// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Kitsune Ral // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later #include "event.h" #include "logging.h" #include "stateevent.h" #include using namespace Quotient; QString EventTypeRegistry::getMatrixType(event_type_t typeId) { return typeId; } void AbstractEventMetaType::addDerived(AbstractEventMetaType* newType) { if (const auto existing = std::find_if(derivedTypes.cbegin(), derivedTypes.cend(), [&newType](const AbstractEventMetaType* t) { return t->matrixId == newType->matrixId; }); existing != derivedTypes.cend()) { if (*existing == newType) return; // Two different metatype objects claim the same Matrix type id; this // is not normal, so give as much information as possible to diagnose if ((*existing)->className == newType->className) { qCritical(EVENTS) << newType->className << "claims" << newType->matrixId << "repeatedly; check that it's exported across translation " "units or shared objects"; Q_ASSERT(false); // That situation is plain wrong return; // So maybe std::terminate() even? } qWarning(EVENTS).nospace() << newType->matrixId << " is already mapped to " << (*existing)->className << " before " << newType->className << "; unless the two have different isValid() conditions, the " "latter class will never be used"; } derivedTypes.emplace_back(newType); qDebug(EVENTS).nospace() << newType->matrixId << " -> " << newType->className << "; " << derivedTypes.size() << " derived type(s) registered for " << className; } Event::Event(Type type, const QJsonObject& json) : _type(type), _json(json) { if (!json.contains(ContentKeyL) && !json.value(UnsignedKeyL).toObject().contains(RedactedCauseKeyL)) { qCWarning(EVENTS) << "Event without 'content' node"; qCWarning(EVENTS) << formatJson << json; } } Event::Event(Type type, event_mtype_t matrixType, const QJsonObject& contentJson) : Event(type, basicJson(matrixType, contentJson)) {} Event::~Event() = default; QString Event::matrixType() const { return fullJson()[TypeKeyL].toString(); } QByteArray Event::originalJson() const { return QJsonDocument(_json).toJson(); } const QJsonObject Event::contentJson() const { return fullJson()[ContentKeyL].toObject(); } const QJsonObject Event::unsignedJson() const { return fullJson()[UnsignedKeyL].toObject(); } bool Event::isStateEvent() const { return is(); } bool Event::isCallEvent() const { return is(); } void Event::dumpTo(QDebug dbg) const { dbg << QJsonDocument(contentJson()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact); }