#include "connection.h" #include "room.h" #include "user.h" #include "csapi/room_send.h" #include "csapi/joining.h" #include "csapi/leaving.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QMatrixClient; using std::cout; using std::endl; using namespace std::placeholders; class QMCTest : public QObject { public: QMCTest(Connection* conn, const QString& testRoomName, QString source); private slots: void setup(const QString& testRoomName); void onNewRoom(Room* r); void startTests(); void addAndRemoveTag(); void sendAndRedact(); void checkRedactionOutcome(QString evtIdToRedact, RoomEventsRange events); void markDirectChat(); void checkDirectChatOutcome( const Connection::DirectChatsMap& added); void leave(); void finalize(); private: QScopedPointer c; QStringList running; QStringList succeeded; QStringList failed; QString origin; Room* targetRoom = nullptr; }; #define QMC_CHECK(description, condition) \ { \ const bool result = !!(condition); \ Q_ASSERT(running.removeOne(description)); \ (result ? succeeded : failed).push_back(description); \ cout << (description) << (result ? " successul" : " FAILED") << endl; \ if (targetRoom) \ targetRoom->postMessage(origin % ": " % QStringLiteral(description) % \ (result ? QStringLiteral(" successful") : QStringLiteral(" FAILED")), \ result ? MessageEventType::Notice : MessageEventType::Text); \ } QMCTest::QMCTest(Connection* conn, const QString& testRoomName, QString source) : c(conn), origin(std::move(source)) { if (!origin.isEmpty()) cout << "Origin for the test message: " << origin.toStdString() << endl; if (!testRoomName.isEmpty()) cout << "Test room name: " << testRoomName.toStdString() << endl; connect(c.data(), &Connection::connected, this, std::bind(&QMCTest::setup, this, testRoomName)); connect(c.data(), &Connection::loadedRoomState, this, &QMCTest::onNewRoom); // Big countdown watchdog QTimer::singleShot(180000, this, &QMCTest::leave); } void QMCTest::setup(const QString& testRoomName) { cout << "Connected, server: " << c->homeserver().toDisplayString().toStdString() << endl; cout << "Access token: " << c->accessToken().toStdString() << endl; // Setting up sync loop c->sync(); connect(c.data(), &Connection::syncDone, c.data(), [this,testRoomName] { cout << "Sync complete, " << running.size() << " tests in the air" << endl; if (!running.isEmpty()) c->sync(10000); else if (targetRoom) { auto j = c->sendMessage(targetRoom->id(), RoomMessageEvent(origin % ": All tests finished")); connect(j, &BaseJob::finished, this, &QMCTest::leave); } else finalize(); }); // Join a testroom, if provided if (!targetRoom && !testRoomName.isEmpty()) { cout << "Joining " << testRoomName.toStdString() << endl; running.push_back("Join room"); auto joinJob = c->joinRoom(testRoomName); connect(joinJob, &BaseJob::failure, this, [this] { QMC_CHECK("Join room", false); finalize(); }); // As of BaseJob::success, a Room object is not guaranteed to even // exist; it's a mere confirmation that the server processed // the request. connect(c.data(), &Connection::loadedRoomState, this, [this,testRoomName] (Room* room) { Q_ASSERT(room); // It's a grave failure if room is nullptr here if (room->canonicalAlias() != testRoomName) return; // Not our room targetRoom = room; QMC_CHECK("Join room", true); startTests(); }); } } void QMCTest::onNewRoom(Room* r) { cout << "New room: " << r->id().toStdString() << endl << " Name: " << r->name().toStdString() << endl << " Canonical alias: " << r->canonicalAlias().toStdString() << endl << endl; connect(r, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, r, [r] (RoomEventsRange timeline) { cout << timeline.size() << " new event(s) in room " << r->canonicalAlias().toStdString() << endl; // for (const auto& item: timeline) // { // cout << "From: " // << r->roomMembername(item->senderId()).toStdString() // << endl << "Timestamp:" // << item->timestamp().toString().toStdString() << endl // << "JSON:" << endl << item->originalJson().toStdString() << endl; // } }); } void QMCTest::startTests() { cout << "Starting tests" << endl; addAndRemoveTag(); sendAndRedact(); markDirectChat(); } void QMCTest::addAndRemoveTag() { running.push_back("Tagging test"); static const auto TestTag = QStringLiteral("org.qmatrixclient.test"); // Pre-requisite if (targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)) targetRoom->removeTag(TestTag); // Connect first because the signal is emitted synchronously. connect(targetRoom, &Room::tagsChanged, targetRoom, [=] { cout << "Room " << targetRoom->id().toStdString() << ", tag(s) changed:" << endl << " " << targetRoom->tagNames().join(", ").toStdString() << endl; if (targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)) { cout << "Test tag set, removing it now" << endl; targetRoom->removeTag(TestTag); QMC_CHECK("Tagging test", !targetRoom->tags().contains(TestTag)); QObject::disconnect(targetRoom, &Room::tagsChanged, nullptr, nullptr); } }); cout << "Adding a tag" << endl; targetRoom->addTag(TestTag); } void QMCTest::sendAndRedact() { running.push_back("Redaction"); cout << "Sending a message to redact" << endl; auto* job = targetRoom->connection()->sendMessage(targetRoom->id(), RoomMessageEvent(origin % ": Message to redact")); connect(job, &BaseJob::success, targetRoom, [job,this] { cout << "Message to redact has been succesfully sent, redacting" << endl; targetRoom->redactEvent(job->eventId(), origin); // Make sure to save the event id because the job is about to end. connect(targetRoom, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this, std::bind(&QMCTest::checkRedactionOutcome, this, job->eventId(), _1)); }); } void QMCTest::checkRedactionOutcome(QString evtIdToRedact, RoomEventsRange events) { static bool checkSucceeded = false; // There are two possible (correct) outcomes: either the event comes already // redacted at the next sync, or the nearest sync completes with // the unredacted event but the next one brings redaction. auto it = std::find_if(events.begin(), events.end(), [=] (const RoomEventPtr& e) { return e->id() == evtIdToRedact; }); if (it == events.end()) return; // Waiting for the next sync if ((*it)->isRedacted()) { if (checkSucceeded) { const auto msg = "The redacted event came in with the sync again, ignoring"; cout << msg << endl; targetRoom->postMessage(msg); return; } cout << "The sync brought already redacted message" << endl; QMC_CHECK("Redaction", true); // Not disconnecting because there are other connections from this class // to aboutToAddNewMessages checkSucceeded = true; return; } // The event is not redacted if (checkSucceeded) { const auto msg = "Warning: the redacted event came non-redacted with the sync!"; cout << msg << endl; targetRoom->postMessage(msg); } cout << "Message came non-redacted with the sync, waiting for redaction" << endl; connect(targetRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, targetRoom, [=] (const RoomEvent* newEvent, const RoomEvent* oldEvent) { QMC_CHECK("Redaction", oldEvent->id() == evtIdToRedact && newEvent->isRedacted() && newEvent->redactionReason() == origin); checkSucceeded = true; disconnect(targetRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, nullptr, nullptr); }); } void QMCTest::markDirectChat() { if (targetRoom->directChatUsers().contains(c->user())) { cout << "Warning: the room is already a direct chat," " only unmarking will be tested" << endl; checkDirectChatOutcome({{ c->user(), targetRoom->id() }}); return; } // Connect first because the signal is emitted synchronously. connect(c.data(), &Connection::directChatsListChanged, this, &QMCTest::checkDirectChatOutcome); cout << "Marking the room as a direct chat" << endl; c->addToDirectChats(targetRoom, c->user()); } void QMCTest::checkDirectChatOutcome(const Connection::DirectChatsMap& added) { running.push_back("Direct chat test"); disconnect(c.data(), &Connection::directChatsListChanged, nullptr, nullptr); if (!targetRoom->isDirectChat()) { cout << "The room has not been marked as a direct chat" << endl; QMC_CHECK("Direct chat test", false); return; } if (!added.contains(c->user(), targetRoom->id())) { cout << "The room has not been listed in new direct chats" << endl; QMC_CHECK("Direct chat test", false); return; } cout << "Unmarking the direct chat" << endl; c->removeFromDirectChats(targetRoom->id(), c->user()); QMC_CHECK("Direct chat test", !c->isDirectChat(targetRoom->id())); } void QMCTest::leave() { if (targetRoom) { cout << "Leaving the room" << endl; connect(targetRoom->leaveRoom(), &BaseJob::finished, this, &QMCTest::finalize); } else finalize(); } void QMCTest::finalize() { cout << "Logging out" << endl; c->logout(); connect(c.data(), &Connection::loggedOut, qApp, [this] { if (!failed.isEmpty()) cout << "FAILED: " << failed.join(", ").toStdString() << endl; if (!running.isEmpty()) cout << "DID NOT FINISH: " << running.join(", ").toStdString() << endl; QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QCoreApplication::exit(failed.size() + running.size()); }); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); if (argc < 4) { cout << "Usage: qmc-example [ [origin]]" << endl; return -1; } cout << "Connecting to the server as " << argv[1] << endl; auto conn = new Connection; conn->connectToServer(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); QMCTest test { conn, argc >= 5 ? argv[4] : nullptr, argc >= 6 ? argv[5] : nullptr }; return app.exec(); }