path: root/autotests/testolmaccount.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autotests/testolmaccount.cpp')
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autotests/testolmaccount.cpp b/autotests/testolmaccount.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62b786d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotests/testolmaccount.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <carlschwan@kde.org>
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 mtxclient developers
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+#include "testolmaccount.h"
+#include <e2ee/qolmaccount.h>
+#include <e2ee/qolmutility.h>
+#include <connection.h>
+#include <events/encryptedfile.h>
+#include <networkaccessmanager.h>
+#include <room.h>
+#include <csapi/joining.h>
+using namespace Quotient;
+void TestOlmAccount::pickleUnpickledTest()
+ QOlmAccount olmAccount(QStringLiteral("@foo:bar.com"), QStringLiteral("QuotientTestDevice"));
+ olmAccount.createNewAccount();
+ auto identityKeys = olmAccount.identityKeys();
+ auto pickled = std::get<QByteArray>(olmAccount.pickle(Unencrypted{}));
+ QOlmAccount olmAccount2(QStringLiteral("@foo:bar.com"), QStringLiteral("QuotientTestDevice"));
+ olmAccount2.unpickle(pickled, Unencrypted{});
+ auto identityKeys2 = olmAccount2.identityKeys();
+ QCOMPARE(identityKeys.curve25519, identityKeys2.curve25519);
+ QCOMPARE(identityKeys.ed25519, identityKeys2.ed25519);
+void TestOlmAccount::identityKeysValid()
+ QOlmAccount olmAccount(QStringLiteral("@foo:bar.com"), QStringLiteral("QuotientTestDevice"));
+ olmAccount.createNewAccount();
+ const auto identityKeys = olmAccount.identityKeys();
+ const auto curve25519 = identityKeys.curve25519;
+ const auto ed25519 = identityKeys.ed25519;
+ // verify encoded keys length
+ QCOMPARE(curve25519.size(), 43);
+ QCOMPARE(ed25519.size(), 43);
+ // encoded as valid base64?
+ QVERIFY(QByteArray::fromBase64(curve25519).size() > 0);
+ QVERIFY(QByteArray::fromBase64(ed25519).size() > 0);
+void TestOlmAccount::signatureValid()
+ QOlmAccount olmAccount(QStringLiteral("@foo:bar.com"), QStringLiteral("QuotientTestDevice"));
+ olmAccount.createNewAccount();
+ const auto message = "Hello world!";
+ const auto signature = olmAccount.sign(message);
+ QVERIFY(QByteArray::fromBase64(signature).size() > 0);
+ QOlmUtility utility;
+ const auto identityKeys = olmAccount.identityKeys();
+ const auto ed25519Key = identityKeys.ed25519;
+ const auto verify = utility.ed25519Verify(ed25519Key, message, signature);
+ QVERIFY(std::holds_alternative<bool>(verify));
+ QVERIFY(std::get<bool>(verify) == true);
+void TestOlmAccount::oneTimeKeysValid()
+ QOlmAccount olmAccount(QStringLiteral("@foo:bar.com"), QStringLiteral("QuotientTestDevice"));
+ olmAccount.createNewAccount();
+ const auto maxNumberOfOneTimeKeys = olmAccount.maxNumberOfOneTimeKeys();
+ QCOMPARE(100, maxNumberOfOneTimeKeys);
+ const auto oneTimeKeysEmpty = olmAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ QVERIFY(oneTimeKeysEmpty.curve25519().isEmpty());
+ olmAccount.generateOneTimeKeys(20);
+ const auto oneTimeKeysFilled = olmAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ QCOMPARE(20, oneTimeKeysFilled.curve25519().count());
+void TestOlmAccount::deviceKeys()
+ // copied from mtxclient
+ DeviceKeys device1;
+ device1.userId = "@alice:example.com";
+ device1.deviceId = "JLAFKJWSCS";
+ device1.keys = {{"curve25519:JLAFKJWSCS", "3C5BFWi2Y8MaVvjM8M22DBmh24PmgR0nPvJOIArzgyI"},
+ {"ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS", "lEuiRJBit0IG6nUf5pUzWTUEsRVVe/HJkoKuEww9ULI"}};
+ // TODO that should be the default value
+ device1.algorithms = QStringList {"m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2",
+ "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"};
+ device1.signatures = {
+ {"@alice:example.com",
+ {{"ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS",
+ "dSO80A01XiigH3uBiDVx/EjzaoycHcjq9lfQX0uWsqxl2giMIiSPR8a4d291W1ihKJL/"
+ "a+myXS367WT6NAIcBA"}}}};
+ QJsonObject j;
+ JsonObjectConverter<DeviceKeys>::dumpTo(j, device1);
+ QJsonDocument doc(j);
+ QCOMPARE(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact), "{\"algorithms\":[\"m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2\",\"m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2\"],"
+ "\"device_id\":\"JLAFKJWSCS\",\"keys\":{\"curve25519:JLAFKJWSCS\":"
+ "\"3C5BFWi2Y8MaVvjM8M22DBmh24PmgR0nPvJOIArzgyI\",\"ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS\":"
+ "\"lEuiRJBit0IG6nUf5pUzWTUEsRVVe/"
+ "HJkoKuEww9ULI\"},\"signatures\":{\"@alice:example.com\":{\"ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS\":"
+ "\"dSO80A01XiigH3uBiDVx/EjzaoycHcjq9lfQX0uWsqxl2giMIiSPR8a4d291W1ihKJL/"
+ "a+myXS367WT6NAIcBA\"}},\"user_id\":\"@alice:example.com\"}");
+ auto doc2 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(R"({
+ "user_id": "@alice:example.com",
+ "device_id": "JLAFKJWSCS",
+ "algorithms": [
+ "m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2",
+ "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"
+ ],
+ "keys": {
+ "curve25519:JLAFKJWSCS": "3C5BFWi2Y8MaVvjM8M22DBmh24PmgR0nPvJOIArzgyI",
+ "ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS": "lEuiRJBit0IG6nUf5pUzWTUEsRVVe/HJkoKuEww9ULI"
+ },
+ "signatures": {
+ "@alice:example.com": {
+ "ed25519:JLAFKJWSCS": "dSO80A01XiigH3uBiDVx/EjzaoycHcjq9lfQX0uWsqxl2giMIiSPR8a4d291W1ihKJL/a+myXS367WT6NAIcBA"
+ }
+ },
+ "unsigned": {
+ "device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone"
+ }
+ })");
+ DeviceKeys device2;
+ JsonObjectConverter<DeviceKeys>::fillFrom(doc2.object(), device2);
+ QCOMPARE(device2.userId, device1.userId);
+ QCOMPARE(device2.deviceId, device1.deviceId);
+ QCOMPARE(device2.keys, device1.keys);
+ QCOMPARE(device2.algorithms, device1.algorithms);
+ QCOMPARE(device2.signatures, device1.signatures);
+ // UnsignedDeviceInfo is missing from the generated DeviceKeys object :(
+ // QCOMPARE(device2.unsignedInfo.deviceDisplayName, "Alice's mobile phone");
+void TestOlmAccount::encryptedFile()
+ auto doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(R"({
+ "url": "mxc://example.org/FHyPlCeYUSFFxlgbQYZmoEoe",
+ "v": "v2",
+ "key": {
+ "alg": "A256CTR",
+ "ext": true,
+ "k": "aWF6-32KGYaC3A_FEUCk1Bt0JA37zP0wrStgmdCaW-0",
+ "key_ops": ["encrypt","decrypt"],
+ "kty": "oct"
+ },
+ "iv": "w+sE15fzSc0AAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "hashes": {
+ "sha256": "fdSLu/YkRx3Wyh3KQabP3rd6+SFiKg5lsJZQHtkSAYA"
+ }})");
+ EncryptedFile file;
+ JsonObjectConverter<EncryptedFile>::fillFrom(doc.object(), file);
+ QCOMPARE(file.v, "v2");
+ QCOMPARE(file.iv, "w+sE15fzSc0AAAAAAAAAAA");
+ QCOMPARE(file.hashes["sha256"], "fdSLu/YkRx3Wyh3KQabP3rd6+SFiKg5lsJZQHtkSAYA");
+ QCOMPARE(file.key.alg, "A256CTR");
+ QCOMPARE(file.key.ext, true);
+ QCOMPARE(file.key.k, "aWF6-32KGYaC3A_FEUCk1Bt0JA37zP0wrStgmdCaW-0");
+ QCOMPARE(file.key.keyOps.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(file.key.kty, "oct");
+ NetworkAccessManager::instance()->ignoreSslErrors(true); \
+ auto VAR = std::make_shared<Connection>(); \
+ (VAR) ->resolveServer("@alice:localhost:443"); \
+ connect( (VAR) .get(), &Connection::loginFlowsChanged, this, [=] { \
+ (VAR) ->loginWithPassword( (USERNAME) , SECRET , DEVICE_NAME , ""); \
+ }); \
+ connect( (VAR) .get(), &Connection::networkError, [](QString error) { \
+ QWARN(qUtf8Printable(error)); \
+ QFAIL("Network error: make sure synapse is running"); \
+ }); \
+ connect( (VAR) .get(), &Connection::loginError, [](QString error) { \
+ QWARN(qUtf8Printable(error)); \
+ QFAIL("Login failed"); \
+ }); \
+ QSignalSpy spy ## VAR ((VAR).get(), &Connection::loginFlowsChanged); \
+ QSignalSpy spy2 ## VAR ((VAR).get(), &Connection::connected); \
+ QVERIFY(spy ## VAR .wait(10000)); \
+ QVERIFY(spy2 ## VAR .wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::uploadIdentityKey()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(conn, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto olmAccount = conn->olmAccount();
+ auto idKeys = olmAccount->identityKeys();
+ QVERIFY(idKeys.curve25519.size() > 10);
+ OneTimeKeys unused;
+ auto request = olmAccount->createUploadKeyRequest(unused);
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::result, this, [request, conn] {
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 0);
+ });
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::failure, this, [] {
+ QFAIL("upload failed");
+ });
+ conn->run(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy3(request, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy3.wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::uploadOneTimeKeys()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(conn, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto olmAccount = conn->olmAccount();
+ auto nKeys = olmAccount->generateOneTimeKeys(5);
+ QCOMPARE(nKeys, 5);
+ auto oneTimeKeys = olmAccount->oneTimeKeys();
+ QHash<QString, QVariant> oneTimeKeysHash;
+ const auto curve = oneTimeKeys.curve25519();
+ for (const auto &[keyId, key] : asKeyValueRange(curve)) {
+ oneTimeKeysHash["curve25519:"+keyId] = key;
+ }
+ auto request = new UploadKeysJob(none, oneTimeKeysHash);
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::result, this, [request, conn] {
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts()["curve25519"], 5);
+ });
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::failure, this, [] {
+ QFAIL("upload failed");
+ });
+ conn->run(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy3(request, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy3.wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::uploadSignedOneTimeKeys()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(conn, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto olmAccount = conn->olmAccount();
+ auto nKeys = olmAccount->generateOneTimeKeys(5);
+ QCOMPARE(nKeys, 5);
+ auto oneTimeKeys = olmAccount->oneTimeKeys();
+ QHash<QString, QVariant> oneTimeKeysHash;
+ const auto signedKey = olmAccount->signOneTimeKeys(oneTimeKeys);
+ for (const auto &[keyId, key] : asKeyValueRange(signedKey)) {
+ QVariant var;
+ var.setValue(key);
+ oneTimeKeysHash[keyId] = var;
+ }
+ auto request = new UploadKeysJob(none, oneTimeKeysHash);
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::result, this, [request, nKeys, conn] {
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], nKeys);
+ });
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::failure, this, [] {
+ QFAIL("upload failed");
+ });
+ conn->run(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy3(request, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy3.wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::uploadKeys()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(conn, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto olmAccount = conn->olmAccount();
+ auto idks = olmAccount->identityKeys();
+ olmAccount->generateOneTimeKeys(1);
+ auto otks = olmAccount->oneTimeKeys();
+ auto request = olmAccount->createUploadKeyRequest(otks);
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::result, this, [request, conn] {
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 1);
+ });
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::failure, this, [] {
+ QFAIL("upload failed");
+ });
+ conn->run(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy3(request, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy3.wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::queryTest()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(bob, "bob", "secret", "BobPhone")
+ // Create and upload keys for both users.
+ auto aliceOlm = alice->olmAccount();
+ aliceOlm->generateOneTimeKeys(1);
+ auto aliceRes = aliceOlm->createUploadKeyRequest(aliceOlm->oneTimeKeys());
+ connect(aliceRes, &BaseJob::result, this, [aliceRes] {
+ QCOMPARE(aliceRes->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(aliceRes->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 1);
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy(aliceRes, &BaseJob::result);
+ alice->run(aliceRes);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ auto bobOlm = bob->olmAccount();
+ bobOlm->generateOneTimeKeys(1);
+ auto bobRes = bobOlm->createUploadKeyRequest(aliceOlm->oneTimeKeys());
+ connect(bobRes, &BaseJob::result, this, [bobRes] {
+ QCOMPARE(bobRes->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(bobRes->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 1);
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy1(bobRes, &BaseJob::result);
+ bob->run(bobRes);
+ QVERIFY(spy1.wait(10000));
+ {
+ // Each user is requests each other's keys.
+ QHash<QString, QStringList> deviceKeys;
+ deviceKeys[bob->userId()] = QStringList();
+ auto job = alice->callApi<QueryKeysJob>(deviceKeys);
+ QSignalSpy spy(job, &BaseJob::result);
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [job, &bob, &bobOlm] {
+ QCOMPARE(job->failures().size(), 0);
+ auto aliceDevices = job->deviceKeys()[bob->userId()];
+ QVERIFY(aliceDevices.size() > 0);
+ auto devKeys = aliceDevices[bob->deviceId()];
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.userId, bob->userId());
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.deviceId, bob->deviceId());
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.keys, bobOlm->deviceKeys().keys);
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.signatures, bobOlm->deviceKeys().signatures);
+ });
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ }
+ {
+ QHash<QString, QStringList> deviceKeys;
+ deviceKeys[alice->userId()] = QStringList();
+ auto job = bob->callApi<QueryKeysJob>(deviceKeys);
+ QSignalSpy spy(job, &BaseJob::result);
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [job, &alice, &aliceOlm] {
+ QCOMPARE(job->failures().size(), 0);
+ auto bobDevices = job->deviceKeys()[alice->userId()];
+ QVERIFY(bobDevices.size() > 0);
+ auto devKeys = bobDevices[alice->deviceId()];
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.userId, alice->userId());
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.deviceId, alice->deviceId());
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.keys, aliceOlm->deviceKeys().keys);
+ QCOMPARE(devKeys.signatures, aliceOlm->deviceKeys().signatures);
+ });
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ }
+void TestOlmAccount::claimKeys()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(bob, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ // Bob uploads his keys.
+ auto *bobOlm = bob->olmAccount();
+ bobOlm->generateOneTimeKeys(1);
+ auto request = bobOlm->createUploadKeyRequest(bobOlm->oneTimeKeys());
+ connect(request, &BaseJob::result, this, [request, bob] {
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(request->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 1);
+ });
+ bob->run(request);
+ QSignalSpy requestSpy(request, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(requestSpy.wait(10000));
+ // Alice retrieves bob's keys & claims one signed one-time key.
+ auto *aliceOlm = alice->olmAccount();
+ QHash<QString, QStringList> deviceKeys;
+ deviceKeys[bob->userId()] = QStringList();
+ auto job = alice->callApi<QueryKeysJob>(deviceKeys);
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [bob, alice, aliceOlm, job, this] {
+ auto bobDevices = job->deviceKeys()[bob->userId()];
+ QVERIFY(bobDevices.size() > 0);
+ // Retrieve the identity key for the current device.
+ auto bobEd25519 =
+ bobDevices[bob->deviceId()].keys["ed25519:" + bob->deviceId()];
+ const auto currentDevice = bobDevices[bob->deviceId()];
+ // Verify signature.
+ QVERIFY(verifyIdentitySignature(currentDevice, bob->deviceId(), bob->userId()));
+ QHash<QString, QHash<QString, QString>> oneTimeKeys;
+ oneTimeKeys[bob->userId()] = QHash<QString, QString>();
+ oneTimeKeys[bob->userId()][bob->deviceId()] = SignedCurve25519Key;
+ auto job = alice->callApi<ClaimKeysJob>(oneTimeKeys);
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [aliceOlm, bob, bobEd25519, job] {
+ const auto userId = bob->userId();
+ const auto deviceId = bob->deviceId();
+ // The device exists.
+ QCOMPARE(job->oneTimeKeys().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(job->oneTimeKeys()[userId].size(), 1);
+ // The key is the one bob sent.
+ auto oneTimeKey = job->oneTimeKeys()[userId][deviceId];
+ QVERIFY(oneTimeKey.canConvert<QVariantMap>());
+ QVariantMap varMap = oneTimeKey.toMap();
+ bool found = false;
+ for (const auto &key : varMap.keys()) {
+ if (key.startsWith(QStringLiteral("signed_curve25519"))) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ QVERIFY(found);
+ //auto algo = oneTimeKey.begin().key();
+ //auto contents = oneTimeKey.begin().value();
+ });
+ });
+void TestOlmAccount::claimMultipleKeys()
+ // Login with alice multiple times
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice1, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice2, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto olm = alice->olmAccount();
+ olm->generateOneTimeKeys(10);
+ auto res = olm->createUploadKeyRequest(olm->oneTimeKeys());
+ QSignalSpy spy(res, &BaseJob::result);
+ connect(res, &BaseJob::result, this, [res] {
+ QCOMPARE(res->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(res->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 10);
+ });
+ alice->run(res);
+ auto olm1 = alice1->olmAccount();
+ olm1->generateOneTimeKeys(10);
+ auto res1 = olm1->createUploadKeyRequest(olm1->oneTimeKeys());
+ QSignalSpy spy1(res1, &BaseJob::result);
+ connect(res1, &BaseJob::result, this, [res1] {
+ QCOMPARE(res1->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(res1->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 10);
+ });
+ alice1->run(res1);
+ auto olm2 = alice2->olmAccount();
+ olm2->generateOneTimeKeys(10);
+ auto res2 = olm2->createUploadKeyRequest(olm2->oneTimeKeys());
+ QSignalSpy spy2(res2, &BaseJob::result);
+ connect(res2, &BaseJob::result, this, [res2] {
+ QCOMPARE(res2->oneTimeKeyCounts().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(res2->oneTimeKeyCounts()["signed_curve25519"], 10);
+ });
+ alice2->run(res2);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ QVERIFY(spy1.wait(10000));
+ QVERIFY(spy2.wait(1000)); // TODO this is failing even with 10000
+ // Bob will claim all keys from alice
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(bob, "bob", "secret", "BobPhone")
+ QStringList devices_;
+ devices_ << alice->deviceId()
+ << alice1->deviceId()
+ << alice2->deviceId();
+ QHash<QString, QHash<QString, QString>> oneTimeKeys;
+ for (const auto &d : devices_) {
+ oneTimeKeys[alice->userId()] = QHash<QString, QString>();
+ oneTimeKeys[alice->userId()][d] = SignedCurve25519Key;
+ }
+ auto job = bob->callApi<ClaimKeysJob>(oneTimeKeys);
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [bob, job] {
+ const auto userId = bob->userId();
+ const auto deviceId = bob->deviceId();
+ // The device exists.
+ QCOMPARE(job->oneTimeKeys().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(job->oneTimeKeys()[userId].size(), 3);
+ });
+void TestOlmAccount::keyChange()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ auto job = alice->createRoom(Connection::PublishRoom, QString(), QString(), QString(), QStringList());
+ connect(job, &BaseJob::result, this, [alice, job, this] {
+ // Alice syncs to get the first next_batch token.
+ alice->sync();
+ connect(alice.get(), &Connection::syncDone, this, [alice, this] {
+ const auto nextBatchToken = alice->nextBatchToken();
+ // generate keys and change existing one
+ auto aliceOlm = alice->olmAccount();
+ aliceOlm->generateOneTimeKeys(1);
+ auto aliceRes = aliceOlm->createUploadKeyRequest(aliceOlm->oneTimeKeys());
+ QSignalSpy spy(aliceRes, &BaseJob::result);
+ alice->run(aliceRes);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ // The key changes should contain her username
+ // because of the key uploading.
+ auto changeJob = alice->callApi<GetKeysChangesJob>(nextBatchToken, "");
+ connect(changeJob, &BaseJob::result, this, [changeJob, alice] {
+ QCOMPARE(changeJob->changed().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(changeJob->left().size(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(changeJob->changed()[0], alice->userId());
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy2(changeJob, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy2.wait(10000));
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy2(alice.get(), &Connection::syncDone);
+ QVERIFY(spy2.wait(10000));
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy(job, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+void TestOlmAccount::enableEncryption()
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(alice, "alice", "secret", "AlicePhone")
+ CREATE_CONNECTION(bob, "bob", "secret", "BobPhone")
+ QString joinedRoom;
+ auto job = alice->createRoom(Connection::PublishRoom, QString(), QString(), QString(), {"@bob:localhost"});
+ connect(alice.get(), &Connection::newRoom, this, [alice, bob, &joinedRoom, this] (Quotient::Room *room) {
+ room->activateEncryption();
+ QSignalSpy spy(room, &Room::encryption);
+ joinedRoom = room->id();
+ auto job = bob->joinRoom(room->id());
+ QSignalSpy spy1(job, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ QVERIFY(spy1.wait(10000));
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy(job, &BaseJob::result);
+ QVERIFY(spy.wait(10000));
+ bob->sync();
+ connect(bob.get(), &Connection::syncDone, this, [bob, joinedRoom, this] {
+ auto &events = bob->room(joinedRoom)->messageEvents();
+ bool hasEncryption = false;
+ for (auto it = events.rbegin(); it != events.rend(); ++it) {
+ auto event = it->event();
+ if (eventCast<const EncryptedEvent>(event)) {
+ hasEncryption = true;
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << event->matrixType() << typeId<EncryptedEvent>() << event->type();
+ if ( event->matrixType() == "m.room.encryption") {
+ qDebug() << event->contentJson();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QVERIFY(bob->room(joinedRoom)->usesEncryption());
+ QVERIFY(hasEncryption);
+ });
+ QSignalSpy spy2(bob.get(), &Connection::syncDone);
+ QVERIFY(spy2.wait(10000));