/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Felix Rohrbach * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "connection.h" #include "connectiondata.h" #ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED #include "encryptionmanager.h" #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED #include "room.h" #include "settings.h" #include "user.h" #include "csapi/account-data.h" #include "csapi/capabilities.h" #include "csapi/joining.h" #include "csapi/leaving.h" #include "csapi/logout.h" #include "csapi/receipts.h" #include "csapi/room_send.h" #include "csapi/to_device.h" #include "csapi/versions.h" #include "csapi/voip.h" #include "csapi/wellknown.h" #include "events/directchatevent.h" #include "events/eventloader.h" #include "jobs/downloadfilejob.h" #include "jobs/mediathumbnailjob.h" #include "jobs/syncjob.h" #ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED #include "account.h" // QtOlm #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Quotient; // This is very much Qt-specific; STL iterators don't have key() and value() template HashT erase_if(HashT& hashMap, Pred pred) { HashT removals; for (auto it = hashMap.begin(); it != hashMap.end();) { if (pred(it)) { removals.insert(it.key(), it.value()); it = hashMap.erase(it); } else ++it; } return removals; } class Connection::Private { public: explicit Private(std::unique_ptr&& connection) : data(move(connection)) {} Q_DISABLE_COPY(Private) DISABLE_MOVE(Private) Connection* q = nullptr; std::unique_ptr data; // A complex key below is a pair of room name and whether its // state is Invited. The spec mandates to keep Invited room state // separately; specifically, we should keep objects for Invite and // Leave state of the same room if the two happen to co-exist. QHash, Room*> roomMap; /// Mapping from serverparts to alias/room id mappings, /// as of the last sync QHash roomAliasMap; QVector roomIdsToForget; QVector firstTimeRooms; QVector pendingStateRoomIds; QMap userMap; DirectChatsMap directChats; DirectChatUsersMap directChatUsers; // The below two variables track local changes between sync completions. // See https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/wiki/Handling-direct-chat-events DirectChatsMap dcLocalAdditions; DirectChatsMap dcLocalRemovals; UnorderedMap accountData; QMetaObject::Connection syncLoopConnection {}; int syncTimeout = -1; GetCapabilitiesJob* capabilitiesJob = nullptr; GetCapabilitiesJob::Capabilities capabilities; QVector loginFlows; #ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED QScopedPointer encryptionManager; #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED SyncJob* syncJob = nullptr; bool cacheState = true; bool cacheToBinary = SettingsGroup("libQuotient").get("cache_type", SettingsGroup("libQMatrixClient").get("cache_type")) != "json"; bool lazyLoading = false; template void loginToServer(LoginArgTs&&... loginArgs); void assumeIdentity(const QString& userId, const QString& accessToken, const QString& deviceId); void removeRoom(const QString& roomId); template EventT* unpackAccountData() const { const auto& eventIt = accountData.find(EventT::matrixTypeId()); return eventIt == accountData.end() ? nullptr : weakPtrCast(eventIt->second); } void packAndSendAccountData(EventPtr&& event) { const auto eventType = event->matrixType(); q->callApi(data->userId(), eventType, event->contentJson()); accountData[eventType] = std::move(event); emit q->accountDataChanged(eventType); } template void packAndSendAccountData(ContentT&& content) { packAndSendAccountData( makeEvent(std::forward(content))); } QString topLevelStatePath() const { return q->stateCacheDir().filePath("state.json"); } RoomEventPtr sessionDecryptMessage(const EncryptedEvent& encryptedEvent) { #ifndef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED qCWarning(E2EE) << "End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support is turned off."; return {}; #else // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED if (encryptedEvent.algorithm() != OlmV1Curve25519AesSha2AlgoKey) { return {}; } QString identityKey = encryptionManager->account()->curve25519IdentityKey(); QJsonObject personalCipherObject = encryptedEvent.ciphertext(identityKey); if (personalCipherObject.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Encrypted event is not for the current device"; return {}; } QString decrypted = encryptionManager->sessionDecryptMessage( personalCipherObject, encryptedEvent.senderKey().toLatin1()); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Problem with new session from senderKey:" << encryptedEvent.senderKey() << encryptionManager->account()->oneTimeKeys(); return {}; } RoomEventPtr decryptedEvent = makeEvent( QJsonDocument::fromJson(decrypted.toUtf8()).object()); if (decryptedEvent->senderId() != encryptedEvent.senderId()) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Found user" << decryptedEvent->senderId() << "instead of sender" << encryptedEvent.senderId() << "in Olm plaintext"; return {}; } // TODO: keys to constants QJsonObject decryptedEventObject = decryptedEvent->fullJson(); QString recipient = decryptedEventObject.value("recipient"_ls).toString(); if (recipient != data->userId()) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Found user" << recipient << "instead of us" << data->userId() << "in Olm plaintext"; return {}; } QString ourKey = decryptedEventObject.value("recipient_keys"_ls) .toObject() .value(Ed25519Key) .toString(); if (ourKey != QString::fromUtf8( encryptionManager->account()->ed25519IdentityKey())) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Found key" << ourKey << "instead of ours own ed25519 key" << encryptionManager->account()->ed25519IdentityKey() << "in Olm plaintext"; return {}; } return decryptedEvent; #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED } }; Connection::Connection(const QUrl& server, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), d(new Private(std::make_unique(server))) { d->q = this; // All d initialization should occur before this line } Connection::Connection(QObject* parent) : Connection({}, parent) {} Connection::~Connection() { qCDebug(MAIN) << "deconstructing connection object for" << userId(); stopSync(); } void Connection::resolveServer(const QString& mxid) { auto maybeBaseUrl = QUrl::fromUserInput(serverPart(mxid)); maybeBaseUrl.setScheme("https"); // Instead of the Qt-default "http" if (maybeBaseUrl.isEmpty() || !maybeBaseUrl.isValid()) { emit resolveError(tr("%1 is not a valid homeserver address") .arg(maybeBaseUrl.toString())); return; } setHomeserver(maybeBaseUrl); auto domain = maybeBaseUrl.host(); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Finding the server" << domain; auto getWellKnownJob = callApi(); connect( getWellKnownJob, &BaseJob::finished, [this, getWellKnownJob, maybeBaseUrl] { if (getWellKnownJob->status() == BaseJob::NotFoundError) qCDebug(MAIN) << "No .well-known file, IGNORE"; else { if (getWellKnownJob->status() != BaseJob::Success) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Fetching .well-known file failed, FAIL_PROMPT"; emit resolveError(tr("Fetching .well-known file failed")); return; } QUrl baseUrl(getWellKnownJob->data().homeserver.baseUrl); if (baseUrl.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "base_url not provided, FAIL_PROMPT"; emit resolveError(tr("base_url not provided")); return; } if (!baseUrl.isValid()) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "base_url invalid, FAIL_ERROR"; emit resolveError(tr("base_url invalid")); return; } qCDebug(MAIN) << ".well-known for" << maybeBaseUrl.host() << "is" << baseUrl.toString(); setHomeserver(baseUrl); } auto getVersionsJob = callApi(); connect(getVersionsJob, &BaseJob::finished, [this, getVersionsJob] { if (getVersionsJob->status() == BaseJob::Success) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "homeserver url is valid"; emit resolved(); } else { qCDebug(MAIN) << "homeserver url invalid"; emit resolveError(tr("homeserver url invalid")); } }); }); } inline UserIdentifier makeUserIdentifier(const QString& id) { return { QStringLiteral("m.id.user"), { { QStringLiteral("user"), id } } }; } inline UserIdentifier make3rdPartyIdentifier(const QString& medium, const QString& address) { return { QStringLiteral("m.id.thirdparty"), { { QStringLiteral("medium"), medium }, { QStringLiteral("address"), address } } }; } void Connection::connectToServer(const QString& userId, const QString& password, const QString& initialDeviceName, const QString& deviceId) { checkAndConnect(userId, [=] { d->loginToServer(LoginFlows::Password.type, makeUserIdentifier(userId), password, /*token*/ "", deviceId, initialDeviceName); }); } SsoSession* Connection::prepareForSso(const QString& initialDeviceName, const QString& deviceId) { return new SsoSession(this, initialDeviceName, deviceId); } void Connection::loginWithToken(const QByteArray& loginToken, const QString& initialDeviceName, const QString& deviceId) { d->loginToServer(LoginFlows::Token.type, makeUserIdentifier(/*user is encoded in loginToken*/ {}), /*password*/ "", loginToken, deviceId, initialDeviceName); } void Connection::assumeIdentity(const QString& userId, const QString& accessToken, const QString& deviceId) { checkAndConnect(userId, [=] { d->assumeIdentity(userId, accessToken, deviceId); }); } void Connection::reloadCapabilities() { d->capabilitiesJob = callApi(BackgroundRequest); connect(d->capabilitiesJob, &BaseJob::finished, this, [this] { if (d->capabilitiesJob->error() == BaseJob::Success) d->capabilities = d->capabilitiesJob->capabilities(); else if (d->capabilitiesJob->error() == BaseJob::IncorrectRequestError) qCDebug(MAIN) << "Server doesn't support /capabilities"; if (!d->capabilities.roomVersions) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Pinning supported room version to 1"; d->capabilities.roomVersions = { "1", { { "1", "stable" } } }; } else { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room versions:" << defaultRoomVersion() << "is default, full list:" << availableRoomVersions(); } Q_ASSERT(d->capabilities.roomVersions.has_value()); emit capabilitiesLoaded(); for (auto* r : qAsConst(d->roomMap)) r->checkVersion(); }); } bool Connection::loadingCapabilities() const { // (Ab)use the fact that room versions cannot be omitted after // the capabilities have been loaded (see reloadCapabilities() above). return !d->capabilities.roomVersions; } template void Connection::Private::loginToServer(LoginArgTs&&... loginArgs) { auto loginJob = q->callApi(std::forward(loginArgs)...); connect(loginJob, &BaseJob::success, q, [this, loginJob] { assumeIdentity(loginJob->userId(), loginJob->accessToken(), loginJob->deviceId()); #ifndef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED qCWarning(E2EE) << "End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support is turned off."; #else // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED encryptionManager->uploadIdentityKeys(this); encryptionManager->uploadOneTimeKeys(this); #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED }); connect(loginJob, &BaseJob::failure, q, [this, loginJob] { emit q->loginError(loginJob->errorString(), loginJob->rawDataSample()); }); } void Connection::Private::assumeIdentity(const QString& userId, const QString& accessToken, const QString& deviceId) { data->setUserId(userId); q->user(); // Creates a User object for the local user data->setToken(accessToken.toLatin1()); data->setDeviceId(deviceId); q->setObjectName(userId % '/' % deviceId); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Using server" << data->baseUrl().toDisplayString() << "by user" << userId << "from device" << deviceId; #ifndef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED qCWarning(E2EE) << "End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support is turned off."; #else // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED AccountSettings accountSettings(userId); encryptionManager.reset( new EncryptionManager(accountSettings.encryptionAccountPickle())); if (accountSettings.encryptionAccountPickle().isEmpty()) { accountSettings.setEncryptionAccountPickle( encryptionManager->olmAccountPickle()); } #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED emit q->stateChanged(); emit q->connected(); q->reloadCapabilities(); } void Connection::checkAndConnect(const QString& userId, std::function connectFn) { if (d->data->baseUrl().isValid()) { connectFn(); return; } // Not good to go, try to fix the homeserver URL. if (userId.startsWith('@') && userId.indexOf(':') != -1) { connectSingleShot(this, &Connection::homeserverChanged, this, connectFn); // NB: doResolveServer can emit resolveError, so this is a part of // checkAndConnect function contract. resolveServer(userId); } else emit resolveError(tr("%1 is an invalid homeserver URL") .arg(d->data->baseUrl().toString())); } void Connection::logout() { // If there's an ongoing sync job, stop it but don't break the sync loop yet const auto syncWasRunning = bool(d->syncJob); if (syncWasRunning) { d->syncJob->abandon(); d->syncJob = nullptr; } const auto* job = callApi(); connect(job, &LogoutJob::finished, this, [this, job, syncWasRunning] { if (job->status().good() || job->error() == BaseJob::Unauthorised || job->error() == BaseJob::ContentAccessError) { if (d->syncLoopConnection) disconnect(d->syncLoopConnection); d->data->setToken({}); emit stateChanged(); emit loggedOut(); } else if (syncWasRunning) syncLoopIteration(); // Resume sync loop (or a single sync) }); } void Connection::sync(int timeout) { if (d->syncJob) { qCInfo(MAIN) << d->syncJob << "is already running"; return; } d->syncTimeout = timeout; Filter filter; filter.room.edit().timeline.edit().limit.emplace(100); filter.room.edit().state.edit().lazyLoadMembers.emplace(d->lazyLoading); auto job = d->syncJob = callApi(BackgroundRequest, d->data->lastEvent(), filter, timeout); connect(job, &SyncJob::success, this, [this, job] { onSyncSuccess(job->takeData()); d->syncJob = nullptr; emit syncDone(); }); connect(job, &SyncJob::retryScheduled, this, [this, job](int retriesTaken, int nextInMilliseconds) { emit networkError(job->errorString(), job->rawDataSample(), retriesTaken, nextInMilliseconds); }); connect(job, &SyncJob::failure, this, [this, job] { d->syncJob = nullptr; if (job->error() == BaseJob::Unauthorised) { qCWarning(SYNCJOB) << "Sync job failed with Unauthorised - login expired?"; emit loginError(job->errorString(), job->rawDataSample()); } else emit syncError(job->errorString(), job->rawDataSample()); }); } void Connection::syncLoop(int timeout) { if (d->syncLoopConnection && d->syncTimeout == timeout) { qCInfo(MAIN) << "Attempt to run sync loop but there's one already " "running; nothing will be done"; return; } std::swap(d->syncTimeout, timeout); if (d->syncLoopConnection) { qCInfo(MAIN) << "Timeout for next syncs changed from" << timeout << "to" << d->syncTimeout; } else { d->syncLoopConnection = connect(this, &Connection::syncDone, this, &Connection::syncLoopIteration, Qt::QueuedConnection); syncLoopIteration(); // initial sync to start the loop } } void Connection::syncLoopIteration() { sync(d->syncTimeout); } QJsonObject toJson(const DirectChatsMap& directChats) { QJsonObject json; for (auto it = directChats.begin(); it != directChats.end();) { QJsonArray roomIds; const auto* user = it.key(); for (; it != directChats.end() && it.key() == user; ++it) roomIds.append(*it); json.insert(user->id(), roomIds); } return json; } void Connection::onSyncSuccess(SyncData&& data, bool fromCache) { d->data->setLastEvent(data.nextBatch()); for (auto&& roomData : data.takeRoomData()) { const auto forgetIdx = d->roomIdsToForget.indexOf(roomData.roomId); if (forgetIdx != -1) { d->roomIdsToForget.removeAt(forgetIdx); if (roomData.joinState == JoinState::Leave) { qDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << roomData.roomId << "has been forgotten, ignoring /sync response for it"; continue; } qWarning(MAIN) << "Room" << roomData.roomId << "has just been forgotten but /sync returned it in" << toCString(roomData.joinState) << "state - suspiciously fast turnaround"; } if (auto* r = provideRoom(roomData.roomId, roomData.joinState)) { d->pendingStateRoomIds.removeOne(roomData.roomId); r->updateData(std::move(roomData), fromCache); if (d->firstTimeRooms.removeOne(r)) { emit loadedRoomState(r); if (d->capabilities.roomVersions) r->checkVersion(); // Otherwise, the version will be checked in reloadCapabilities() } } // Let UI update itself after updating each room QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } // After running this loop, the account data events not saved in // d->accountData (see the end of the loop body) are auto-cleaned away for (auto& eventPtr : data.takeAccountData()) { visit( *eventPtr, [this](const DirectChatEvent& dce) { // https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/wiki/Handling-direct-chat-events const auto& usersToDCs = dce.usersToDirectChats(); DirectChatsMap remoteRemovals = erase_if(d->directChats, [&usersToDCs, this](auto it) { return !(usersToDCs.contains(it.key()->id(), it.value()) || d->dcLocalAdditions.contains(it.key(), it.value())); }); erase_if(d->directChatUsers, [&remoteRemovals](auto it) { return remoteRemovals.contains(it.value(), it.key()); }); // Remove from dcLocalRemovals what the server already has. erase_if(d->dcLocalRemovals, [&remoteRemovals](auto it) { return remoteRemovals.contains(it.key(), it.value()); }); if (MAIN().isDebugEnabled()) for (auto it = remoteRemovals.begin(); it != remoteRemovals.end(); ++it) { qCDebug(MAIN) << it.value() << "is no more a direct chat with" << it.key()->id(); } DirectChatsMap remoteAdditions; for (auto it = usersToDCs.begin(); it != usersToDCs.end(); ++it) { if (auto* u = user(it.key())) { if (!d->directChats.contains(u, it.value()) && !d->dcLocalRemovals.contains(u, it.value())) { Q_ASSERT(!d->directChatUsers.contains(it.value(), u)); remoteAdditions.insert(u, it.value()); d->directChats.insert(u, it.value()); d->directChatUsers.insert(it.value(), u); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Marked room" << it.value() << "as a direct chat with" << u->id(); } } else qCWarning(MAIN) << "Couldn't get a user object for" << it.key(); } // Remove from dcLocalAdditions what the server already has. erase_if(d->dcLocalAdditions, [&remoteAdditions](auto it) { return remoteAdditions.contains(it.key(), it.value()); }); if (!remoteAdditions.isEmpty() || !remoteRemovals.isEmpty()) emit directChatsListChanged(remoteAdditions, remoteRemovals); }, // catch-all, passing eventPtr for a possible take-over [this, &eventPtr](const Event& accountEvent) { if (is(accountEvent)) qCDebug(MAIN) << "Users ignored by" << userId() << "updated:" << QStringList::fromSet(ignoredUsers()).join(','); auto& currentData = d->accountData[accountEvent.matrixType()]; // A polymorphic event-specific comparison might be a bit // more efficient; maaybe do it another day if (!currentData || currentData->contentJson() != accountEvent.contentJson()) { currentData = std::move(eventPtr); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Updated account data of type" << currentData->matrixType(); emit accountDataChanged(currentData->matrixType()); } }); } if (!d->dcLocalAdditions.isEmpty() || !d->dcLocalRemovals.isEmpty()) { qDebug(MAIN) << "Sending updated direct chats to the server:" << d->dcLocalRemovals.size() << "removal(s)," << d->dcLocalAdditions.size() << "addition(s)"; callApi(userId(), QStringLiteral("m.direct"), toJson(d->directChats)); d->dcLocalAdditions.clear(); d->dcLocalRemovals.clear(); } #ifndef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED qCWarning(E2EE) << "End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support is turned off."; #else // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED // handling m.room_key to-device encrypted event for (auto&& toDeviceEvent : data.takeToDeviceEvents()) { if (toDeviceEvent->type() == EncryptedEvent::typeId()) { event_ptr_tt encryptedEvent = makeEvent(toDeviceEvent->fullJson()); if (encryptedEvent->algorithm() != OlmV1Curve25519AesSha2AlgoKey) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Encrypted event" << encryptedEvent->id() << "algorithm" << encryptedEvent->algorithm() << "is not supported"; return; } // TODO: full maintaining of the device keys // with device_lists sync extention and /keys/query qCDebug(E2EE) << "Getting device keys for the m.room_key sender:" << encryptedEvent->senderId(); // d->encryptionManager->updateDeviceKeys(); RoomEventPtr decryptedEvent = d->sessionDecryptMessage(*encryptedEvent.get()); // since we are waiting for the RoomKeyEvent: event_ptr_tt roomKeyEvent = makeEvent(decryptedEvent->fullJson()); if (!roomKeyEvent) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Failed to decrypt olm event from user" << encryptedEvent->senderId(); return; } Room* detectedRoom = room(roomKeyEvent->roomId()); if (!detectedRoom) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Encrypted event room id" << encryptedEvent->roomId() << "is not found at the connection"; return; } detectedRoom->handleRoomKeyEvent(roomKeyEvent.get(), encryptedEvent->senderKey()); } } // handling device_one_time_keys_count auto deviceOneTimeKeysCount = data.deviceOneTimeKeysCount(); if (!d->encryptionManager) { qCDebug(E2EE) << "Encryption manager is not there yet"; return; } if (!deviceOneTimeKeysCount.isEmpty()) { d->encryptionManager->updateOneTimeKeyCounts(this, deviceOneTimeKeysCount); } #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED } void Connection::stopSync() { // If there's a sync loop, break it disconnect(d->syncLoopConnection); if (d->syncJob) // If there's an ongoing sync job, stop it too { d->syncJob->abandon(); d->syncJob = nullptr; } } QString Connection::nextBatchToken() const { return d->data->lastEvent(); } PostReceiptJob* Connection::postReceipt(Room* room, RoomEvent* event) const { return callApi(room->id(), "m.read", event->id()); } JoinRoomJob* Connection::joinRoom(const QString& roomAlias, const QStringList& serverNames) { auto job = callApi(roomAlias, serverNames); // Upon completion, ensure a room object in Join state is created // (or it might already be there due to a sync completing earlier). // finished() is used here instead of success() to overtake clients // that may add their own slots to finished(). connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, [this, job] { if (job->status().good()) provideRoom(job->roomId()); }); return job; } LeaveRoomJob* Connection::leaveRoom(Room* room) { const auto& roomId = room->id(); const auto job = callApi(roomId); if (room->joinState() == JoinState::Invite) { // Workaround matrix-org/synapse#2181 - if the room is in invite state // the invite may have been cancelled but Synapse didn't send it in // `/sync`. See also #273 for the discussion in the library context. d->pendingStateRoomIds.push_back(roomId); connect(job, &LeaveRoomJob::success, this, [this, roomId] { if (d->pendingStateRoomIds.removeOne(roomId)) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Forcing the room to Leave status"; provideRoom(roomId, JoinState::Leave); } }); } return job; } inline auto splitMediaId(const QString& mediaId) { auto idParts = mediaId.split('/'); Q_ASSERT_X(idParts.size() == 2, __FUNCTION__, ("'" + mediaId + "' doesn't look like 'serverName/localMediaId'") .toLatin1()); return idParts; } MediaThumbnailJob* Connection::getThumbnail(const QString& mediaId, QSize requestedSize, RunningPolicy policy) const { auto idParts = splitMediaId(mediaId); return callApi(policy, idParts.front(), idParts.back(), requestedSize); } MediaThumbnailJob* Connection::getThumbnail(const QUrl& url, QSize requestedSize, RunningPolicy policy) const { return getThumbnail(url.authority() + url.path(), requestedSize, policy); } MediaThumbnailJob* Connection::getThumbnail(const QUrl& url, int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, RunningPolicy policy) const { return getThumbnail(url, QSize(requestedWidth, requestedHeight), policy); } UploadContentJob* Connection::uploadContent(QIODevice* contentSource, const QString& filename, const QString& overrideContentType) const { Q_ASSERT(contentSource != nullptr); auto contentType = overrideContentType; if (contentType.isEmpty()) { contentType = QMimeDatabase() .mimeTypeForFileNameAndData(filename, contentSource) .name(); if (!contentSource->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Couldn't open content source" << filename << "for reading:" << contentSource->errorString(); return nullptr; } } return callApi(contentSource, filename, contentType); } UploadContentJob* Connection::uploadFile(const QString& fileName, const QString& overrideContentType) { auto sourceFile = new QFile(fileName); return uploadContent(sourceFile, QFileInfo(*sourceFile).fileName(), overrideContentType); } GetContentJob* Connection::getContent(const QString& mediaId) const { auto idParts = splitMediaId(mediaId); return callApi(idParts.front(), idParts.back()); } GetContentJob* Connection::getContent(const QUrl& url) const { return getContent(url.authority() + url.path()); } DownloadFileJob* Connection::downloadFile(const QUrl& url, const QString& localFilename) const { auto mediaId = url.authority() + url.path(); auto idParts = splitMediaId(mediaId); auto* job = callApi(idParts.front(), idParts.back(), localFilename); return job; } CreateRoomJob* Connection::createRoom(RoomVisibility visibility, const QString& alias, const QString& name, const QString& topic, QStringList invites, const QString& presetName, const QString& roomVersion, bool isDirect, const QVector& initialState, const QVector& invite3pids, const QJsonObject& creationContent) { invites.removeOne(userId()); // The creator is by definition in the room auto job = callApi(visibility == PublishRoom ? QStringLiteral("public") : QStringLiteral("private"), alias, name, topic, invites, invite3pids, roomVersion, creationContent, initialState, presetName, isDirect); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, this, [this, job, invites, isDirect] { auto* room = provideRoom(job->roomId(), JoinState::Join); if (!room) { Q_ASSERT_X(room, "Connection::createRoom", "Failed to create a room"); return; } emit createdRoom(room); if (isDirect) for (const auto& i : invites) addToDirectChats(room, user(i)); }); return job; } void Connection::requestDirectChat(const QString& userId) { doInDirectChat(userId, [this](Room* r) { emit directChatAvailable(r); }); } void Connection::requestDirectChat(User* u) { doInDirectChat(u, [this](Room* r) { emit directChatAvailable(r); }); } void Connection::doInDirectChat(const QString& userId, const std::function& operation) { if (auto* u = user(userId)) doInDirectChat(u, operation); else qCCritical(MAIN) << "Connection::doInDirectChat: Couldn't get a user object for" << userId; } void Connection::doInDirectChat(User* u, const std::function& operation) { Q_ASSERT(u); const auto& otherUserId = u->id(); // There can be more than one DC; find the first valid (existing and // not left), and delete inexistent (forgotten?) ones along the way. DirectChatsMap removals; for (auto it = d->directChats.find(u); it != d->directChats.end() && it.key() == u; ++it) { const auto& roomId = *it; if (auto r = room(roomId, JoinState::Join)) { Q_ASSERT(r->id() == roomId); // A direct chat with yourself should only involve yourself :) if (otherUserId == userId() && r->totalMemberCount() > 1) continue; qCDebug(MAIN) << "Requested direct chat with" << otherUserId << "is already available as" << r->id(); operation(r); return; } if (auto ir = invitation(roomId)) { Q_ASSERT(ir->id() == roomId); auto j = joinRoom(ir->id()); connect(j, &BaseJob::success, this, [this, roomId, otherUserId, operation] { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Joined the already invited direct chat with" << otherUserId << "as" << roomId; operation(room(roomId, JoinState::Join)); }); return; } // Avoid reusing previously left chats but don't remove them // from direct chat maps, either. if (room(roomId, JoinState::Leave)) continue; qCWarning(MAIN) << "Direct chat with" << otherUserId << "known as room" << roomId << "is not valid and will be discarded"; // Postpone actual deletion until we finish iterating d->directChats. removals.insert(it.key(), it.value()); // Add to the list of updates to send to the server upon the next sync. d->dcLocalRemovals.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } if (!removals.isEmpty()) { for (auto it = removals.cbegin(); it != removals.cend(); ++it) { d->directChats.remove(it.key(), it.value()); d->directChatUsers.remove(it.value(), const_cast(it.key())); // FIXME } emit directChatsListChanged({}, removals); } auto j = createDirectChat(otherUserId); connect(j, &BaseJob::success, this, [this, j, otherUserId, operation] { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Direct chat with" << otherUserId << "has been created as" << j->roomId(); operation(room(j->roomId(), JoinState::Join)); }); } CreateRoomJob* Connection::createDirectChat(const QString& userId, const QString& topic, const QString& name) { return createRoom(UnpublishRoom, {}, name, topic, { userId }, QStringLiteral("trusted_private_chat"), {}, true); } ForgetRoomJob* Connection::forgetRoom(const QString& id) { // To forget is hard :) First we should ensure the local user is not // in the room (by leaving it, if necessary); once it's done, the /forget // endpoint can be called; and once this is through, the local Room object // (if any existed) is deleted. At the same time, we still have to // (basically immediately) return a pointer to ForgetRoomJob. Therefore // a ForgetRoomJob is created in advance and can be returned in a probably // not-yet-started state (it will start once /leave completes). auto forgetJob = new ForgetRoomJob(id); auto room = d->roomMap.value({ id, false }); if (!room) room = d->roomMap.value({ id, true }); if (room && room->joinState() != JoinState::Leave) { auto leaveJob = leaveRoom(room); connect(leaveJob, &BaseJob::result, this, [this, leaveJob, forgetJob, room] { if (leaveJob->error() == BaseJob::Success || leaveJob->error() == BaseJob::NotFoundError) { run(forgetJob); // If the matching /sync response hasn't arrived yet, // mark the room for explicit deletion if (room->joinState() != JoinState::Leave) d->roomIdsToForget.push_back(room->id()); } else { qCWarning(MAIN).nospace() << "Error leaving room " << room->objectName() << ": " << leaveJob->errorString(); forgetJob->abandon(); } }); connect(leaveJob, &BaseJob::failure, forgetJob, &BaseJob::abandon); } else run(forgetJob); connect(forgetJob, &BaseJob::result, this, [this, id, forgetJob] { // Leave room in case of success, or room not known by server if (forgetJob->error() == BaseJob::Success || forgetJob->error() == BaseJob::NotFoundError) d->removeRoom(id); // Delete the room from roomMap else qCWarning(MAIN).nospace() << "Error forgetting room " << id << ": " << forgetJob->errorString(); }); return forgetJob; } SendToDeviceJob* Connection::sendToDevices(const QString& eventType, const UsersToDevicesToEvents& eventsMap) const { QHash> json; json.reserve(int(eventsMap.size())); std::for_each(eventsMap.begin(), eventsMap.end(), [&json](const auto& userTodevicesToEvents) { auto& jsonUser = json[userTodevicesToEvents.first]; const auto& devicesToEvents = userTodevicesToEvents.second; std::for_each(devicesToEvents.begin(), devicesToEvents.end(), [&jsonUser](const auto& deviceToEvents) { jsonUser.insert( deviceToEvents.first, deviceToEvents.second.contentJson()); }); }); return callApi(BackgroundRequest, eventType, generateTxnId(), json); } SendMessageJob* Connection::sendMessage(const QString& roomId, const RoomEvent& event) const { const auto txnId = event.transactionId().isEmpty() ? generateTxnId() : event.transactionId(); return callApi(roomId, event.matrixType(), txnId, event.contentJson()); } QUrl Connection::homeserver() const { return d->data->baseUrl(); } QString Connection::domain() const { return userId().section(':', 1); } QVector Connection::loginFlows() const { return d->loginFlows; } bool Connection::supportsPasswordAuth() const { return d->loginFlows.contains(LoginFlows::Password); } bool Connection::supportsSso() const { return d->loginFlows.contains(LoginFlows::SSO); } Room* Connection::room(const QString& roomId, JoinStates states) const { Room* room = d->roomMap.value({ roomId, false }, nullptr); if (states.testFlag(JoinState::Join) && room && room->joinState() == JoinState::Join) return room; if (states.testFlag(JoinState::Invite)) if (Room* invRoom = invitation(roomId)) return invRoom; if (states.testFlag(JoinState::Leave) && room && room->joinState() == JoinState::Leave) return room; return nullptr; } Room* Connection::roomByAlias(const QString& roomAlias, JoinStates states) const { const auto id = d->roomAliasMap.value(roomAlias); if (!id.isEmpty()) return room(id, states); qCWarning(MAIN) << "Room for alias" << roomAlias << "is not found under account" << userId(); return nullptr; } void Connection::updateRoomAliases(const QString& roomId, const QStringList& previousRoomAliases, const QStringList& roomAliases) { for (const auto& a : previousRoomAliases) if (d->roomAliasMap.remove(a) == 0) qCWarning(MAIN) << "Alias" << a << "is not found (already deleted?)"; for (const auto& a : roomAliases) { auto& mappedId = d->roomAliasMap[a]; if (!mappedId.isEmpty()) { if (mappedId == roomId) qCDebug(MAIN) << "Alias" << a << "is already mapped to" << roomId; else qCWarning(MAIN) << "Alias" << a << "will be force-remapped from" << mappedId << "to" << roomId; } mappedId = roomId; } } Room* Connection::invitation(const QString& roomId) const { return d->roomMap.value({ roomId, true }, nullptr); } User* Connection::user(const QString& uId) { if (uId.isEmpty()) return nullptr; if (!uId.startsWith('@') || !uId.contains(':')) { qCCritical(MAIN) << "Malformed userId:" << uId; return nullptr; } if (d->userMap.contains(uId)) return d->userMap.value(uId); auto* user = userFactory()(this, uId); d->userMap.insert(uId, user); emit newUser(user); return user; } const User* Connection::user() const { return d->userMap.value(userId(), nullptr); } User* Connection::user() { return user(userId()); } QString Connection::userId() const { return d->data->userId(); } QString Connection::deviceId() const { return d->data->deviceId(); } QByteArray Connection::accessToken() const { return d->data->accessToken(); } #ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED QtOlm::Account* Connection::olmAccount() const { return d->encryptionManager->account(); } #endif // Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED SyncJob* Connection::syncJob() const { return d->syncJob; } int Connection::millisToReconnect() const { return d->syncJob ? d->syncJob->millisToRetry() : 0; } QHash, Room*> Connection::roomMap() const { // Copy-on-write-and-remove-elements is faster than copying elements one by // one. QHash, Room*> roomMap = d->roomMap; for (auto it = roomMap.begin(); it != roomMap.end();) { if (it.value()->joinState() == JoinState::Leave) it = roomMap.erase(it); else ++it; } return roomMap; } QVector Connection::allRooms() const { QVector result; result.resize(d->roomMap.size()); std::copy(d->roomMap.cbegin(), d->roomMap.cend(), result.begin()); return result; } QVector Connection::rooms(JoinStates joinStates) const { QVector result; for (auto* r: qAsConst(d->roomMap)) if (joinStates.testFlag(r->joinState())) result.push_back(r); return result; } int Connection::roomsCount(JoinStates joinStates) const { // Using int to maintain compatibility with QML // (consider also that QHash<>::size() returns int anyway). return int(std::count_if(d->roomMap.begin(), d->roomMap.end(), [joinStates](Room* r) { return joinStates.testFlag(r->joinState()); })); } bool Connection::hasAccountData(const QString& type) const { return d->accountData.find(type) != d->accountData.cend(); } const EventPtr& Connection::accountData(const QString& type) const { static EventPtr NoEventPtr {}; auto it = d->accountData.find(type); return it == d->accountData.end() ? NoEventPtr : it->second; } QJsonObject Connection::accountDataJson(const QString& type) const { const auto& eventPtr = accountData(type); return eventPtr ? eventPtr->contentJson() : QJsonObject(); } void Connection::setAccountData(EventPtr&& event) { d->packAndSendAccountData(std::move(event)); } void Connection::setAccountData(const QString& type, const QJsonObject& content) { d->packAndSendAccountData(loadEvent(type, content)); } QHash> Connection::tagsToRooms() const { QHash> result; for (auto* r : qAsConst(d->roomMap)) { const auto& tagNames = r->tagNames(); for (const auto& tagName : tagNames) result[tagName].push_back(r); } for (auto it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); ++it) std::sort(it->begin(), it->end(), [t = it.key()](Room* r1, Room* r2) { return r1->tags().value(t) < r2->tags().value(t); }); return result; } QStringList Connection::tagNames() const { QStringList tags({ FavouriteTag }); for (auto* r : qAsConst(d->roomMap)) { const auto& tagNames = r->tagNames(); for (const auto& tag : tagNames) if (tag != LowPriorityTag && !tags.contains(tag)) tags.push_back(tag); } tags.push_back(LowPriorityTag); return tags; } QVector Connection::roomsWithTag(const QString& tagName) const { QVector rooms; std::copy_if(d->roomMap.begin(), d->roomMap.end(), std::back_inserter(rooms), [&tagName](Room* r) { return r->tags().contains(tagName); }); return rooms; } DirectChatsMap Connection::directChats() const { return d->directChats; } // Removes room with given id from roomMap void Connection::Private::removeRoom(const QString& roomId) { for (auto f : { false, true }) if (auto r = roomMap.take({ roomId, f })) { qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room" << r->objectName() << "in state" << toCString(r->joinState()) << "will be deleted"; emit r->beforeDestruction(r); r->deleteLater(); } } void Connection::addToDirectChats(const Room* room, User* user) { Q_ASSERT(room != nullptr && user != nullptr); if (d->directChats.contains(user, room->id())) return; Q_ASSERT(!d->directChatUsers.contains(room->id(), user)); d->directChats.insert(user, room->id()); d->directChatUsers.insert(room->id(), user); d->dcLocalAdditions.insert(user, room->id()); emit directChatsListChanged({ { user, room->id() } }, {}); } void Connection::removeFromDirectChats(const QString& roomId, User* user) { Q_ASSERT(!roomId.isEmpty()); if ((user != nullptr && !d->directChats.contains(user, roomId)) || d->directChats.key(roomId) == nullptr) return; DirectChatsMap removals; if (user != nullptr) { d->directChats.remove(user, roomId); d->directChatUsers.remove(roomId, user); removals.insert(user, roomId); d->dcLocalRemovals.insert(user, roomId); } else { removals = erase_if(d->directChats, [&roomId](auto it) { return it.value() == roomId; }); d->directChatUsers.remove(roomId); d->dcLocalRemovals += removals; } emit directChatsListChanged({}, removals); } bool Connection::isDirectChat(const QString& roomId) const { return d->directChatUsers.contains(roomId); } QList Connection::directChatUsers(const Room* room) const { Q_ASSERT(room != nullptr); return d->directChatUsers.values(room->id()); } bool Connection::isIgnored(const User* user) const { return ignoredUsers().contains(user->id()); } IgnoredUsersList Connection::ignoredUsers() const { const auto* event = d->unpackAccountData(); return event ? event->ignored_users() : IgnoredUsersList(); } void Connection::addToIgnoredUsers(const User* user) { Q_ASSERT(user != nullptr); auto ignoreList = ignoredUsers(); if (!ignoreList.contains(user->id())) { ignoreList.insert(user->id()); d->packAndSendAccountData(ignoreList); emit ignoredUsersListChanged({ { user->id() } }, {}); } } void Connection::removeFromIgnoredUsers(const User* user) { Q_ASSERT(user != nullptr); auto ignoreList = ignoredUsers(); if (ignoreList.remove(user->id()) != 0) { d->packAndSendAccountData(ignoreList); emit ignoredUsersListChanged({}, { { user->id() } }); } } QMap Connection::users() const { return d->userMap; } const ConnectionData* Connection::connectionData() const { return d->data.get(); } Room* Connection::provideRoom(const QString& id, Omittable joinState) { // TODO: This whole function is a strong case for a RoomManager class. Q_ASSERT_X(!id.isEmpty(), __FUNCTION__, "Empty room id"); // If joinState is empty, all joinState == comparisons below are false. const auto roomKey = qMakePair(id, joinState == JoinState::Invite); auto* room = d->roomMap.value(roomKey, nullptr); if (room) { // Leave is a special case because in transition (5a) (see the .h file) // joinState == room->joinState but we still have to preempt the Invite // and emit a signal. For Invite and Join, there's no such problem. if (room->joinState() == joinState && joinState != JoinState::Leave) return room; } else if (!joinState) { // No Join and Leave, maybe Invite? room = d->roomMap.value({ id, true }, nullptr); if (room) return room; // No Invite either, setup a new room object below } if (!room) { room = roomFactory()(this, id, joinState.value_or(JoinState::Join)); if (!room) { qCCritical(MAIN) << "Failed to create a room" << id; return nullptr; } d->roomMap.insert(roomKey, room); d->firstTimeRooms.push_back(room); connect(room, &Room::beforeDestruction, this, &Connection::aboutToDeleteRoom); emit newRoom(room); } if (!joinState) return room; if (*joinState == JoinState::Invite) { // prev is either Leave or nullptr auto* prev = d->roomMap.value({ id, false }, nullptr); emit invitedRoom(room, prev); } else { room->setJoinState(*joinState); // Preempt the Invite room (if any) with a room in Join/Leave state. auto* prevInvite = d->roomMap.take({ id, true }); if (*joinState == JoinState::Join) emit joinedRoom(room, prevInvite); else if (*joinState == JoinState::Leave) emit leftRoom(room, prevInvite); if (prevInvite) { const auto dcUsers = prevInvite->directChatUsers(); for (auto* u : dcUsers) addToDirectChats(room, u); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Deleting Invite state for room" << prevInvite->id(); emit prevInvite->beforeDestruction(prevInvite); prevInvite->deleteLater(); } } return room; } void Connection::setRoomFactory(room_factory_t f) { _roomFactory = std::move(f); } void Connection::setUserFactory(user_factory_t f) { _userFactory = std::move(f); } room_factory_t Connection::roomFactory() { return _roomFactory; } user_factory_t Connection::userFactory() { return _userFactory; } room_factory_t Connection::_roomFactory = defaultRoomFactory<>(); user_factory_t Connection::_userFactory = defaultUserFactory<>(); QByteArray Connection::generateTxnId() const { return d->data->generateTxnId(); } void Connection::setHomeserver(const QUrl& url) { if (homeserver() != url) { d->data->setBaseUrl(url); d->loginFlows.clear(); emit homeserverChanged(homeserver()); } // Whenever a homeserver is updated, retrieve available login flows from it auto* j = callApi(BackgroundRequest); connect(j, &BaseJob::finished, this, [this, j] { if (j->status().good()) d->loginFlows = j->flows(); else d->loginFlows.clear(); emit loginFlowsChanged(); }); } void Connection::saveRoomState(Room* r) const { Q_ASSERT(r); if (!d->cacheState) return; QFile outRoomFile { stateCacheDir().filePath( SyncData::fileNameForRoom(r->id())) }; if (outRoomFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QJsonDocument json { r->toJson() }; auto data = d->cacheToBinary ? json.toBinaryData() : json.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact); outRoomFile.write(data.data(), data.size()); qCDebug(MAIN) << "Room state cache saved to" << outRoomFile.fileName(); } else { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Error opening" << outRoomFile.fileName() << ":" << outRoomFile.errorString(); } } void Connection::saveState() const { if (!d->cacheState) return; QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); QFile outFile { d->topLevelStatePath() }; if (!outFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "Error opening" << outFile.fileName() << ":" << outFile.errorString(); qCWarning(MAIN) << "Caching the rooms state disabled"; d->cacheState = false; return; } QJsonObject rootObj { { QStringLiteral("cache_version"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("major"), SyncData::cacheVersion().first }, { QStringLiteral("minor"), SyncData::cacheVersion().second } } } }; { QJsonObject roomsJson; QJsonObject inviteRoomsJson; for (const auto* r: qAsConst(d->roomMap)) { if (r->joinState() == JoinState::Leave) continue; (r->joinState() == JoinState::Invite ? inviteRoomsJson : roomsJson) .insert(r->id(), QJsonValue::Null); } QJsonObject roomObj; if (!roomsJson.isEmpty()) roomObj.insert(QStringLiteral("join"), roomsJson); if (!inviteRoomsJson.isEmpty()) roomObj.insert(QStringLiteral("invite"), inviteRoomsJson); rootObj.insert(QStringLiteral("next_batch"), d->data->lastEvent()); rootObj.insert(QStringLiteral("rooms"), roomObj); } { QJsonArray accountDataEvents { basicEventJson(QStringLiteral("m.direct"), toJson(d->directChats)) }; for (const auto& e : d->accountData) accountDataEvents.append( basicEventJson(e.first, e.second->contentJson())); rootObj.insert(QStringLiteral("account_data"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("events"), accountDataEvents } }); } QJsonDocument json { rootObj }; auto data = d->cacheToBinary ? json.toBinaryData() : json.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact); qCDebug(PROFILER) << "Cache for" << userId() << "generated in" << et; outFile.write(data.data(), data.size()); qCDebug(MAIN) << "State cache saved to" << outFile.fileName(); } void Connection::loadState() { if (!d->cacheState) return; QElapsedTimer et; et.start(); SyncData sync { d->topLevelStatePath() }; if (sync.nextBatch().isEmpty()) // No token means no cache by definition return; if (!sync.unresolvedRooms().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(MAIN) << "State cache incomplete, discarding"; return; } // TODO: to handle load failures, instead of the above block: // 1. Do initial sync on failed rooms without saving the nextBatch token // 2. Do the sync across all rooms as normal onSyncSuccess(std::move(sync), true); qCDebug(PROFILER) << "*** Cached state for" << userId() << "loaded in" << et; } QString Connection::stateCachePath() const { return stateCacheDir().path() % '/'; } QDir Connection::stateCacheDir() const { auto safeUserId = userId(); safeUserId.replace(':', '_'); return cacheLocation(safeUserId); } bool Connection::cacheState() const { return d->cacheState; } void Connection::setCacheState(bool newValue) { if (d->cacheState != newValue) { d->cacheState = newValue; emit cacheStateChanged(); } } bool Connection::lazyLoading() const { return d->lazyLoading; } void Connection::setLazyLoading(bool newValue) { if (d->lazyLoading != newValue) { d->lazyLoading = newValue; emit lazyLoadingChanged(); } } void Connection::run(BaseJob* job, RunningPolicy runningPolicy) const { connect(job, &BaseJob::failure, this, &Connection::requestFailed); job->initiate(d->data.get(), runningPolicy & BackgroundRequest); } void Connection::getTurnServers() { auto job = callApi(); connect(job, &GetTurnServerJob::success, this, [=] { emit turnServersChanged(job->data()); }); } const QString Connection::SupportedRoomVersion::StableTag = QStringLiteral("stable"); QString Connection::defaultRoomVersion() const { Q_ASSERT(d->capabilities.roomVersions.has_value()); return d->capabilities.roomVersions->defaultVersion; } QStringList Connection::stableRoomVersions() const { Q_ASSERT(d->capabilities.roomVersions.has_value()); QStringList l; const auto& allVersions = d->capabilities.roomVersions->available; for (auto it = allVersions.begin(); it != allVersions.end(); ++it) if (it.value() == SupportedRoomVersion::StableTag) l.push_back(it.key()); return l; } inline bool roomVersionLess(const Connection::SupportedRoomVersion& v1, const Connection::SupportedRoomVersion& v2) { bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false; const auto vNum1 = v1.id.toFloat(&ok1); const auto vNum2 = v2.id.toFloat(&ok2); return ok1 && ok2 ? vNum1 < vNum2 : v1.id < v2.id; } QVector Connection::availableRoomVersions() const { Q_ASSERT(d->capabilities.roomVersions.has_value()); QVector result; result.reserve(d->capabilities.roomVersions->available.size()); for (auto it = d->capabilities.roomVersions->available.begin(); it != d->capabilities.roomVersions->available.end(); ++it) result.push_back({ it.key(), it.value() }); // Put stable versions over unstable; within each group, // sort numeric versions as numbers, the rest as strings. const auto mid = std::partition(result.begin(), result.end(), std::mem_fn(&SupportedRoomVersion::isStable)); std::sort(result.begin(), mid, roomVersionLess); std::sort(mid, result.end(), roomVersionLess); return result; }