deletes the * redaction event whether the redacted event was found or not. */ bool processRedaction(const RedactionEvent& redaction); void setTags(TagsMap newTags); QJsonObject toJson() const; private: QString calculateDisplayname() const; QString roomNameFromMemberNames(const QList& userlist) const; bool isLocalUser(const User* u) const { return u == q->localUser(); } }; Room::Room(Connection* connection, QString id, JoinState initialJoinState) : QObject(connection), d(new Private(connection, id, initialJoinState)) { setObjectName(id); // See "Accessing the Public Class" section in // https://marcmutz.wordpress.com/translated-articles/pimp-my-pimpl-%E2%80%94-reloaded/ d->q = this; connect(this, &Room::userAdded, this, &Room::memberListChanged); connect(this, &Room::userRemoved, this, &Room::memberListChanged); connect(this, &Room::memberRenamed, this, &Room::memberListChanged); qCDebug(MAIN) << "New" << toCString(initialJoinState) << "Room:" << id; } Room::~Room() { delete d; } const QString& Room::id() const { return d->id; } const Room::Timeline& Room::messageEvents() const { return d->timeline; } const Room::PendingEvents& Room::pendingEvents() const { return d->unsyncedEvents; } QString Room::name() const { return d->name; } QStringList Room::aliases() const { return d->aliases; } QString Room::canonicalAlias() const { return d->canonicalAlias; } QString Room::displayName() const { return d->displayname; } QString Room::topic() const { return d->topic; } QString Room::avatarMediaId() const { return d->avatar.mediaId(); } QUrl Room::avatarUrl() const { return d->avatar.url(); } QImage Room::avatar(int dimension) { return avatar(dimension, dimension); } QImage Room::avatar(int width, int height) { if (!d->avatar.url().isEmpty()) return d->avatar.get(connection(), width, height, [=] { emit avatarChanged(); }); // Use the first (excluding self) user's avatar for direct chats const auto dcUsers = directChatUsers(); for (auto* u: dcUsers) if (u != localUser()) return u->avatar(width, height, this, [=] { emit avatarChanged(); }); return {}; } User* Room::user(const QString& userId) const { return connection()->user(userId); } JoinState Room::memberJoinState(User* user) const { return d->membersMap.contains(user->name(this), user) ? JoinState::Join : JoinState::Leave; } JoinState Room::joinState() const { return d->joinState; } void Room::setJoinState(JoinState state) { JoinState oldState = d->joinState; if( state == oldState ) return; d->joinState = state; qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << id() << "changed state: " << int(oldState) << "->" << int(state); emit joinStateChanged(oldState, state); } void Room::Private::setLastReadEvent(User* u, QString eventId) { auto& storedId = lastReadEventIds[u]; if (storedId == eventId) return; eventIdReadUsers.remove(storedId, u); eventIdReadUsers.insert(eventId, u); swap(storedId, eventId); emit q->lastReadEventChanged(u); emit q->readMarkerForUserMoved(u, eventId, storedId); if (isLocalUser(u)) { if (storedId != serverReadMarker) connection->callApi(id, storedId); emit q->readMarkerMoved(eventId, storedId); } } void Room::Private::updateUnreadCount(rev_iter_t from, rev_iter_t to) { Q_ASSERT(from >= timeline.crbegin() && from <= timeline.crend()); Q_ASSERT(to >= from && to <= timeline.crend()); // Catch a special case when the last read event id refers to an event // that has just arrived. In this case we should recalculate // unreadMessages and might need to promote the read marker further // over local-origin messages. const auto readMarker = q->readMarker(); if (readMarker >= from && readMarker < to) { promoteReadMarker(q->localUser(), readMarker, true); return; } Q_ASSERT(to <= readMarker); QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); const auto newUnreadMessages = count_if(from, to, std::bind(&Room::Private::isEventNotable, this, _1)); if (et.nsecsElapsed() > profilerMinNsecs() / 10) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "Counting gained unread messages took" << et; if(newUnreadMessages > 0) { // See https://github.com/QMatrixClient/libqmatrixclient/wiki/unread_count if (unreadMessages < 0) unreadMessages = 0; unreadMessages += newUnreadMessages; qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << displayname << "has gained" << newUnreadMessages << "unread message(s)," << (q->readMarker() == timeline.crend() ? "in total at least" : "in total") << unreadMessages << "unread message(s)"; emit q->unreadMessagesChanged(q); } } void Room::Private::promoteReadMarker(User* u, rev_iter_t newMarker, bool force) { Q_ASSERT_X(u, __FUNCTION__, "User* should not be nullptr"); Q_ASSERT(newMarker >= timeline.crbegin() && newMarker <= timeline.crend()); const auto prevMarker = q->readMarker(u); if (!force && prevMarker <= newMarker) // Remember, we deal with reverse iterators return; Q_ASSERT(newMarker < timeline.crend()); // Try to auto-promote the read marker over the user's own messages // (switch to direct iterators for that). auto eagerMarker = find_if(newMarker.base(), timeline.cend(), [=](const TimelineItem& ti) { return ti->senderId() != u->id(); }); setLastReadEvent(u, (*(eagerMarker - 1))->id()); if (isLocalUser(u)) { const auto oldUnreadCount = unreadMessages; QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); unreadMessages = count_if(eagerMarker, timeline.cend(), std::bind(&Room::Private::isEventNotable, this, _1)); if (et.nsecsElapsed() > profilerMinNsecs() / 10) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "Recounting unread messages took" << et; // See https://github.com/QMatrixClient/libqmatrixclient/wiki/unread_count if (unreadMessages == 0) unreadMessages = -1; if (force || unreadMessages != oldUnreadCount) { if (unreadMessages == -1) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << displayname << "has no more unread messages"; } else qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << displayname << "still has" << unreadMessages << "unread message(s)"; emit q->unreadMessagesChanged(q); } } } void Room::Private::markMessagesAsRead(rev_iter_t upToMarker) { const auto prevMarker = q->readMarker(); promoteReadMarker(q->localUser(), upToMarker); if (prevMarker != upToMarker) qCDebug(MAIN) << "Marked messages as read until" << *q->readMarker(); // We shouldn't send read receipts for the local user's own messages - so // search earlier messages for the latest message not from the local user // until the previous last-read message, whichever comes first. for (; upToMarker < prevMarker; ++upToMarker) { if ((*upToMarker)->senderId() != q->localUser()->id()) { connection->callApi(id, "m.read", (*upToMarker)->id()); break; } } } void Room::markMessagesAsRead(QString uptoEventId) { d->markMessagesAsRead(findInTimeline(uptoEventId)); } void Room::markAllMessagesAsRead() { if (!d->timeline.empty()) d->markMessagesAsRead(d->timeline.crbegin()); } bool Room::hasUnreadMessages() const { return unreadCount() >= 0; } int Room::unreadCount() const { return d->unreadMessages; } Room::rev_iter_t Room::timelineEdge() const { return d->timeline.crend(); } TimelineItem::index_t Room::minTimelineIndex() const { return d->timeline.empty() ? 0 : d->timeline.front().index(); } TimelineItem::index_t Room::maxTimelineIndex() const { return d->timeline.empty() ? 0 : d->timeline.back().index(); } bool Room::isValidIndex(TimelineItem::index_t timelineIndex) const { return !d->timeline.empty() && timelineIndex >= minTimelineIndex() && timelineIndex <= maxTimelineIndex(); } Room::rev_iter_t Room::findInTimeline(TimelineItem::index_t index) const { return timelineEdge() - (isValidIndex(index) ? index - minTimelineIndex() + 1 : 0); } Room::rev_iter_t Room::findInTimeline(const QString& evtId) const { if (!d->timeline.empty() && d->eventsIndex.contains(evtId)) { auto it = findInTimeline(d->eventsIndex.value(evtId)); Q_ASSERT((*it)->id() == evtId); return it; } return timelineEdge(); } bool Room::displayed() const { return d->displayed; } void Room::setDisplayed(bool displayed) { if (d->displayed == displayed) return; d->displayed = displayed; emit displayedChanged(displayed); if( displayed ) { resetHighlightCount(); resetNotificationCount(); } } QString Room::firstDisplayedEventId() const { return d->firstDisplayedEventId; } Room::rev_iter_t Room::firstDisplayedMarker() const { return findInTimeline(firstDisplayedEventId()); } void Room::setFirstDisplayedEventId(const QString& eventId) { if (d->firstDisplayedEventId == eventId) return; d->firstDisplayedEventId = eventId; emit firstDisplayedEventChanged(); } void Room::setFirstDisplayedEvent(TimelineItem::index_t index) { Q_ASSERT(isValidIndex(index)); setFirstDisplayedEventId(findInTimeline(index)->event()->id()); } QString Room::lastDisplayedEventId() const { return d->lastDisplayedEventId; } Room::rev_iter_t Room::lastDisplayedMarker() const { return findInTimeline(lastDisplayedEventId()); } void Room::setLastDisplayedEventId(const QString& eventId) { if (d->lastDisplayedEventId == eventId) return; d->lastDisplayedEventId = eventId; emit lastDisplayedEventChanged(); } void Room::setLastDisplayedEvent(TimelineItem::index_t index) { Q_ASSERT(isValidIndex(index)); setLastDisplayedEventId(findInTimeline(index)->event()->id()); } Room::rev_iter_t Room::readMarker(const User* user) const { Q_ASSERT(user); return findInTimeline(d->lastReadEventIds.value(user)); } Room::rev_iter_t Room::readMarker() const { return readMarker(localUser()); } QString Room::readMarkerEventId() const { return d->lastReadEventIds.value(localUser()); } QList Room::usersAtEventId(const QString& eventId) { return d->eventIdReadUsers.values(eventId); } int Room::notificationCount() const { return d->notificationCount; } void Room::resetNotificationCount() { if( d->notificationCount == 0 ) return; d->notificationCount = 0; emit notificationCountChanged(this); } int Room::highlightCount() const { return d->highlightCount; } void Room::resetHighlightCount() { if( d->highlightCount == 0 ) return; d->highlightCount = 0; emit highlightCountChanged(this); } bool Room::hasAccountData(const QString& type) const { return d->accountData.find(type) != d->accountData.end(); } const EventPtr& Room::accountData(const QString& type) const { static EventPtr NoEventPtr {}; const auto it = d->accountData.find(type); return it != d->accountData.end() ? it->second : NoEventPtr; } QStringList Room::tagNames() const { return d->tags.keys(); } TagsMap Room::tags() const { return d->tags; } TagRecord Room::tag(const QString& name) const { return d->tags.value(name); } std::pair validatedTag(QString name) { if (name.contains('.')) return { false, name }; qWarning(MAIN) << "The tag" << name << "doesn't follow the CS API conventions"; name.prepend("u."); qWarning(MAIN) << "Using " << name << "instead"; return { true, name }; } void Room::addTag(const QString& name, const TagRecord& record) { const auto& checkRes = validatedTag(name); if (d->tags.contains(name) || (checkRes.first && d->tags.contains(checkRes.second))) return; emit tagsAboutToChange(); d->tags.insert(checkRes.second, record); emit tagsChanged(); connection()->callApi(localUser()->id(), id(), checkRes.second, record.order); } void Room::addTag(const QString& name, float order) { addTag(name, TagRecord{order}); } void Room::removeTag(const QString& name) { if (d->tags.contains(name)) { emit tagsAboutToChange(); d->tags.remove(name); emit tagsChanged(); connection()->callApi(localUser()->id(), id(), name); } else if (!name.startsWith("u.")) removeTag("u." + name); else qWarning(MAIN) << "Tag" << name << "on room" << objectName() << "not found, nothing to remove"; } void Room::setTags(TagsMap newTags) { d->setTags(move(newTags)); connection()->callApi( localUser()->id(), id(), TagEvent::matrixTypeId(), TagEvent(d->tags).contentJson()); } void Room::Private::setTags(TagsMap newTags) { emit q->tagsAboutToChange(); const auto keys = newTags.keys(); for (const auto& k: keys) { const auto& checkRes = validatedTag(k); if (checkRes.first) { if (newTags.contains(checkRes.second)) newTags.remove(k); else newTags.insert(checkRes.second, newTags.take(k)); } } tags = move(newTags); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << q->objectName() << "is tagged with" << q->tagNames().join(", "); emit q->tagsChanged(); } bool Room::isFavourite() const { return d->tags.contains(FavouriteTag); } bool Room::isLowPriority() const { return d->tags.contains(LowPriorityTag); } bool Room::isDirectChat() const { return connection()->isDirectChat(id()); } QList Room::directChatUsers() const { return connection()->directChatUsers(this); } const RoomMessageEvent* Room::Private::getEventWithFile(const QString& eventId) const { auto evtIt = q->findInTimeline(eventId); if (evtIt != timeline.rend() && is(**evtIt)) { auto* event = evtIt->viewAs(); if (event->hasFileContent()) return event; } qWarning() << "No files to download in event" << eventId; return nullptr; } QString Room::Private::fileNameToDownload(const RoomMessageEvent* event) const { Q_ASSERT(event->hasFileContent()); const auto* fileInfo = event->content()->fileInfo(); QString fileName; if (!fileInfo->originalName.isEmpty()) { fileName = QFileInfo(fileInfo->originalName).fileName(); } else if (!event->plainBody().isEmpty()) { // Having no better options, assume that the body has // the original file URL or at least the file name. QUrl u { event->plainBody() }; if (u.isValid()) fileName = QFileInfo(u.path()).fileName(); } // Check the file name for sanity if (fileName.isEmpty() || !QTemporaryFile(fileName).open()) return "file." % fileInfo->mimeType.preferredSuffix(); if (QSysInfo::productType() == "windows") { const auto& suffixes = fileInfo->mimeType.suffixes(); if (!suffixes.isEmpty() && std::none_of(suffixes.begin(), suffixes.end(), [&fileName] (const QString& s) { return fileName.endsWith(s); })) return fileName % '.' % fileInfo->mimeType.preferredSuffix(); } return fileName; } QUrl Room::urlToThumbnail(const QString& eventId) { if (auto* event = d->getEventWithFile(eventId)) if (event->hasThumbnail()) { auto* thumbnail = event->content()->thumbnailInfo(); Q_ASSERT(thumbnail != nullptr); return MediaThumbnailJob::makeRequestUrl(connection()->homeserver(), thumbnail->url, thumbnail->imageSize); } qDebug() << "Event" << eventId << "has no thumbnail"; return {}; } QUrl Room::urlToDownload(const QString& eventId) { if (auto* event = d->getEventWithFile(eventId)) { auto* fileInfo = event->content()->fileInfo(); Q_ASSERT(fileInfo != nullptr); return DownloadFileJob::makeRequestUrl(connection()->homeserver(), fileInfo->url); } return {}; } QString Room::fileNameToDownload(const QString& eventId) { if (auto* event = d->getEventWithFile(eventId)) return d->fileNameToDownload(event); return {}; } FileTransferInfo Room::fileTransferInfo(const QString& id) const { auto infoIt = d->fileTransfers.find(id); if (infoIt == d->fileTransfers.end()) return {}; // FIXME: Add lib tests to make sure FileTransferInfo::status stays // consistent with FileTransferInfo::job qint64 progress = infoIt->progress; qint64 total = infoIt->total; if (total > INT_MAX) { // JavaScript doesn't deal with 64-bit integers; scale down if necessary progress = llround(double(progress) / total * INT_MAX); total = INT_MAX; } #ifdef WORKAROUND_EXTENDED_INITIALIZER_LIST FileTransferInfo fti; fti.status = infoIt->status; fti.progress = int(progress); fti.total = int(total); fti.localDir = QUrl::fromLocalFile(infoIt->localFileInfo.absolutePath()); fti.localPath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(infoIt->localFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); return fti; #else return { infoIt->status, int(progress), int(total), QUrl::fromLocalFile(infoIt->localFileInfo.absolutePath()), QUrl::fromLocalFile(infoIt->localFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()) }; #endif } QString Room::prettyPrint(const QString& plainText) const { return QMatrixClient::prettyPrint(plainText); } QList< User* > Room::usersTyping() const { return d->usersTyping; } QList< User* > Room::membersLeft() const { return d->membersLeft; } QList< User* > Room::users() const { return d->membersMap.values(); } QStringList Room::memberNames() const { QStringList res; for (auto u : qAsConst(d->membersMap)) res.append( roomMembername(u) ); return res; } int Room::memberCount() const { return d->membersMap.size(); } int Room::timelineSize() const { return int(d->timeline.size()); } bool Room::usesEncryption() const { return !d->encryptionAlgorithm.isEmpty(); } void Room::Private::insertMemberIntoMap(User *u) { const auto userName = u->name(q); // If there is exactly one namesake of the added user, signal member renaming // for that other one because the two should be disambiguated now. auto namesakes = membersMap.values(userName); if (namesakes.size() == 1) emit q->memberAboutToRename(namesakes.front(), namesakes.front()->fullName(q)); membersMap.insert(userName, u); if (namesakes.size() == 1) emit q->memberRenamed(namesakes.front()); } void Room::Private::renameMember(User* u, QString oldName) { if (u->name(q) == oldName) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Room::Private::renameMember(): the user " << u->fullName(q) << "is already known in the room under a new name."; } else if (membersMap.contains(oldName, u)) { removeMemberFromMap(oldName, u); insertMemberIntoMap(u); } emit q->memberRenamed(u); } void Room::Private::removeMemberFromMap(const QString& username, User* u) { User* namesake = nullptr; auto namesakes = membersMap.values(username); if (namesakes.size() == 2) { namesake = namesakes.front() == u ? namesakes.back() : namesakes.front(); Q_ASSERT_X(namesake != u, __FUNCTION__, "Room members list is broken"); emit q->memberAboutToRename(namesake, username); } membersMap.remove(username, u); // If there was one namesake besides the removed user, signal member renaming // for it because it doesn't need to be disambiguated anymore. // TODO: Think about left users. if (namesake) emit q->memberRenamed(namesake); } inline auto makeErrorStr(const Event& e, QByteArray msg) { return msg.append("; event dump follows:\n").append(e.originalJson()); } Room::Timeline::difference_type Room::Private::moveEventsToTimeline( RoomEventsRange events, EventsPlacement placement) { Q_ASSERT(!events.empty()); // Historical messages arrive in newest-to-oldest order, so the process for // them is symmetric to the one for new messages. auto index = timeline.empty() ? -int(placement) : placement == Older ? timeline.front().index() : timeline.back().index(); auto baseIndex = index; for (auto&& e: events) { const auto eId = e->id(); Q_ASSERT_X(e, __FUNCTION__, "Attempt to add nullptr to timeline"); Q_ASSERT_X(!eId.isEmpty(), __FUNCTION__, makeErrorStr(*e, "Event with empty id cannot be in the timeline")); Q_ASSERT_X(!eventsIndex.contains(eId), __FUNCTION__, makeErrorStr(*e, "Event is already in the timeline; " "incoming events were not properly deduplicated")); if (placement == Older) timeline.emplace_front(move(e), --index); else timeline.emplace_back(move(e), ++index); eventsIndex.insert(eId, index); Q_ASSERT(q->findInTimeline(eId)->event()->id() == eId); } const auto insertedSize = (index - baseIndex) * int(placement); Q_ASSERT(insertedSize == int(events.size())); return insertedSize; } QString Room::roomMembername(const User* u) const { // See the CS spec, section const auto username = u->name(this); if (username.isEmpty()) return u->id(); auto namesakesIt = qAsConst(d->membersMap).find(username); // We expect a user to be a member of the room - but technically it is // possible to invoke roomMemberName() even for non-members. In such case // we return the full name, just in case. if (namesakesIt == d->membersMap.cend()) return u->fullName(this); auto nextUserIt = namesakesIt + 1; if (nextUserIt == d->membersMap.cend() || nextUserIt.key() != username) return username; // No disambiguation necessary // Check if we can get away just attaching the bridge postfix // (extension to the spec) QVector bridges; for (; namesakesIt != d->membersMap.cend() && namesakesIt.key() == username; ++namesakesIt) { const auto bridgeName = (*namesakesIt)->bridged(); if (bridges.contains(bridgeName)) // Two accounts on the same bridge return u->fullName(this); // Disambiguate fully // Don't bother sorting, not so many bridges out there bridges.push_back(bridgeName); } return u->rawName(this); // Disambiguate using the bridge postfix only } QString Room::roomMembername(const QString& userId) const { return roomMembername(user(userId)); } void Room::updateData(SyncRoomData&& data) { if( d->prevBatch.isEmpty() ) d->prevBatch = data.timelinePrevBatch; setJoinState(data.joinState); QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); for (auto&& event: data.accountData) processAccountDataEvent(move(event)); bool emitNamesChanged = false; if (!data.state.empty()) { et.restart(); for (const auto& e: data.state) emitNamesChanged |= processStateEvent(*e); if (data.state.size() > 9 || et.nsecsElapsed() >= profilerMinNsecs()) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Room::processStateEvents():" << data.state.size() << "event(s)," << et; } if (!data.timeline.empty()) { et.restart(); // State changes can arrive in a timeline event; so check those. for (const auto& e: data.timeline) emitNamesChanged |= processStateEvent(*e); if (data.timeline.size() > 9 || et.nsecsElapsed() >= profilerMinNsecs()) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Room::processStateEvents(timeline):" << data.timeline.size() << "event(s)," << et; } if (emitNamesChanged) emit namesChanged(this); d->updateDisplayname(); if (!data.timeline.empty()) { et.restart(); d->addNewMessageEvents(move(data.timeline)); if (data.timeline.size() > 9 || et.nsecsElapsed() >= profilerMinNsecs()) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Room::addNewMessageEvents():" << et; } for( auto&& ephemeralEvent: data.ephemeral ) processEphemeralEvent(move(ephemeralEvent)); // See https://github.com/QMatrixClient/libqmatrixclient/wiki/unread_count if (data.unreadCount != -2 && data.unreadCount != d->unreadMessages) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Setting unread_count to" << data.unreadCount; d->unreadMessages = data.unreadCount; emit unreadMessagesChanged(this); } if( data.highlightCount != d->highlightCount ) { d->highlightCount = data.highlightCount; emit highlightCountChanged(this); } if( data.notificationCount != d->notificationCount ) { d->notificationCount = data.notificationCount; emit notificationCountChanged(this); } } QString Room::Private::sendEvent(RoomEventPtr&& event) { if (event->transactionId().isEmpty()) event->setTransactionId(connection->generateTxnId()); auto* pEvent = rawPtr(event); emit q->pendingEventAboutToAdd(); unsyncedEvents.emplace_back(move(event)); emit q->pendingEventAdded(); return doSendEvent(pEvent); } QString Room::Private::doSendEvent(const RoomEvent* pEvent) { auto txnId = pEvent->transactionId(); // TODO, #133: Enqueue the job rather than immediately trigger it. if (auto call = connection->callApi(BackgroundRequest, id, pEvent->matrixType(), txnId, pEvent->contentJson())) { Room::connect(call, &BaseJob::started, q, [this,pEvent,txnId] { auto it = findAsPending(pEvent); if (it == unsyncedEvents.end()) { qWarning(EVENTS) << "Pending event for transaction" << txnId << "not found - got synced so soon?"; return; } it->setDeparted(); emit q->pendingEventChanged(it - unsyncedEvents.begin()); }); Room::connect(call, &BaseJob::failure, q, std::bind(&Room::Private::onEventSendingFailure, this, pEvent, txnId, call)); Room::connect(call, &BaseJob::success, q, [this,call,pEvent,txnId] { // Find an event by the pointer saved in the lambda (the pointer // may be dangling by now but we can still search by it). auto it = findAsPending(pEvent); if (it == unsyncedEvents.end()) { qDebug(EVENTS) << "Pending event for transaction" << txnId << "already merged"; return; } it->setReachedServer(call->eventId()); emit q->pendingEventChanged(it - unsyncedEvents.begin()); }); } else onEventSendingFailure(pEvent, txnId); return txnId; } Room::PendingEvents::iterator Room::Private::findAsPending( const RoomEvent* rawEvtPtr) { const auto comp = [rawEvtPtr] (const auto& pe) { return pe.event() == rawEvtPtr; }; return std::find_if(unsyncedEvents.begin(), unsyncedEvents.end(), comp); } void Room::Private::onEventSendingFailure(const RoomEvent* pEvent, const QString& txnId, BaseJob* call) { auto it = findAsPending(pEvent); if (it == unsyncedEvents.end()) { qCritical(EVENTS) << "Pending event for transaction" << txnId << "could not be sent"; return; } it->setSendingFailed(call ? call->statusCaption() % ": " % call->errorString() : tr("The call could not be started")); emit q->pendingEventChanged(it - unsyncedEvents.begin()); } QString Room::retryMessage(const QString& txnId) { auto it = std::find_if(d->unsyncedEvents.begin(), d->unsyncedEvents.end(), [txnId] (const auto& evt) { return evt->transactionId() == txnId; }); Q_ASSERT(it != d->unsyncedEvents.end()); qDebug(EVENTS) << "Retrying transaction" << txnId; it->resetStatus(); return d->doSendEvent(it->event()); } void Room::discardMessage(const QString& txnId) { auto it = std::find_if(d->unsyncedEvents.begin(), d->unsyncedEvents.end(), [txnId] (const auto& evt) { return evt->transactionId() == txnId; }); Q_ASSERT(it != d->unsyncedEvents.end()); qDebug(EVENTS) << "Discarding transaction" << txnId; emit pendingEventAboutToDiscard(it - d->unsyncedEvents.begin()); d->unsyncedEvents.erase(it); emit pendingEventDiscarded(); } QString Room::postMessage(const QString& plainText, MessageEventType type) { return d->sendEvent(plainText, type); } QString Room::postPlainText(const QString& plainText) { return postMessage(plainText, MessageEventType::Text); } QString Room::postHtmlMessage(const QString& plainText, const QString& html, MessageEventType type) { return d->sendEvent(plainText, type, new EventContent::TextContent(html, QStringLiteral("text/html"))); } QString Room::postHtmlText(const QString& plainText, const QString& html) { return postHtmlMessage(plainText, html, MessageEventType::Text); } QString Room::postEvent(RoomEvent* event) { if (usesEncryption()) { qCCritical(MAIN) << "Room" << displayName() << "enforces encryption; sending encrypted messages is not supported yet"; } return d->sendEvent(RoomEventPtr(event)); } QString Room::postJson(const QString& matrixType, const QJsonObject& eventContent) { return d->sendEvent(loadEvent(basicEventJson(matrixType, eventContent))); } void Room::setName(const QString& newName) { d->requestSetState(RoomNameEvent(newName)); } void Room::setCanonicalAlias(const QString& newAlias) { d->requestSetState(RoomCanonicalAliasEvent(newAlias)); } void Room::setTopic(const QString& newTopic) { d->requestSetState(RoomTopicEvent(newTopic)); } bool isEchoEvent(const RoomEventPtr& le, const PendingEventItem& re) { if (le->type() != re->type()) return false; if (!re->id().isEmpty()) return le->id() == re->id(); if (!re->transactionId().isEmpty()) return le->transactionId() == re->transactionId(); // This one is not reliable (there can be two unsynced // events with the same type, sender and state key) but // it's the best we have for state events. if (re->isStateEvent()) return le->stateKey() == re->stateKey(); // Empty id and no state key, hmm... (shrug) return le->contentJson() == re->contentJson(); } bool Room::supportsCalls() const { return d->membersMap.size() == 2; } void Room::inviteCall(const QString& callId, const int lifetime, const QString& sdp) { Q_ASSERT(supportsCalls()); postEvent(new CallInviteEvent(callId, lifetime, sdp)); } void Room::sendCallCandidates(const QString& callId, const QJsonArray& candidates) { Q_ASSERT(supportsCalls()); postEvent(new CallCandidatesEvent(callId, candidates)); } void Room::answerCall(const QString& callId, const int lifetime, const QString& sdp) { Q_ASSERT(supportsCalls()); postEvent(new CallAnswerEvent(callId, lifetime, sdp)); } void Room::answerCall(const QString& callId, const QString& sdp) { Q_ASSERT(supportsCalls()); postEvent(new CallAnswerEvent(callId, sdp)); } void Room::hangupCall(const QString& callId) { Q_ASSERT(supportsCalls()); postEvent(new CallHangupEvent(callId)); } void Room::getPreviousContent(int limit) { d->getPreviousContent(limit); } void Room::Private::getPreviousContent(int limit) { if( !isJobRunning(eventsHistoryJob) ) { eventsHistoryJob = connection->callApi(id, prevBatch, "b", "", limit); connect( eventsHistoryJob, &BaseJob::success, q, [=] { prevBatch = eventsHistoryJob->end(); addHistoricalMessageEvents(eventsHistoryJob->chunk()); }); } } void Room::inviteToRoom(const QString& memberId) { connection()->callApi(id(), memberId); } LeaveRoomJob* Room::leaveRoom() { return connection()->callApi(id()); } SetRoomStateWithKeyJob*Room::setMemberState(const QString& memberId, const RoomMemberEvent& event) const { return d->requestSetState(memberId, event); } void Room::kickMember(const QString& memberId, const QString& reason) { connection()->callApi(id(), memberId, reason); } void Room::ban(const QString& userId, const QString& reason) { connection()->callApi(id(), userId, reason); } void Room::unban(const QString& userId) { connection()->callApi(id(), userId); } void Room::redactEvent(const QString& eventId, const QString& reason) { connection()->callApi( id(), eventId, connection()->generateTxnId(), reason); } void Room::uploadFile(const QString& id, const QUrl& localFilename, const QString& overrideContentType) { Q_ASSERT_X(localFilename.isLocalFile(), __FUNCTION__, "localFilename should point at a local file"); auto fileName = localFilename.toLocalFile(); auto job = connection()->uploadFile(fileName, overrideContentType); if (isJobRunning(job)) { d->fileTransfers.insert(id, { job, fileName }); connect(job, &BaseJob::uploadProgress, this, [this,id] (qint64 sent, qint64 total) { d->fileTransfers[id].update(sent, total); emit fileTransferProgress(id, sent, total); }); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, this, [this,id,localFilename,job] { d->fileTransfers[id].status = FileTransferInfo::Completed; emit fileTransferCompleted(id, localFilename, job->contentUri()); }); connect(job, &BaseJob::failure, this, std::bind(&Private::failedTransfer, d, id, job->errorString())); emit newFileTransfer(id, localFilename); } else d->failedTransfer(id); } void Room::downloadFile(const QString& eventId, const QUrl& localFilename) { auto ongoingTransfer = d->fileTransfers.find(eventId); if (ongoingTransfer != d->fileTransfers.end() && ongoingTransfer->status == FileTransferInfo::Started) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Download for" << eventId << "already started; to restart, cancel it first"; return; } Q_ASSERT_X(localFilename.isEmpty() || localFilename.isLocalFile(), __FUNCTION__, "localFilename should point at a local file"); const auto* event = d->getEventWithFile(eventId); if (!event) { qCCritical(MAIN) << eventId << "is not in the local timeline or has no file content"; Q_ASSERT(false); return; } const auto fileUrl = event->content()->fileInfo()->url; auto filePath = localFilename.toLocalFile(); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { // Build our own file path, starting with temp directory and eventId. filePath = eventId; filePath = QDir::tempPath() % '/' % filePath.replace(':', '_') % '#' % d->fileNameToDownload(event); } auto job = connection()->downloadFile(fileUrl, filePath); if (isJobRunning(job)) { // If there was a previous transfer (completed or failed), remove it. d->fileTransfers.remove(eventId); d->fileTransfers.insert(eventId, { job, job->targetFileName() }); connect(job, &BaseJob::downloadProgress, this, [this,eventId] (qint64 received, qint64 total) { d->fileTransfers[eventId].update(received, total); emit fileTransferProgress(eventId, received, total); }); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, this, [this,eventId,fileUrl,job] { d->fileTransfers[eventId].status = FileTransferInfo::Completed; emit fileTransferCompleted(eventId, fileUrl, QUrl::fromLocalFile(job->targetFileName())); }); connect(job, &BaseJob::failure, this, std::bind(&Private::failedTransfer, d, eventId, job->errorString())); } else d->failedTransfer(eventId); } void Room::cancelFileTransfer(const QString& id) { auto it = d->fileTransfers.find(id); if (it == d->fileTransfers.end()) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "No information on file transfer" << id << "in room" << d->id; return; } if (isJobRunning(it->job)) it->job->abandon(); d->fileTransfers.remove(id); emit fileTransferCancelled(id); } void Room::Private::dropDuplicateEvents(RoomEvents& events) const { if (events.empty()) return; // Multiple-remove (by different criteria), single-erase // 1. Check for duplicates against the timeline. auto dupsBegin = remove_if(events.begin(), events.end(), [&] (const RoomEventPtr& e) { return eventsIndex.contains(e->id()); }); // 2. Check for duplicates within the batch if there are still events. for (auto eIt = events.begin(); distance(eIt, dupsBegin) > 1; ++eIt) dupsBegin = remove_if(eIt + 1, dupsBegin, [&] (const RoomEventPtr& e) { return e->id() == (*eIt)->id(); }); if (dupsBegin == events.end()) return; qCDebug(EVENTS) << "Dropping" << distance(dupsBegin, events.end()) << "duplicate event(s)"; events.erase(dupsBegin, events.end()); } /** Make a redacted event * * This applies the redaction procedure as defined by the CS API specification * to the event's JSON and returns the resulting new event. It is * the responsibility of the caller to dispose of the original event after that. */ RoomEventPtr makeRedacted(const RoomEvent& target, const RedactionEvent& redaction) { auto originalJson = target.originalJsonObject(); static const QStringList keepKeys = { EventIdKey, TypeKey, QStringLiteral("room_id"), QStringLiteral("sender"), QStringLiteral("state_key"), QStringLiteral("prev_content"), ContentKey, QStringLiteral("origin_server_ts") }; std::vector> keepContentKeysMap { { RoomMemberEvent::typeId(), { QStringLiteral("membership") } } // , { RoomCreateEvent::typeId(), { QStringLiteral("creator") } } // , { RoomJoinRules::typeId(), { QStringLiteral("join_rule") } } // , { RoomPowerLevels::typeId(), // { QStringLiteral("ban"), QStringLiteral("events"), // QStringLiteral("events_default"), QStringLiteral("kick"), // QStringLiteral("redact"), QStringLiteral("state_default"), // QStringLiteral("users"), QStringLiteral("users_default") } } , { RoomAliasesEvent::typeId(), { QStringLiteral("alias") } } }; for (auto it = originalJson.begin(); it != originalJson.end();) { if (!keepKeys.contains(it.key())) it = originalJson.erase(it); // TODO: shred the value else ++it; } auto keepContentKeys = find_if(keepContentKeysMap.begin(), keepContentKeysMap.end(), [&target](const auto& t) { return target.type() == t.first; } ); if (keepContentKeys == keepContentKeysMap.end()) { originalJson.remove(ContentKeyL); originalJson.remove(PrevContentKeyL); } else { auto content = originalJson.take(ContentKeyL).toObject(); for (auto it = content.begin(); it != content.end(); ) { if (!keepContentKeys->second.contains(it.key())) it = content.erase(it); else ++it; } originalJson.insert(ContentKey, content); } auto unsignedData = originalJson.take(UnsignedKeyL).toObject(); unsignedData[RedactedCauseKeyL] = redaction.originalJsonObject(); originalJson.insert(QStringLiteral("unsigned"), unsignedData); return loadEvent(originalJson); } bool Room::Private::processRedaction(const RedactionEvent& redaction) { // Can't use findInTimeline because it returns a const iterator, and // we need to change the underlying TimelineItem. const auto pIdx = eventsIndex.find(redaction.redactedEvent()); if (pIdx == eventsIndex.end()) return false; Q_ASSERT(q->isValidIndex(*pIdx)); auto& ti = timeline[Timeline::size_type(*pIdx - q->minTimelineIndex())]; if (ti->isRedacted() && ti->redactedBecause()->id() == redaction.id()) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Redaction" << redaction.id() << "of event" << ti->id() << "already done, skipping"; return true; } // Make a new event from the redacted JSON, exchange events, // notify everyone and delete the old event auto oldEvent = ti.replaceEvent(makeRedacted(*ti, redaction)); q->onRedaction(*oldEvent, *ti.event()); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Redacted" << oldEvent->id() << "with" << redaction.id(); emit q->replacedEvent(ti.event(), rawPtr(oldEvent)); return true; } Connection* Room::connection() const { Q_ASSERT(d->connection); return d->connection; } User* Room::localUser() const { return connection()->user(); } inline bool isRedaction(const RoomEventPtr& ep) { Q_ASSERT(ep); return is(*ep); } void Room::Private::addNewMessageEvents(RoomEvents&& events) { dropDuplicateEvents(events); // Pre-process redactions so that events that get redacted in the same // batch landed in the timeline already redacted. // XXX: The code below is written (and commented) so that it could be // quickly converted to not-saving redaction events in the timeline. // See #220 for details. auto newEnd = std::find_if(events.begin(), events.end(), isRedaction); // Either process the redaction, or shift the non-redaction event // overwriting redactions in a remove_if fashion. for(const auto& eptr: RoomEventsRange(newEnd, events.end())) if (auto* r = eventCast(eptr)) { // Try to find the target in the timeline, then in the batch. if (processRedaction(*r)) continue; auto targetIt = std::find_if(events.begin(), newEnd, [id=r->redactedEvent()] (const RoomEventPtr& ep) { return ep->id() == id; }); if (targetIt != newEnd) *targetIt = makeRedacted(**targetIt, *r); else qCDebug(MAIN) << "Redaction" << r->id() << "ignored: target event" << r->redactedEvent() << "is not found"; // If the target events comes later, it comes already redacted. } // else // This should be uncommented once we stop adding redactions to the timeline // *newEnd++ = std::move(eptr); newEnd = events.end(); // This line should go if/when we stop adding redactions to the timeline if (events.begin() == newEnd) return; auto timelineSize = timeline.size(); auto totalInserted = 0; for (auto it = events.begin(); it != newEnd;) { auto nextPendingPair = findFirstOf(it, newEnd, unsyncedEvents.begin(), unsyncedEvents.end(), isEchoEvent); auto nextPending = nextPendingPair.first; if (it != nextPending) { RoomEventsRange eventsSpan { it, nextPending }; emit q->aboutToAddNewMessages(eventsSpan); auto insertedSize = moveEventsToTimeline(eventsSpan, Newer); totalInserted += insertedSize; auto firstInserted = timeline.cend() - insertedSize; q->onAddNewTimelineEvents(firstInserted); emit q->addedMessages(firstInserted->index(), timeline.back().index()); } if (nextPending == newEnd) break; it = nextPending + 1; emit q->pendingEventAboutToMerge(nextPending->get(), nextPendingPair.second - unsyncedEvents.begin()); qDebug(EVENTS) << "Merging pending event from transaction" << (*nextPending)->transactionId() << "into" << (*nextPending)->id(); unsyncedEvents.erase(nextPendingPair.second); if (auto insertedSize = moveEventsToTimeline({nextPending, it}, Newer)) { totalInserted += insertedSize; q->onAddNewTimelineEvents(timeline.cend() - insertedSize); } emit q->pendingEventMerged(); } // Events merged and transferred from `events` to `timeline` now. const auto from = timeline.cend() - totalInserted; if (q->supportsCalls()) for (auto it = from; it != timeline.cend(); ++it) if (auto* evt = it->viewAs()) emit q->callEvent(q, evt); if (totalInserted > 0) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << displayname << "received" << totalInserted << "new events; the last event is now" << timeline.back(); // The first event in the just-added batch (referred to by `from`) // defines whose read marker can possibly be promoted any further over // the same author's events newly arrived. Others will need explicit // read receipts from the server (or, for the local user, // markMessagesAsRead() invocation) to promote their read markers over // the new message events. auto firstWriter = q->user((*from)->senderId()); if (q->readMarker(firstWriter) != timeline.crend()) { promoteReadMarker(firstWriter, rev_iter_t(from) - 1); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Auto-promoted read marker for" << firstWriter->id() << "to" << *q->readMarker(firstWriter); } updateUnreadCount(timeline.crbegin(), rev_iter_t(from)); } Q_ASSERT(timeline.size() == timelineSize + totalInserted); } void Room::Private::addHistoricalMessageEvents(RoomEvents&& events) { const auto timelineSize = timeline.size(); dropDuplicateEvents(events); RoomEventsRange normalEvents { events.begin(), events.end() //remove_if(events.begin(), events.end(), isRedaction) }; if (normalEvents.empty()) return; emit q->aboutToAddHistoricalMessages(normalEvents); const auto insertedSize = moveEventsToTimeline(normalEvents, Older); const auto from = timeline.crend() - insertedSize; qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << displayname << "received" << insertedSize << "past events; the oldest event is now" << timeline.front(); q->onAddHistoricalTimelineEvents(from); emit q->addedMessages(timeline.front().index(), from->index()); if (from <= q->readMarker()) updateUnreadCount(from, timeline.crend()); Q_ASSERT(timeline.size() == timelineSize + insertedSize); } bool Room::processStateEvent(const RoomEvent& e) { return visit(e , [this] (const RoomNameEvent& evt) { d->name = evt.name(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room name updated:" << d->name; return true; } , [this] (const RoomAliasesEvent& evt) { d->aliases = evt.aliases(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room aliases updated:" << d->aliases; return true; } , [this] (const RoomCanonicalAliasEvent& evt) { d->canonicalAlias = evt.alias(); if (!d->canonicalAlias.isEmpty()) setObjectName(d->canonicalAlias); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room canonical alias updated:" << d->canonicalAlias; return true; } , [this] (const RoomTopicEvent& evt) { d->topic = evt.topic(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room topic updated:" << d->topic; emit topicChanged(); return false; } , [this] (const RoomAvatarEvent& evt) { if (d->avatar.updateUrl(evt.url())) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room avatar URL updated:" << evt.url().toString(); emit avatarChanged(); } return false; } , [this] (const RoomMemberEvent& evt) { auto* u = user(evt.userId()); u->processEvent(evt, this); if (u == localUser() && memberJoinState(u) == JoinState::Invite && evt.isDirect()) connection()->addToDirectChats(this, user(evt.senderId())); if( evt.membership() == MembershipType::Join ) { if (memberJoinState(u) != JoinState::Join) { d->insertMemberIntoMap(u); connect(u, &User::nameAboutToChange, this, [=] (QString newName, QString, const Room* context) { if (context == this) emit memberAboutToRename(u, newName); }); connect(u, &User::nameChanged, this, [=] (QString, QString oldName, const Room* context) { if (context == this) d->renameMember(u, oldName); }); emit userAdded(u); } } else if( evt.membership() == MembershipType::Leave ) { if (memberJoinState(u) == JoinState::Join) { if (!d->membersLeft.contains(u)) d->membersLeft.append(u); d->removeMemberFromMap(u->name(this), u); emit userRemoved(u); } } return false; } , [this] (const EncryptionEvent& evt) { d->encryptionAlgorithm = evt.algorithm(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Encryption switched on in room" << id() << "with algorithm" << d->encryptionAlgorithm; emit encryption(); return false; } ); } void Room::processEphemeralEvent(EventPtr&& event) { QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); if (auto* evt = eventCast(event)) { d->usersTyping.clear(); for( const QString& userId: qAsConst(evt->users()) ) { auto u = user(userId); if (memberJoinState(u) == JoinState::Join) d->usersTyping.append(u); } if (evt->users().size() > 3 || et.nsecsElapsed() >= profilerMinNsecs()) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Room::processEphemeralEvent(typing):" << evt->users().size() << "users," << et; emit typingChanged(); } if (auto* evt = eventCast(event)) { int totalReceipts = 0; for( const auto &p: qAsConst(evt->eventsWithReceipts()) ) { totalReceipts += p.receipts.size(); { if (p.receipts.size() == 1) qCDebug(EPHEMERAL) << "Marking" << p.evtId << "as read for" << p.receipts[0].userId; else qCDebug(EPHEMERAL) << "Marking" << p.evtId << "as read for" << p.receipts.size() << "users"; } const auto newMarker = findInTimeline(p.evtId); if (newMarker != timelineEdge()) { for( const Receipt& r: p.receipts ) { if (r.userId == connection()->userId()) continue; // FIXME, #185 auto u = user(r.userId); if (memberJoinState(u) == JoinState::Join) d->promoteReadMarker(u, newMarker); } } else { qCDebug(EPHEMERAL) << "Event" << p.evtId << "not found; saving read receipts anyway"; // If the event is not found (most likely, because it's too old // and hasn't been fetched from the server yet), but there is // a previous marker for a user, keep the previous marker. // Otherwise, blindly store the event id for this user. for( const Receipt& r: p.receipts ) { if (r.userId == connection()->userId()) continue; // FIXME, #185 auto u = user(r.userId); if (memberJoinState(u) == JoinState::Join && readMarker(u) == timelineEdge()) d->setLastReadEvent(u, p.evtId); } } } if (evt->eventsWithReceipts().size() > 3 || totalReceipts > 10 || et.nsecsElapsed() >= profilerMinNsecs()) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Room::processEphemeralEvent(receipts):" << evt->eventsWithReceipts().size() << "event(s) with" << totalReceipts << "receipt(s)," << et; } } void Room::processAccountDataEvent(EventPtr&& event) { if (auto* evt = eventCast(event)) d->setTags(evt->tags()); if (auto* evt = eventCast(event)) { auto readEventId = evt->event_id(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Server-side read marker at" << readEventId; d->serverReadMarker = readEventId; const auto newMarker = findInTimeline(readEventId); if (newMarker != timelineEdge()) d->markMessagesAsRead(newMarker); else d->setLastReadEvent(localUser(), readEventId); } // For all account data events auto& currentData = d->accountData[event->matrixType()]; // A polymorphic event-specific comparison might be a bit more // efficient; maaybe do it another day if (!currentData || currentData->contentJson() != event->contentJson()) { emit accountDataAboutToChange(event->matrixType()); currentData = move(event); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Updated account data of type" << currentData->matrixType(); emit accountDataChanged(currentData->matrixType()); } } QString Room::Private::roomNameFromMemberNames(const QList &userlist) const { // This is part 3(i,ii,iii) in the room displayname algorithm described // in the CS spec (see also Room::Private::updateDisplayname() ). // The spec requires to sort users lexicographically by state_key (user id) // and use disambiguated display names of two topmost users excluding // the current one to render the name of the room. // std::array is the leanest C++ container std::array first_two = { {nullptr, nullptr} }; std::partial_sort_copy( userlist.begin(), userlist.end(), first_two.begin(), first_two.end(), [this](const User* u1, const User* u2) { // Filter out the "me" user so that it never hits the room name return isLocalUser(u2) || (!isLocalUser(u1) && u1->id() < u2->id()); } ); // Spec extension. A single person in the chat but not the local user // (the local user is invited). if (userlist.size() == 1 && !isLocalUser(first_two.front()) && joinState == JoinState::Invite) return tr("Invitation from %1") .arg(q->roomMembername(first_two.front())); // i. One-on-one chat. first_two[1] == localUser() in this case. if (userlist.size() == 2) return q->roomMembername(first_two[0]); // ii. Two users besides the current one. if (userlist.size() == 3) return tr("%1 and %2") .arg(q->roomMembername(first_two[0]), q->roomMembername(first_two[1])); // iii. More users. if (userlist.size() > 3) return tr("%1 and %Ln other(s)", "", userlist.size() - 3) .arg(q->roomMembername(first_two[0])); // userlist.size() < 2 - apparently, there's only current user in the room return QString(); } QString Room::Private::calculateDisplayname() const { // CS spec, section Calculating the display name for a room // Numbers below refer to respective parts in the spec. // 1. Name (from m.room.name) if (!name.isEmpty()) { return name; } // 2. Canonical alias if (!canonicalAlias.isEmpty()) return canonicalAlias; // Using m.room.aliases in naming is explicitly discouraged by the spec //if (!aliases.empty() && !aliases.at(0).isEmpty()) // return aliases.at(0); // 3. Room members QString topMemberNames = roomNameFromMemberNames(membersMap.values()); if (!topMemberNames.isEmpty()) return topMemberNames; // 4. Users that previously left the room topMemberNames = roomNameFromMemberNames(membersLeft); if (!topMemberNames.isEmpty()) return tr("Empty room (was: %1)").arg(topMemberNames); // 5. Fail miserably return tr("Empty room (%1)").arg(id); } void Room::Private::updateDisplayname() { auto swappedName = calculateDisplayname(); if (swappedName != displayname) { emit q->displaynameAboutToChange(q); swap(displayname, swappedName); qDebug(MAIN) << q->objectName() << "has changed display name from" << swappedName << "to" << displayname; emit q->displaynameChanged(q, swappedName); } } void appendStateEvent(QJsonArray& events, const QString& type, const QJsonObject& content, const QString& stateKey = {}) { if (!content.isEmpty() || !stateKey.isEmpty()) { auto json = basicEventJson(type, content); json.insert(QStringLiteral("state_key"), stateKey); events.append(json); } } #define ADD_STATE_EVENT(events, type, name, content) \ appendStateEvent((events), QStringLiteral(type), \ {{ QStringLiteral(name), content }}); void appendEvent(QJsonArray& events, const QString& type, const QJsonObject& content) { if (!content.isEmpty()) events.append(basicEventJson(type, content)); } template void appendEvent(QJsonArray& events, const EvtT& event) { appendEvent(events, EvtT::matrixTypeId(), event.toJson()); } QJsonObject Room::Private::toJson() const { QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); QJsonObject result; { QJsonArray stateEvents; ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.name", "name", name); ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.topic", "topic", topic); ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.avatar", "url", avatar.url().toString()); ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.aliases", "aliases", QJsonArray::fromStringList(aliases)); ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.canonical_alias", "alias", canonicalAlias); ADD_STATE_EVENT(stateEvents, "m.room.encryption", "algorithm", encryptionAlgorithm); for (const auto *m : membersMap) appendStateEvent(stateEvents, QStringLiteral("m.room.member"), { { QStringLiteral("membership"), QStringLiteral("join") } , { QStringLiteral("displayname"), m->rawName(q) } , { QStringLiteral("avatar_url"), m->avatarUrl(q).toString() } }, m->id()); const auto stateObjName = joinState == JoinState::Invite ? QStringLiteral("invite_state") : QStringLiteral("state"); result.insert(stateObjName, QJsonObject {{ QStringLiteral("events"), stateEvents }}); } QJsonArray accountDataEvents; if (!accountData.empty()) { for (const auto& e: accountData) appendEvent(accountDataEvents, e.first, e.second->contentJson()); } result.insert(QStringLiteral("account_data"), QJsonObject {{ QStringLiteral("events"), accountDataEvents }}); QJsonObject unreadNotifObj { { SyncRoomData::UnreadCountKey, unreadMessages } }; if (highlightCount > 0) unreadNotifObj.insert(QStringLiteral("highlight_count"), highlightCount); if (notificationCount > 0) unreadNotifObj.insert(QStringLiteral("notification_count"), notificationCount); result.insert(QStringLiteral("unread_notifications"), unreadNotifObj); if (et.elapsed() > 30) qCDebug(PROFILER) << "Room::toJson() for" << displayname << "took" << et; return result; } QJsonObject Room::toJson() const { return d->toJson(); } MemberSorter Room::memberSorter() const { return MemberSorter(this); } bool MemberSorter::operator()(User *u1, User *u2) const { return operator()(u1, room->roomMembername(u2)); } bool MemberSorter::operator ()(User* u1, const QString& u2name) const { auto n1 = room->roomMembername(u1); if (n1.startsWith('@')) n1.remove(0, 1); auto n2 = u2name.midRef(u2name.startsWith('@') ? 1 : 0); return n1.localeAwareCompare(n2) < 0; }