/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Felix Rohrbach * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "basejob.h" #include "connectiondata.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Quotient; using std::chrono::seconds, std::chrono::milliseconds; using namespace std::chrono_literals; struct NetworkReplyDeleter : public QScopedPointerDeleteLater { static inline void cleanup(QNetworkReply* reply) { if (reply && reply->isRunning()) reply->abort(); QScopedPointerDeleteLater::cleanup(reply); } }; template constexpr auto make_array(Ts&&... items) { return std::array, sizeof...(Ts)>({items...}); } class BaseJob::Private { public: struct JobTimeoutConfig { seconds jobTimeout; seconds nextRetryInterval; }; // Using an idiom from clang-tidy: // http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/modernize-pass-by-value.html Private(HttpVerb v, QString endpoint, const QUrlQuery& q, Data&& data, bool nt) : verb(v) , apiEndpoint(std::move(endpoint)) , requestQuery(q) , requestData(std::move(data)) , needsToken(nt) { timer.setSingleShot(true); retryTimer.setSingleShot(true); } void sendRequest(); ConnectionData* connection = nullptr; // Contents for the network request HttpVerb verb; QString apiEndpoint; QHash requestHeaders; QUrlQuery requestQuery; Data requestData; bool needsToken; bool inBackground = false; // There's no use of QMimeType here because we don't want to match // content types against the known MIME type hierarchy; and at the same // type QMimeType is of little help with MIME type globs (`text/*` etc.) QByteArrayList expectedContentTypes { "application/json" }; QScopedPointer reply; Status status = Unprepared; QByteArray rawResponse; QUrl errorUrl; //< May contain a URL to help with some errors LoggingCategory logCat = JOBS; QTimer timer; QTimer retryTimer; static constexpr std::array errorStrategy { { { 90s, 5s }, { 90s, 10s }, { 120s, 30s } } }; int maxRetries = int(errorStrategy.size()); int retriesTaken = 0; [[nodiscard]] const JobTimeoutConfig& getCurrentTimeoutConfig() const { return errorStrategy[std::min(size_t(retriesTaken), errorStrategy.size() - 1)]; } [[nodiscard]] QString dumpRequest() const { // FIXME: use std::array {} when Apple stdlib gets deduction guides for it static const auto verbs = make_array(QStringLiteral("GET"), QStringLiteral("PUT"), QStringLiteral("POST"), QStringLiteral("DELETE")); const auto verbWord = verbs.at(size_t(verb)); return verbWord % ' ' % (reply ? reply->url().toString(QUrl::RemoveQuery) : makeRequestUrl(connection->baseUrl(), apiEndpoint) .toString()); } }; BaseJob::BaseJob(HttpVerb verb, const QString& name, const QString& endpoint, bool needsToken) : BaseJob(verb, name, endpoint, Query {}, Data {}, needsToken) {} BaseJob::BaseJob(HttpVerb verb, const QString& name, const QString& endpoint, const Query& query, Data&& data, bool needsToken) : d(new Private(verb, endpoint, query, std::move(data), needsToken)) { setObjectName(name); connect(&d->timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &BaseJob::timeout); connect(&d->retryTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { d->connection->submit(this); }); } BaseJob::~BaseJob() { stop(); d->retryTimer.stop(); // See #398 qCDebug(d->logCat) << this << "destroyed"; } QUrl BaseJob::requestUrl() const { return d->reply ? d->reply->url() : QUrl(); } bool BaseJob::isBackground() const { return d->inBackground; } const QString& BaseJob::apiEndpoint() const { return d->apiEndpoint; } void BaseJob::setApiEndpoint(const QString& apiEndpoint) { d->apiEndpoint = apiEndpoint; } const BaseJob::headers_t& BaseJob::requestHeaders() const { return d->requestHeaders; } void BaseJob::setRequestHeader(const headers_t::key_type& headerName, const headers_t::mapped_type& headerValue) { d->requestHeaders[headerName] = headerValue; } void BaseJob::setRequestHeaders(const BaseJob::headers_t& headers) { d->requestHeaders = headers; } const QUrlQuery& BaseJob::query() const { return d->requestQuery; } void BaseJob::setRequestQuery(const QUrlQuery& query) { d->requestQuery = query; } const BaseJob::Data& BaseJob::requestData() const { return d->requestData; } void BaseJob::setRequestData(Data&& data) { std::swap(d->requestData, data); } const QByteArrayList& BaseJob::expectedContentTypes() const { return d->expectedContentTypes; } void BaseJob::addExpectedContentType(const QByteArray& contentType) { d->expectedContentTypes << contentType; } void BaseJob::setExpectedContentTypes(const QByteArrayList& contentTypes) { d->expectedContentTypes = contentTypes; } QUrl BaseJob::makeRequestUrl(QUrl baseUrl, const QString& path, const QUrlQuery& query) { auto pathBase = baseUrl.path(); // QUrl::adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlashes) doesn't help with root '/' while (pathBase.endsWith('/')) pathBase.chop(1); if (!path.startsWith('/')) // Normally API files do start with '/' pathBase.push_back('/'); // so this shouldn't be needed these days baseUrl.setPath(pathBase + path, QUrl::TolerantMode); baseUrl.setQuery(query); return baseUrl; } void BaseJob::Private::sendRequest() { QNetworkRequest req { makeRequestUrl(connection->baseUrl(), apiEndpoint, requestQuery) }; if (!requestHeaders.contains("Content-Type")) req.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"); if (needsToken) req.setRawHeader("Authorization", QByteArray("Bearer ") + connection->accessToken()); req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::BackgroundRequestAttribute, inBackground); req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); req.setMaximumRedirectsAllowed(10); // Pipelining doesn't fly quite well with SSL, occasionally crashing at // what seems like an attempt to write to a closed channel. // req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute, true); req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::HTTP2AllowedAttribute, true); Q_ASSERT(req.url().isValid()); for (auto it = requestHeaders.cbegin(); it != requestHeaders.cend(); ++it) req.setRawHeader(it.key(), it.value()); switch (verb) { case HttpVerb::Get: reply.reset(connection->nam()->get(req)); break; case HttpVerb::Post: reply.reset(connection->nam()->post(req, requestData.source())); break; case HttpVerb::Put: reply.reset(connection->nam()->put(req, requestData.source())); break; case HttpVerb::Delete: reply.reset(connection->nam()->deleteResource(req)); break; } } void BaseJob::doPrepare() { } void BaseJob::onSentRequest(QNetworkReply*) { } void BaseJob::beforeAbandon(QNetworkReply*) { } void BaseJob::initiate(ConnectionData* connData, bool inBackground) { if (connData && connData->baseUrl().isValid()) { d->inBackground = inBackground; d->connection = connData; doPrepare(); if ((d->verb == HttpVerb::Post || d->verb == HttpVerb::Put) && d->requestData.source() && !d->requestData.source()->isReadable()) { setStatus(FileError, "Request data not ready"); } Q_ASSERT(status().code != Pending); // doPrepare() must NOT set this if (status().code == Unprepared) { d->connection->submit(this); return; } qCWarning(d->logCat).noquote() << "Request failed preparation and won't be sent:" << d->dumpRequest(); } else { qCCritical(d->logCat) << "Developers, ensure the Connection is valid before using it"; Q_ASSERT(false); setStatus(IncorrectRequestError, tr("Invalid server connection")); } // The status is no good, finalise QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &BaseJob::finishJob); } void BaseJob::sendRequest() { if (status().code == Abandoned) return; Q_ASSERT(d->connection && status().code == Pending); qCDebug(d->logCat).noquote() << "Making" << d->dumpRequest(); d->needsToken |= d->connection->needsToken(objectName()); emit aboutToSendRequest(); d->sendRequest(); Q_ASSERT(d->reply); connect(d->reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &BaseJob::gotReply); if (d->reply->isRunning()) { connect(d->reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::metaDataChanged, this, &BaseJob::checkReply); connect(d->reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, this, &BaseJob::uploadProgress); connect(d->reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &BaseJob::downloadProgress); d->timer.start(getCurrentTimeout()); qCInfo(d->logCat).noquote() << "Sent" << d->dumpRequest(); onSentRequest(d->reply.data()); emit sentRequest(); } else qCCritical(d->logCat).noquote() << "Request could not start:" << d->dumpRequest(); } void BaseJob::checkReply() { setStatus(doCheckReply(d->reply.data())); } void BaseJob::gotReply() { checkReply(); if (status().good()) setStatus(parseReply(d->reply.data())); else { d->rawResponse = d->reply->readAll(); const auto jsonBody = d->reply->rawHeader("Content-Type") == "application/json"; qCDebug(d->logCat).noquote() << "Error body (truncated if long):" << d->rawResponse.left(500); if (jsonBody) setStatus( parseError(d->reply.data(), QJsonDocument::fromJson(d->rawResponse).object())); } finishJob(); } bool checkContentType(const QByteArray& type, const QByteArrayList& patterns) { if (patterns.isEmpty()) return true; // ignore possible appendixes of the content type const auto ctype = type.split(';').front(); for (const auto& pattern: patterns) { if (pattern.startsWith('*') || ctype == pattern) // Fast lane return true; auto patternParts = pattern.split('/'); Q_ASSERT_X(patternParts.size() <= 2, __FUNCTION__, "BaseJob: Expected content type should have up to two" " /-separated parts; violating pattern: " + pattern); if (ctype.split('/').front() == patternParts.front() && patternParts.back() == "*") return true; // Exact match already went on fast lane } return false; } BaseJob::StatusCode BaseJob::Status::fromHttpCode(int httpCode) { if (httpCode / 10 == 41) // 41x errors return httpCode == 410 ? IncorrectRequestError : NotFoundError; switch (httpCode) { case 401: return Unauthorised; // clang-format off case 403: case 407: // clang-format on return ContentAccessError; case 404: return NotFoundError; // clang-format off case 400: case 405: case 406: case 426: case 428: case 505: // clang-format on case 494: // Unofficial nginx "Request header too large" case 497: // Unofficial nginx "HTTP request sent to HTTPS port" return IncorrectRequestError; case 429: return TooManyRequestsError; case 501: case 510: return RequestNotImplementedError; case 511: return NetworkAuthRequiredError; default: return NetworkError; } } QDebug BaseJob::Status::dumpToLog(QDebug dbg) const { QDebugStateSaver _s(dbg); dbg.noquote().nospace(); if (auto* const k = QMetaEnum::fromType().valueToKey(code)) { const QByteArray b = k; dbg << b.mid(b.lastIndexOf(':')); } else dbg << code; return dbg << ": " << message; } BaseJob::Status BaseJob::doCheckReply(QNetworkReply* reply) const { // QNetworkReply error codes seem to be flawed when it comes to HTTP; // see, e.g., https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/issues/200 // so check genuine HTTP codes. The below processing is based on // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes const auto httpCodeHeader = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); if (!httpCodeHeader.isValid()) { qCWarning(d->logCat).noquote() << "No valid HTTP headers from" << d->dumpRequest(); return { NetworkError, reply->errorString() }; } const auto httpCode = httpCodeHeader.toInt(); if (httpCode / 100 == 2) // 2xx { if (reply->isFinished()) qCInfo(d->logCat).noquote() << httpCode << "<-" << d->dumpRequest(); if (!checkContentType(reply->rawHeader("Content-Type"), d->expectedContentTypes)) return { UnexpectedResponseTypeWarning, "Unexpected content type of the response" }; return NoError; } if (reply->isFinished()) qCWarning(d->logCat).noquote() << httpCode << "<-" << d->dumpRequest(); auto message = reply->errorString(); if (message.isEmpty()) message = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) .toString(); return Status::fromHttpCode(httpCode, message); } BaseJob::Status BaseJob::parseReply(QNetworkReply* reply) { d->rawResponse = reply->readAll(); QJsonParseError error { 0, QJsonParseError::MissingObject }; const auto& json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(d->rawResponse, &error); if (error.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) return parseJson(json); return { IncorrectResponseError, error.errorString() }; } BaseJob::Status BaseJob::parseJson(const QJsonDocument&) { return Success; } BaseJob::Status BaseJob::parseError(QNetworkReply* /*reply*/, const QJsonObject& errorJson) { const auto errCode = errorJson.value("errcode"_ls).toString(); if (error() == TooManyRequestsError || errCode == "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED") { QString msg = tr("Too many requests"); int64_t retryAfterMs = errorJson.value("retry_after_ms"_ls).toInt(-1); if (retryAfterMs >= 0) msg += tr(", next retry advised after %1 ms").arg(retryAfterMs); else // We still have to figure some reasonable interval retryAfterMs = getNextRetryMs(); d->connection->limitRate(milliseconds(retryAfterMs)); return { TooManyRequestsError, msg }; } if (errCode == "M_CONSENT_NOT_GIVEN") { d->errorUrl = errorJson.value("consent_uri"_ls).toString(); return { UserConsentRequiredError }; } if (errCode == "M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION" || errCode == "M_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOM_VERSION") return { UnsupportedRoomVersionError, errorJson.contains("room_version"_ls) ? tr("Requested room version: %1") .arg(errorJson.value("room_version"_ls).toString()) : errorJson.value("error"_ls).toString() }; if (errCode == "M_CANNOT_LEAVE_SERVER_NOTICE_ROOM") return { CannotLeaveRoom, tr("It's not allowed to leave a server notices room") }; if (errCode == "M_USER_DEACTIVATED") return { UserDeactivated }; // Not localisable on the client side if (errorJson.contains("error"_ls)) d->status.message = errorJson.value("error"_ls).toString(); return d->status; } void BaseJob::stop() { // This method is (also) used to semi-finalise the job before retrying; so // stop the timeout timer but keep the retry timer running. d->timer.stop(); if (d->reply) { d->reply->disconnect(this); // Ignore whatever comes from the reply if (d->reply->isRunning()) { qCWarning(d->logCat) << this << "stopped without ready network reply"; d->reply->abort(); // Keep the reply object in case clients need it } } else qCWarning(d->logCat) << this << "stopped with empty network reply"; } void BaseJob::finishJob() { stop(); if (error() == TooManyRequests) { emit rateLimited(); d->connection->submit(this); return; } if (error() == Unauthorised && !d->needsToken && !d->connection->accessToken().isEmpty()) { // Rerun with access token (extension of the spec while // https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/issues/701 is pending) d->connection->setNeedsToken(objectName()); qCWarning(d->logCat) << this << "re-running with authentication"; emit retryScheduled(d->retriesTaken, 0); d->connection->submit(this); return; } if ((error() == NetworkError || error() == Timeout) && d->retriesTaken < d->maxRetries) { // TODO: The whole retrying thing should be put to Connection(Manager) // otherwise independently retrying jobs make a bit of notification // storm towards the UI. const seconds retryIn = error() == Timeout ? 0s : getNextRetryInterval(); ++d->retriesTaken; qCWarning(d->logCat).nospace() << this << ": retry #" << d->retriesTaken << " in " << retryIn.count() << " s"; d->retryTimer.start(retryIn); emit retryScheduled(d->retriesTaken, milliseconds(retryIn).count()); return; } Q_ASSERT(status().code != Pending); // Notify those interested in any completion of the job including abandon() emit finished(this); emit result(this); // abandon() doesn't emit this if (error()) emit failure(this); else emit success(this); deleteLater(); } seconds BaseJob::getCurrentTimeout() const { return d->getCurrentTimeoutConfig().jobTimeout; } BaseJob::duration_ms_t BaseJob::getCurrentTimeoutMs() const { return milliseconds(getCurrentTimeout()).count(); } seconds BaseJob::getNextRetryInterval() const { return d->getCurrentTimeoutConfig().nextRetryInterval; } BaseJob::duration_ms_t BaseJob::getNextRetryMs() const { return milliseconds(getNextRetryInterval()).count(); } milliseconds BaseJob::timeToRetry() const { return d->retryTimer.isActive() ? d->retryTimer.remainingTimeAsDuration() : 0s; } BaseJob::duration_ms_t BaseJob::millisToRetry() const { return timeToRetry().count(); } int BaseJob::maxRetries() const { return d->maxRetries; } void BaseJob::setMaxRetries(int newMaxRetries) { d->maxRetries = newMaxRetries; } BaseJob::Status BaseJob::status() const { return d->status; } QByteArray BaseJob::rawData(int bytesAtMost) const { return bytesAtMost > 0 && d->rawResponse.size() > bytesAtMost ? d->rawResponse.left(bytesAtMost) : d->rawResponse; } QString BaseJob::rawDataSample(int bytesAtMost) const { auto data = rawData(bytesAtMost); Q_ASSERT(data.size() <= d->rawResponse.size()); return data.size() == d->rawResponse.size() ? data : data + tr("...(truncated, %Ln bytes in total)", "Comes after trimmed raw network response", d->rawResponse.size()); } QString BaseJob::statusCaption() const { switch (d->status.code) { case Success: return tr("Success"); case Pending: return tr("Request still pending response"); case UnexpectedResponseTypeWarning: return tr("Warning: Unexpected response type"); case Abandoned: return tr("Request was abandoned"); case NetworkError: return tr("Network problems"); case TimeoutError: return tr("Request timed out"); case Unauthorised: return tr("Unauthorised request"); case ContentAccessError: return tr("Access error"); case NotFoundError: return tr("Not found"); case IncorrectRequestError: return tr("Invalid request"); case IncorrectResponseError: return tr("Response could not be parsed"); case TooManyRequestsError: return tr("Too many requests"); case RequestNotImplementedError: return tr("Function not implemented by the server"); case NetworkAuthRequiredError: return tr("Network authentication required"); case UserConsentRequiredError: return tr("User consent required"); case UnsupportedRoomVersionError: return tr("The server does not support the needed room version"); default: return tr("Request failed"); } } int BaseJob::error() const { return d->status.code; } QString BaseJob::errorString() const { return d->status.message; } QUrl BaseJob::errorUrl() const { return d->errorUrl; } void BaseJob::setStatus(Status s) { // The crash that led to this code has been reported in // https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion/issues/566 - basically, // when cleaning up children of a deleted Connection, there's a chance // of pending jobs being abandoned, calling setStatus(Abandoned). // There's nothing wrong with this; however, the safety check for // cleartext access tokens below uses d->connection - which is a dangling // pointer. // To alleviate that, a stricter condition is applied, that for Abandoned // and to-be-Abandoned jobs the status message will be disregarded entirely. // We could rectify the situation by making d->connection a QPointer<> // (and deriving ConnectionData from QObject, respectively) but it's // a too edge case for the hassle. if (d->status == s) return; if (d->status.code == Abandoned || s.code == Abandoned) s.message.clear(); if (!s.message.isEmpty() && d->connection && !d->connection->accessToken().isEmpty()) s.message.replace(d->connection->accessToken(), "(REDACTED)"); if (!s.good()) qCWarning(d->logCat) << this << "status" << s; d->status = std::move(s); emit statusChanged(d->status); } void BaseJob::setStatus(int code, QString message) { setStatus({ code, std::move(message) }); } void BaseJob::abandon() { beforeAbandon(d->reply ? d->reply.data() : nullptr); d->timer.stop(); d->retryTimer.stop(); // In case abandon() was called between retries setStatus(Abandoned); if (d->reply) d->reply->disconnect(this); emit finished(this); deleteLater(); } void BaseJob::timeout() { setStatus(TimeoutError, "The job has timed out"); finishJob(); } void BaseJob::setLoggingCategory(LoggingCategory lcf) { d->logCat = lcf; }