cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) if (POLICY CMP0092) cmake_policy(SET CMP0092 NEW) endif() set(API_VERSION "0.6") project(Quotient VERSION "${API_VERSION}.11" LANGUAGES CXX) option(${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_TESTS "install quotest (former qmc-example) application" ON) # option(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_E2EE "end-to-end encryption (E2EE) support" OFF) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) if (WIN32) if (NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR ".") endif () if (NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR ".") endif () if (NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "include") endif () else() include(GNUInstallDirs) set(INCLUDEDIR_INIT ${PROJECT_NAME}) endif(WIN32) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${INCLUDEDIR_INIT}" CACHE PATH "directory to install ${PROJECT_NAME} include files to") # Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed. set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # Set a default build type if none was specified if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'Debug' as none was specified") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build" FORCE) # Set the possible values of build type for cmake-gui set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") endif() if (MSVC) add_compile_options(/EHsc /W4 /wd4100 /wd4127 /wd4242 /wd4244 /wd4245 /wd4267 /wd4365 /wd4456 /wd4459 /wd4464 /wd4505 /wd4514 /wd4571 /wd4619 /wd4623 /wd4625 /wd4626 /wd4706 /wd4710 /wd4774 /wd4820 /wd4946 /wd5026 /wd5027) else() foreach (FLAG all "" pedantic extra error=return-type no-unused-parameter no-gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("-W${FLAG}" WARN_${FLAG}_SUPPORTED) if ( WARN_${FLAG}_SUPPORTED AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "(^| )-W?${FLAG}($| )") add_compile_options(-W${FLAG}) endif () endforeach () endif() find_package(Qt5 5.9 REQUIRED Network Gui Multimedia Test) get_filename_component(Qt5_Prefix "${Qt5_DIR}/../../../.." ABSOLUTE) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_E2EE) if ((NOT DEFINED USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM OR USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM) AND EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/libQtOlm/lib/utils.h) add_subdirectory(3rdparty/libQtOlm) include_directories(3rdparty/libQtOlm) if (NOT DEFINED USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM) set (USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM 1) endif () endif () if (NOT USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM) set(SAVED_CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) find_package(QtOlm 3.0.1 REQUIRED) if (NOT QtOlm_FOUND) message( WARNING "libQtOlm not found; configuration will most likely fail.") message( WARNING "Make sure you have installed libQtOlm development files") message( WARNING "as a package or checked out the library sources in lib/.") message( WARNING "See also") endif () endif () else () message( STATUS "End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support is turned off.") endif () if (GTAD_PATH AND MATRIX_DOC_PATH) get_filename_component(ABS_GTAD_PATH "${GTAD_PATH}" REALPATH) if (EXISTS ${ABS_GTAD_PATH}) get_filename_component(ABS_API_DEF_PATH "${MATRIX_DOC_PATH}/data/api" REALPATH) message (STATUS "Testing ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}") if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}) get_filename_component(ABS_API_DEF_PATH "${MATRIX_DOC_PATH}/api" REALPATH) message (STATUS "Testing ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}") endif () if (IS_DIRECTORY ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}) set(GENERATE_API 1) if (NOT CLANG_FORMAT) set(CLANG_FORMAT clang-format) endif() get_filename_component(ABS_CLANG_FORMAT "${CLANG_FORMAT}" PROGRAM) else () message( WARNING "${MATRIX_DOC_PATH} doesn't seem to point to a valid matrix-doc repo; disabling API stubs generation") endif () else (EXISTS ${ABS_GTAD_PATH}) message( WARNING "${GTAD_PATH} doesn't exist; disabling API stubs generation") endif () endif () message( STATUS ) message( STATUS "=============================================================================" ) message( STATUS " ${PROJECT_NAME} Build Information" ) message( STATUS "=============================================================================" ) message( STATUS "Version: ${PROJECT_VERSION}, API version: ${API_VERSION}") if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message( STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message( STATUS "Using compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}" ) message( STATUS "Install Prefix: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) message( STATUS " Header files will be installed to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" ) message( STATUS "Using Qt ${Qt5_VERSION} at ${Qt5_Prefix}" ) if (GENERATE_API) message( STATUS "Generating API stubs enabled (use --target update-api)" ) message( STATUS " Using GTAD at ${ABS_GTAD_PATH}" ) message( STATUS " Using API files at ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}" ) if (EXISTS ${ABS_CLANG_FORMAT}) message( STATUS "clang-format is at ${ABS_CLANG_FORMAT}") else () message( STATUS "${CLANG_FORMAT} is NOT FOUND; API files won't be reformatted") endif () endif () find_package(Git) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_E2EE) if (USE_INTREE_LIBQOLM) message( STATUS "Using in-tree libQtOlm") if (GIT_FOUND) execute_process(COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" rev-parse -q HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/libQtOlm OUTPUT_VARIABLE QTOLM_GIT_SHA1 OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message( STATUS " Library git SHA1: ${QTOLM_GIT_SHA1}") endif (GIT_FOUND) else () message( STATUS "Using libQtOlm ${QtOlm_VERSION} at ${QtOlm_DIR}") endif () endif () message( STATUS "=============================================================================" ) message( STATUS ) # Set up source files set(lib_SRCS # This .h is special in that it declares a Q_NAMESPACE but has no .cpp # where staticMetaObject for that namespace would be defined; passing it # to add_library (see below) puts it on the automoc radar, producing # a compilation unit with the needed definition. lib/quotient_common.h lib/networkaccessmanager.cpp lib/connectiondata.cpp lib/connection.cpp lib/ssosession.cpp lib/logging.cpp lib/room.cpp lib/user.cpp lib/avatar.cpp lib/uri.cpp lib/uriresolver.cpp lib/syncdata.cpp lib/settings.cpp lib/networksettings.cpp lib/converters.cpp lib/util.cpp lib/encryptionmanager.cpp lib/eventitem.cpp lib/events/event.cpp lib/events/roomevent.cpp lib/events/stateevent.cpp lib/events/eventcontent.cpp lib/events/roomcreateevent.cpp lib/events/roomtombstoneevent.cpp lib/events/roommessageevent.cpp lib/events/roommemberevent.cpp lib/events/roompowerlevelsevent.cpp lib/events/typingevent.cpp lib/events/receiptevent.cpp lib/events/reactionevent.cpp lib/events/callanswerevent.cpp lib/events/callcandidatesevent.cpp lib/events/callhangupevent.cpp lib/events/callinviteevent.cpp lib/events/directchatevent.cpp lib/events/encryptionevent.cpp lib/events/encryptedevent.cpp lib/events/roomkeyevent.cpp lib/jobs/requestdata.cpp lib/jobs/basejob.cpp lib/jobs/syncjob.cpp lib/jobs/mediathumbnailjob.cpp lib/jobs/downloadfilejob.cpp ) set(CSAPI_DIR csapi) set(FULL_CSAPI_DIR lib/${CSAPI_DIR}) set(ASAPI_DEF_DIR application-service/definitions) set(ISAPI_DEF_DIR identity/definitions) if (GENERATE_API) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.12.0") # We use globbing with CONFIGURE_DEPENDS to produce two file lists: # one of all API files for clang-format and another of just .cpp # files to supply for library source files. Since we expect these # file lists to only change due to GTAD invocation, we only use # CONFIGURE_DEPENDS when pre-requisites to update API are met. # Read comments next to each file(GLOB_RECURSE) for caveats. set(add_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "CONFIGURE_DEPENDS") endif() set(FULL_CSAPI_SRC_DIR ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}/client-server) file(GLOB_RECURSE API_DEFS RELATIVE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ${FULL_CSAPI_SRC_DIR}/*.yaml ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}/${ASAPI_DEF_DIR}/*.yaml ${ABS_API_DEF_PATH}/${ISAPI_DEF_DIR}/*.yaml ) add_custom_target(generate-unformatted-api ${ABS_GTAD_PATH} --config ../gtad/gtad.yaml --out ${CSAPI_DIR} ${FULL_CSAPI_SRC_DIR} old_sync.yaml- room_initial_sync.yaml- # deprecated search.yaml- # current GTAD is limited in handling move-only data key_backup.yaml- # immature and buggy in terms of API definition sync.yaml- # we have a better handcrafted implementation WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib SOURCES gtad/gtad.yaml gtad/data.h.mustache gtad/operation.h.mustache gtad/operation.cpp.mustache ${API_DEFS} VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(update-api DEPENDS generate-unformatted-api) if (EXISTS ${ABS_CLANG_FORMAT}) set(CLANG_FORMAT_ARGS -i -sort-includes ${CLANG_FORMAT_ARGS}) # FIXME: the list of files should be produced after GTAD has run. # For now it's produced at CMake invocation. If file() hasn't found # any files at that moment, clang-format will be called with an empty # list of files and choke. Taking outfiles.txt from GTAD could be # an option but this, too, must be done during the build stage, and # there's no crossplatform way to use the contents of a file as # input for a build target command. file(GLOB_RECURSE api_ALL_SRCS ${add_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS} ${FULL_CSAPI_DIR}/*.* lib/${ASAPI_DEF_DIR}/*.* lib/${ISAPI_DEF_DIR}/*.*) if (api_ALL_SRCS) add_custom_target(format-api ${ABS_CLANG_FORMAT} ${CLANG_FORMAT_ARGS} ${api_ALL_SRCS} DEPENDS generate-unformatted-api VERBATIM) add_dependencies(update-api format-api) endif() endif() endif() # Make no mistake: CMake cannot run gtad first and then populate the list of # resulting api_SRCS files. In other words, placing the below statement after # the block above will not lead to CMake magically reconfiguring the build # after building the update-api target. CONFIGURE_DEPENDS somewhat helps, # at least forcing the build system to reevaluate the glob before building # the next target. Otherwise, you have to watch out if gtad has created # new files and if it has, re-run cmake. file(GLOB_RECURSE api_SRCS ${add_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS} ${FULL_CSAPI_DIR}/*.cpp) set(tests_SRCS tests/quotest.cpp) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} ${lib_SRCS} ${api_SRCS}) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_E2EE) target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${PROJECT_NAME}_E2EE_ENABLED) endif() set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}" SOVERSION ${API_VERSION} INTERFACE_${PROJECT_NAME}_MAJOR_VERSION ${API_VERSION} ) set_property(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} APPEND PROPERTY COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING ${PROJECT_NAME}_MAJOR_VERSION) target_compile_features(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_17) target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC $ $ ) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_E2EE) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} QtOlm) set(FIND_DEPS "find_dependency(QtOlm)") # For endif() target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Network Qt5::Gui Qt5::Multimedia) set(TEST_BINARY quotest) add_executable(${TEST_BINARY} ${tests_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(${TEST_BINARY} Qt5::Core Qt5::Test ${PROJECT_NAME}) configure_file(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.pc @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) # Installation install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} INCLUDES DESTINATION ${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} ) install(DIRECTORY lib/ DESTINATION ${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h") include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) # NB: SameMajorVersion doesn't really work yet, as we're within 0.x trail. # Maybe consider jumping the gun and releasing 1.0, as semver advises? write_basic_package_version_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake" COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) export(PACKAGE ${PROJECT_NAME}) export(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake") configure_file(cmake/${PROJECT_NAME} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake" @ONLY ) set(ConfigFilesLocation "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}") install(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake DESTINATION ${ConfigFilesLocation}) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION ${ConfigFilesLocation} ) install(EXPORT_ANDROID_MK ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets DESTINATION share/ndk-modules) if (WIN32) install(FILES mime/packages/ DESTINATION mime/packages) endif (WIN32) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_TESTS) install(TARGETS ${TEST_BINARY} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif () if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.pc DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig) endif()