diff options
13 files changed, 3066 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 15726240..1030e12d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ message(STATUS " Header files will be installed to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${${
# Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed.
option(BUILD_WITH_QT6 "Build Quotient with Qt 6 (EXPERIMENTAL)" OFF)
@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ list(APPEND lib_SRCS
lib/eventitem.h lib/eventitem.cpp
lib/accountregistry.h lib/accountregistry.cpp
lib/mxcreply.h lib/mxcreply.cpp
+ lib/keyverificationsession.h lib/keyverificationsession.cpp
lib/events/event.h lib/events/event.cpp
lib/events/roomevent.h lib/events/roomevent.cpp
@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ list(APPEND lib_SRCS
lib/jobs/syncjob.h lib/jobs/syncjob.cpp
lib/jobs/mediathumbnailjob.h lib/jobs/mediathumbnailjob.cpp
lib/jobs/downloadfilejob.h lib/jobs/downloadfilejob.cpp
+ res.qrc
list(APPEND lib_SRCS
diff --git a/lib/connection.cpp b/lib/connection.cpp
index 42a5f5fc..68aed4e4 100644
--- a/lib/connection.cpp
+++ b/lib/connection.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
# include "e2ee/qolmutils.h"
# include "database.h"
# include "e2ee/qolminboundsession.h"
+# include "events/keyverificationevent.h"
+# include "keyverificationsession.h"
# include <qt6keychain/keychain.h>
@@ -974,8 +976,23 @@ void Connection::Private::consumeToDeviceEvents(Events&& toDeviceEvents)
outdatedUsers += event.senderId();
encryptionUpdateRequired = true;
- }, [](const Event& e){
- // Unhandled
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationRequestEvent& event) {
+ auto session = new KeyVerificationSession(q->userId(), event, q, false, q);
+ emit q->newKeyVerificationSession(session);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationReady(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationStart(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationAccept(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationKey(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationMac(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationDone(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationCancel(event);
@@ -998,9 +1015,25 @@ void Connection::Private::handleEncryptedToDeviceEvent(const EncryptedEvent& eve
qCDebug(E2EE) << "Encrypted event room id" << roomKeyEvent.roomId()
<< "is not found at the connection" << q->objectName();
- },
- [](const Event& evt) {
- qCDebug(E2EE) << "Skipping encrypted to_device event, type"
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationRequestEvent& event) {
+ auto session = new KeyVerificationSession(q->userId(), event, q, true, q);
+ emit q->newKeyVerificationSession(session);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationReady(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationStart(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationAccept(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationKey(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationMac(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationDone(event);
+ }, [this](const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event) {
+ emit q->incomingKeyVerificationCancel(event);
+ }, [](const Event& evt) {
+ qCWarning(E2EE) << "Skipping encrypted to_device event, type"
<< evt.matrixType();
@@ -2127,8 +2160,8 @@ void Connection::Private::saveDevicesList()
"INSERT INTO tracked_devices"
- "(matrixId, deviceId, curveKeyId, curveKey, edKeyId, edKey) "
- "VALUES(:matrixId, :deviceId, :curveKeyId, :curveKey, :edKeyId, :edKey);"
+ "(matrixId, deviceId, curveKeyId, curveKey, edKeyId, edKey, verified) "
+ "SELECT :matrixId, :deviceId, :curveKeyId, :curveKey, :edKeyId, :edKey, :verified WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tracked_devices WHERE matrixId=:matrixId AND deviceId=:deviceId);"
for (const auto& user : deviceKeys.keys()) {
for (const auto& device : deviceKeys[user]) {
@@ -2142,6 +2175,8 @@ void Connection::Private::saveDevicesList()
query.bindValue(":curveKey", device.keys[curveKeyId]);
query.bindValue(":edKeyId", edKeyId);
query.bindValue(":edKey", device.keys[edKeyId]);
+ // If the device gets saved here, it can't be verified
+ query.bindValue(":verified", false);
@@ -2297,3 +2332,58 @@ bool Connection::isKnownCurveKey(const QString& user, const QString& curveKey)
+void Connection::startKeyVerificationSession(const QString& deviceId)
+ auto session = new KeyVerificationSession(userId(), deviceId, this, this);
+ Q_EMIT newKeyVerificationSession(session);
+void Connection::sendToDevice(const QString& userId, const QString& deviceId, event_ptr_tt<Event> event, bool encrypted)
+ UsersToDevicesToEvents payload;
+ if (encrypted) {
+ QJsonObject payloadJson = event->fullJson();
+ payloadJson["recipient"] = userId;
+ payloadJson["sender"] = user()->id();
+ QJsonObject recipientObject;
+ recipientObject["ed25519"] = edKeyForUserDevice(userId, deviceId);
+ payloadJson["recipient_keys"] = recipientObject;
+ QJsonObject senderObject;
+ senderObject["ed25519"] = QString(olmAccount()->identityKeys().ed25519);
+ payloadJson["keys"] = senderObject;
+ const auto& u = user(userId);
+ auto cipherText = olmEncryptMessage(u, deviceId, QJsonDocument(payloadJson).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
+ QJsonObject encryptedJson;
+ encryptedJson[curveKeyForUserDevice(userId, deviceId)] = QJsonObject{{"type", cipherText.first}, {"body", QString(cipherText.second)}, {"sender", this->userId()}};
+ auto encryptedEvent = makeEvent<EncryptedEvent>(encryptedJson, olmAccount()->identityKeys().curve25519);
+ payload[userId][deviceId] = std::move(encryptedEvent);
+ } else {
+ payload[userId][deviceId] = std::move(event);
+ }
+ sendToDevices(payload[userId][deviceId]->matrixType(), payload);
+bool Connection::isVerifiedSession(const QString& megolmSessionId)
+ auto query = database()->prepareQuery("SELECT olmSessionId FROM inbound_megolm_sessions WHERE sessionId=:sessionId;"_ls);
+ query.bindValue(":sessionId", megolmSessionId);
+ database()->execute(query);
+ if (!query.next()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto olmSessionId = query.value("olmSessionId").toString();
+ query.prepare("SELECT senderKey FROM olm_sessions WHERE sessionId=:sessionId;"_ls);
+ query.bindValue(":sessionId", olmSessionId);
+ database()->execute(query);
+ if (!query.next()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto curveKey = query.value("senderKey"_ls).toString();
+ query.prepare("SELECT verified FROM tracked_devices WHERE curveKey=:curveKey;"_ls);
+ query.bindValue(":curveKey", curveKey);
+ database()->execute(query);
+ return query.next() && query.value("verified").toBool();
diff --git a/lib/connection.h b/lib/connection.h
index 12db2e30..fc189ac4 100644
--- a/lib/connection.h
+++ b/lib/connection.h
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "e2ee/e2ee.h"
#include "e2ee/qolmmessage.h"
#include "e2ee/qolmoutboundsession.h"
+#include "events/keyverificationevent.h"
+#include "keyverificationsession.h"
@@ -324,6 +326,8 @@ public:
QOlmOutboundGroupSessionPtr loadCurrentOutboundMegolmSession(Room* room);
void saveCurrentOutboundMegolmSession(Room *room, const QOlmOutboundGroupSessionPtr& data);
+ /// Returns true if this megolm session comes from a verified device
+ bool isVerifiedSession(const QString& megolmSessionId);
//This assumes that an olm session with (user, device) exists
QPair<QOlmMessage::Type, QByteArray> olmEncryptMessage(User* user, const QString& device, const QByteArray& message);
@@ -512,6 +516,9 @@ public:
/// Saves the olm account data to disk. Usually doesn't need to be called manually.
void saveOlmAccount();
+ // This assumes that an olm session already exists. If it doesn't, no message is sent.
+ void sendToDevice(const QString& userId, const QString& deviceId, event_ptr_tt<Event> event, bool encrypted);
public Q_SLOTS:
/// \brief Set the homeserver base URL and retrieve its login flows
@@ -688,6 +695,8 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
/** \deprecated Do not use this directly, use Room::leaveRoom() instead */
virtual LeaveRoomJob* leaveRoom(Room* room);
+ void startKeyVerificationSession(const QString& deviceId);
#ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED
void encryptionUpdate(Room *room);
PicklingMode picklingMode() const;
@@ -698,6 +707,7 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
QString edKeyForUserDevice(const QString& user, const QString& device) const;
bool isKnownCurveKey(const QString& user, const QString& curveKey);
/// \brief Initial server resolution has failed
@@ -855,6 +865,16 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
void lazyLoadingChanged();
void turnServersChanged(const QJsonObject& servers);
void devicesListLoaded();
+ void incomingKeyVerificationReady(const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationStart(const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationAccept(const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationKey(const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationMac(const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationDone(const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event);
+ void incomingKeyVerificationCancel(const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event);
+ void newKeyVerificationSession(KeyVerificationSession* session);
+ void sessionVerified(const QString& userId, const QString& deviceId);
diff --git a/lib/database.cpp b/lib/database.cpp
index 902d0487..a85d96bb 100644
--- a/lib/database.cpp
+++ b/lib/database.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Database::Database(const QString& matrixId, const QString& deviceId, QObject* pa
case 1: migrateTo2();
case 2: migrateTo3();
case 3: migrateTo4();
+ case 4: migrateTo5();
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ void Database::migrateTo2()
qCDebug(DATABASE) << "Migrating database to version 2";
execute(QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE inbound_megolm_sessions ADD ed25519Key TEXT"));
execute(QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE olm_sessions ADD lastReceived TEXT"));
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ void Database::migrateTo3()
void Database::migrateTo4()
- qCDebug(DATABASE) << "Migrating database to ersion 4";
+ qCDebug(DATABASE) << "Migrating database to version 4";
execute(QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE sent_megolm_sessions (roomId TEXT, userId TEXT, deviceId TEXT, identityKey TEXT, sessionId TEXT, i INTEGER);"));
@@ -143,6 +145,16 @@ void Database::migrateTo4()
+void Database::migrateTo5()
+ qCDebug(DATABASE) << "Migrating database to version 5";
+ transaction();
+ execute(QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE tracked_devices ADD verified BOOL;"));
+ execute(QStringLiteral("PRAGMA user_version = 5"));
+ commit();
QByteArray Database::accountPickle()
auto query = prepareQuery(QStringLiteral("SELECT pickle FROM accounts;"));
@@ -396,3 +408,19 @@ void Database::updateOlmSession(const QString& senderKey, const QString& session
+void Database::setSessionVerified(const QString& edKeyId)
+ auto query = prepareQuery(QStringLiteral("UPDATE tracked_devices SET verified=true WHERE edKeyId=:edKeyId;"));
+ query.bindValue(":edKeyId", edKeyId);
+ transaction();
+ execute(query);
+ commit();
+bool Database::isSessionVerified(const QString& edKey)
+ auto query = prepareQuery(QStringLiteral("SELECT verified FROM tracked_devices WHERE edKey=:edKey"));
+ query.bindValue(":edKey", edKey);
+ execute(query);
+ return query.next() && query.value("verified").toBool();
diff --git a/lib/database.h b/lib/database.h
index 3eb26b0a..afc41e42 100644
--- a/lib/database.h
+++ b/lib/database.h
@@ -50,11 +50,15 @@ public:
QHash<QString, QStringList> devicesWithoutKey(Room* room, const QString &sessionId);
void setDevicesReceivedKey(const QString& roomId, QHash<User *, QStringList> devices, const QString& sessionId, int index);
+ bool isSessionVerified(const QString& edKey);
+ void setSessionVerified(const QString& edKeyId);
void migrateTo1();
void migrateTo2();
void migrateTo3();
void migrateTo4();
+ void migrateTo5();
QString m_matrixId;
diff --git a/lib/events/encryptedevent.h b/lib/events/encryptedevent.h
index ddd5e415..bfacdec9 100644
--- a/lib/events/encryptedevent.h
+++ b/lib/events/encryptedevent.h
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public:
RoomEventPtr createDecrypted(const QString &decrypted) const;
void setRelation(const QJsonObject& relation);
+ bool isVerified();
diff --git a/lib/events/keyverificationevent.cpp b/lib/events/keyverificationevent.cpp
index 4803955d..e7f5b019 100644
--- a/lib/events/keyverificationevent.cpp
+++ b/lib/events/keyverificationevent.cpp
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ QStringList KeyVerificationAcceptEvent::shortAuthenticationString() const
return contentPart<QStringList>("short_authentification_string"_ls);
-QString KeyVerificationAcceptEvent::commitement() const
+QString KeyVerificationAcceptEvent::commitment() const
return contentPart<QString>("commitment"_ls);
@@ -162,3 +162,33 @@ QHash<QString, QString> KeyVerificationMacEvent::mac() const
return contentPart<QHash<QString, QString>>("mac"_ls);
+KeyVerificationDoneEvent::KeyVerificationDoneEvent(const QJsonObject &obj)
+ : Event(typeId(), obj)
+QString KeyVerificationDoneEvent::transactionId() const
+ return contentPart<QString>("transaction_id"_ls);
+KeyVerificationReadyEvent::KeyVerificationReadyEvent(const QJsonObject &obj)
+ : Event(typeId(), obj)
+QString KeyVerificationReadyEvent::fromDevice() const
+ return contentPart<QString>("from_device"_ls);
+QString KeyVerificationReadyEvent::transactionId() const
+ return contentPart<QString>("transaction_id"_ls);
+QStringList KeyVerificationReadyEvent::methods() const
+ return contentPart<QStringList>("methods"_ls);
diff --git a/lib/events/keyverificationevent.h b/lib/events/keyverificationevent.h
index 497e56a2..a9f63968 100644
--- a/lib/events/keyverificationevent.h
+++ b/lib/events/keyverificationevent.h
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <carlschwan@kde.org>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+#pragma once
#include "event.h"
namespace Quotient {
@@ -31,6 +33,24 @@ public:
+class QUOTIENT_API KeyVerificationReadyEvent : public Event {
+ DEFINE_EVENT_TYPEID("m.key.verification.ready", KeyVerificationReadyEvent)
+ explicit KeyVerificationReadyEvent(const QJsonObject& obj);
+ /// The device ID which is accepting the request.
+ QString fromDevice() const;
+ /// The transaction id of the verification request
+ QString transactionId() const;
+ /// The verification methods supported by the sender.
+ QStringList methods() const;
/// Begins a key verification process.
class QUOTIENT_API KeyVerificationStartEvent : public Event {
@@ -104,7 +124,7 @@ public:
/// The hash (encoded as unpadded base64) of the concatenation of the
/// device's ephemeral public key (encoded as unpadded base64) and the
/// canonical JSON representation of the m.key.verification.start message.
- QString commitement() const;
+ QString commitment() const;
@@ -128,7 +148,7 @@ REGISTER_EVENT_TYPE(KeyVerificationCancelEvent)
/// Sends the ephemeral public key for a device to the partner device.
/// Typically sent as a to-device event.
-class KeyVerificationKeyEvent : public Event {
+class QUOTIENT_API KeyVerificationKeyEvent : public Event {
DEFINE_EVENT_TYPEID("m.key.verification.key", KeyVerificationKeyEvent)
@@ -158,4 +178,16 @@ public:
QHash<QString, QString> mac() const;
+class QUOTIENT_API KeyVerificationDoneEvent : public Event {
+ DEFINE_EVENT_TYPEID("m.key.verification.done", KeyVerificationRequestEvent)
+ explicit KeyVerificationDoneEvent(const QJsonObject& obj);
+ /// The same transactionId as before
+ QString transactionId() const;
} // namespace Quotient
diff --git a/lib/events/roomevent.h b/lib/events/roomevent.h
index a7d6c428..5670f55f 100644
--- a/lib/events/roomevent.h
+++ b/lib/events/roomevent.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
#ifdef Quotient_E2EE_ENABLED
void setOriginalEvent(event_ptr_tt<RoomEvent>&& originalEvent);
- const RoomEvent* originalEvent() { return _originalEvent.get(); }
+ const RoomEvent* originalEvent() const { return _originalEvent.get(); }
const QJsonObject encryptedJson() const;
diff --git a/lib/keyverificationsession.cpp b/lib/keyverificationsession.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b3b7627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/keyverificationsession.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tobias Fella <fella@posteo.de>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+#include "connection.h"
+#include "keyverificationsession.h"
+#include "olm/sas.h"
+#include "e2ee/qolmaccount.h"
+#include "e2ee/qolmutils.h"
+#include "events/event.h"
+#include <QtCore/QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QtCore/QUuid>
+#include <QtCore/QTimer>
+#include "database.h"
+using namespace Quotient;
+KeyVerificationSession::KeyVerificationSession(const QString& remoteUserId, const KeyVerificationRequestEvent& event, Connection *connection, bool encrypted, QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ , m_remoteUserId(remoteUserId)
+ , m_remoteDeviceId(event.fromDevice())
+ , m_transactionId(event.transactionId())
+ , m_connection(connection)
+ , m_encrypted(encrypted)
+ , m_remoteSupportedMethods(event.methods())
+ auto timeoutTime = std::min<long int>(event.timestamp() + 600000, QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(120).toMSecsSinceEpoch());
+ m_timeout = timeoutTime - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+ if (m_timeout <= 5000) {
+ return;
+ }
+ init();
+ setState(INCOMING);
+KeyVerificationSession::KeyVerificationSession(const QString& userId, const QString& deviceId, Connection* connection, QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ , m_remoteUserId(userId)
+ , m_remoteDeviceId(deviceId)
+ , m_transactionId(QUuid::createUuid().toString())
+ , m_connection(connection)
+ , m_encrypted(false)
+ m_timeout = 600000;
+ init();
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &KeyVerificationSession::sendRequest);
+void KeyVerificationSession::init()
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationReady, this, [this](const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId && event.fromDevice() == m_remoteDeviceId) {
+ handleReady(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationStart, this, [this](const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId && event.fromDevice() == m_remoteDeviceId) {
+ handleStart(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationAccept, this, [this](const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId) {
+ handleAccept(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationKey, this, [this](const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId) {
+ handleKey(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationMac, this, [this](const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId) {
+ handleMac(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationDone, this, [this](const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId) {
+ handleDone(event);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(m_connection, &Connection::incomingKeyVerificationCancel, this, [this](const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event) {
+ if (event.transactionId() == m_transactionId) {
+ handleCancel(event);
+ }
+ });
+ QTimer::singleShot(m_timeout, this, [this] {
+ cancelVerification(TIMEOUT);
+ });
+ m_sas = olm_sas(new uint8_t[olm_sas_size()]);
+ auto randomSize = olm_create_sas_random_length(m_sas);
+ auto random = getRandom(randomSize);
+ olm_create_sas(m_sas, random.data(), randomSize);
+ m_language = QLocale::system().uiLanguages()[0];
+ m_language = m_language.left(m_language.indexOf('-'));
+ delete[] reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(m_sas);
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleKey(const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event)
+ if (state() != WAITINGFORKEY && state() != WAITINGFORVERIFICATION) {
+ cancelVerification(UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
+ return;
+ }
+ olm_sas_set_their_key(m_sas, event.key().toLatin1().data(), event.key().toLatin1().size());
+ if (startSentByUs) {
+ auto commitment = QString(QCryptographicHash::hash((event.key() % m_startEvent).toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256).toBase64());
+ commitment = commitment.left(commitment.indexOf('='));
+ if (commitment != m_commitment) {
+ qCWarning(E2EE) << "Commitment mismatch; aborting verification";
+ cancelVerification(MISMATCHED_COMMITMENT);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sendKey();
+ }
+ QByteArray keyBytes(olm_sas_pubkey_length(m_sas), '\0');
+ olm_sas_get_pubkey(m_sas, keyBytes.data(), keyBytes.size());
+ QString key = QString(keyBytes);
+ QByteArray output(6, '\0');
+ QString infoTemplate = startSentByUs ? "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_SAS|%1|%2|%3|%4|%5|%6|%7"_ls : "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_SAS|%4|%5|%6|%1|%2|%3|%7"_ls;
+ auto info = infoTemplate.arg(m_connection->userId()).arg(m_connection->deviceId()).arg(key).arg(m_remoteUserId).arg(m_remoteDeviceId).arg(event.key()).arg(m_transactionId);
+ olm_sas_generate_bytes(m_sas, info.toLatin1().data(), info.toLatin1().size(), output.data(), output.size());
+ QVector<uint8_t> code(7, 0);
+ const auto& data = (uint8_t *) output.data();
+ code[0] = data[0] >> 2;
+ code[1] = (data[0] << 4 & 0x3f) | data[1] >> 4;
+ code[2] = (data[1] << 2 & 0x3f) | data[2] >> 6;
+ code[3] = data[2] & 0x3f;
+ code[4] = data[3] >> 2;
+ code[5] = (data[3] << 4 & 0x3f) | data[4] >> 4;
+ code[6] = (data[4] << 2 & 0x3f) | data[5] >> 6;
+ for (const auto& c : code) {
+ auto [emoji, description] = emojiForCode(c);
+ QVariantMap map;
+ map["emoji"] = emoji;
+ map["description"] = description;
+ m_sasEmojis += map;
+ }
+ emit sasEmojisChanged();
+ emit keyReceived();
+QByteArray KeyVerificationSession::macInfo(bool verifying, const QString& key)
+ return (verifying ? "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_MAC%3%4%1%2%5%6"_ls : "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_MAC%1%2%3%4%5%6"_ls).arg(m_connection->userId()).arg(m_connection->deviceId()).arg(m_remoteUserId).arg(m_remoteDeviceId).arg(m_transactionId).arg(key).toLatin1();
+QString KeyVerificationSession::calculateMac(const QString& input, bool verifying, const QString& keyId)
+ QByteArray inputBytes = input.toLatin1();
+ QByteArray outputBytes(olm_sas_mac_length(m_sas), '\0');
+ olm_sas_calculate_mac(m_sas, inputBytes.data(), inputBytes.size(), macInfo(verifying, keyId).data(), macInfo(verifying, keyId).size(), outputBytes.data(), outputBytes.size());
+ auto output = QString(outputBytes);
+ return output.left(output.indexOf('='));
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendMac()
+ QString edKeyId = "ed25519:" % m_connection->deviceId();
+ auto keys = calculateMac(edKeyId, false);
+ QJsonObject mac;
+ auto key = m_connection->olmAccount()->deviceKeys().keys[edKeyId];
+ mac[edKeyId] = calculateMac(key, false, edKeyId);
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationMacEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.mac"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject{
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ {"keys", keys},
+ {"mac", mac},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+ setState (macReceived ? DONE : WAITINGFORMAC);
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendDone()
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationDoneEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.done"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject{
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendKey()
+ QByteArray keyBytes(olm_sas_pubkey_length(m_sas), '\0');
+ olm_sas_get_pubkey(m_sas, keyBytes.data(), keyBytes.size());
+ QString key = QString(keyBytes);
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationKeyEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.key"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject{
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ {"key", key},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+void KeyVerificationSession::cancelVerification(Error error)
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationCancelEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.cancel"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject{
+ {"code", errorToString(error)},
+ {"reason", errorToString(error)},
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId}
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+ setState(CANCELED);
+ setError(error);
+ emit finished();
+ deleteLater();
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendReady()
+ auto methods = commonSupportedMethods(m_remoteSupportedMethods);
+ if (methods.isEmpty()) {
+ cancelVerification(UNKNOWN_METHOD);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationReadyEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.ready"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject {
+ {"from_device", m_connection->deviceId()},
+ {"methods", toJson(methods)},
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+ setState(READY);
+ if (methods.size() == 1) {
+ sendStartSas();
+ }
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendStartSas()
+ startSentByUs = true;
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationStartEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.start"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject {
+ {"from_device", m_connection->deviceId()},
+ {"hashes", QJsonArray {"sha256"}},
+ {"key_agreement_protocols", QJsonArray { "curve25519-hkdf-sha256" }},
+ {"message_authentication_codes", QJsonArray { "hkdf-hmac-sha256" }},
+ {"method", "m.sas.v1"},
+ {"short_authentication_string", QJsonArray { "decimal", "emoji" }},
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_startEvent = QJsonDocument(event->contentJson()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleReady(const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event)
+ if (state() != WAITINGFORREADY) {
+ cancelVerification(UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
+ return;
+ }
+ setState(READY);
+ m_remoteSupportedMethods = event.methods();
+ auto methods = commonSupportedMethods(m_remoteSupportedMethods);
+ if (methods.isEmpty()) {
+ cancelVerification(UNKNOWN_METHOD);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (methods.size() == 1) {
+ sendStartSas();
+ }
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleStart(const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event)
+ if (state() != READY) {
+ cancelVerification(UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (startSentByUs) {
+ if (m_remoteUserId > m_connection->userId() || (m_remoteUserId == m_connection->userId() && m_remoteDeviceId > m_connection->deviceId())) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ startSentByUs = false;
+ }
+ }
+ QByteArray publicKey(olm_sas_pubkey_length(m_sas), '\0');
+ olm_sas_get_pubkey(m_sas, publicKey.data(), publicKey.size());
+ const auto canonicalEvent = QString(QJsonDocument(event.contentJson()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
+ auto commitment = QString(QCryptographicHash::hash((QString(publicKey) % canonicalEvent).toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256).toBase64());
+ commitment = commitment.left(commitment.indexOf('='));
+ auto acceptEvent = makeEvent<KeyVerificationAcceptEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.accept"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject {
+ {"commitment", commitment},
+ {"hash", "sha256"},
+ {"key_agreement_protocol", "curve25519-hkdf-sha256"},
+ {"message_authentication_code", "hkdf-hmac-sha256"},
+ {"method", "m.sas.v1"},
+ {"short_authentication_string", QJsonArray {
+ "decimal",
+ "emoji",
+ }},
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ }}
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(acceptEvent), m_encrypted);
+ setState(ACCEPTED);
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleAccept(const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event)
+ if(state() != WAITINGFORACCEPT) {
+ cancelVerification(UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_commitment = event.commitment();
+ sendKey();
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleMac(const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event)
+ QStringList keys = event.mac().keys();
+ keys.sort();
+ const auto& key = keys.join(",");
+ const QString edKeyId = "ed25519:"_ls % m_remoteDeviceId;
+ if (calculateMac(m_connection->edKeyForUserDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId), true, edKeyId) != event.mac()[edKeyId]) {
+ cancelVerification(KEY_MISMATCH);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (calculateMac(key, true) != event.keys()) {
+ cancelVerification(KEY_MISMATCH);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_connection->database()->setSessionVerified(edKeyId);
+ emit m_connection->sessionVerified(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId);
+ macReceived = true;
+ if (state() == WAITINGFORMAC) {
+ setState(DONE);
+ sendDone();
+ emit finished();
+ deleteLater();
+ }
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleDone(const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event)
+ if (state() != DONE) {
+ cancelVerification(UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
+ }
+void KeyVerificationSession::handleCancel(const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event)
+ setError(stringToError(event.code()));
+ setState(CANCELED);
+std::pair<QString, QString> KeyVerificationSession::emojiForCode(int code)
+ static QJsonArray data;
+ if (data.isEmpty()) {
+ QFile dataFile(":/sas-emoji.json");
+ dataFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly);
+ data = QJsonDocument::fromJson(dataFile.readAll()).array();
+ }
+ if (data[code].toObject()["translated_descriptions"].toObject().contains(m_language)) {
+ return {data[code].toObject()["emoji"].toString(), data[code].toObject()["translated_descriptions"].toObject()[m_language].toString()};
+ }
+ return {data[code].toObject()["emoji"].toString(), data[code].toObject()["description"].toString()};
+QList<QVariantMap> KeyVerificationSession::sasEmojis() const
+ return m_sasEmojis;
+void KeyVerificationSession::sendRequest()
+ QJsonArray methods = toJson(m_supportedMethods);
+ auto event = makeEvent<KeyVerificationRequestEvent>(QJsonObject {
+ {"type", "m.key.verification.request"},
+ {"content", QJsonObject {
+ {"from_device", m_connection->deviceId()},
+ {"transaction_id", m_transactionId},
+ {"methods", methods},
+ {"timestamp", QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()},
+ }},
+ });
+ m_connection->sendToDevice(m_remoteUserId, m_remoteDeviceId, std::move(event), m_encrypted);
+KeyVerificationSession::State KeyVerificationSession::state() const
+ return m_state;
+void KeyVerificationSession::setState(KeyVerificationSession::State state)
+ m_state = state;
+ emit stateChanged();
+KeyVerificationSession::Error KeyVerificationSession::error() const
+ return m_error;
+void KeyVerificationSession::setError(Error error)
+ m_error = error;
+ emit errorChanged();
+QString KeyVerificationSession::errorToString(Error error) const
+ switch(error) {
+ case NONE:
+ return "none"_ls;
+ case TIMEOUT:
+ return "m.timeout"_ls;
+ case USER:
+ return "m.user"_ls;
+ return "m.unexpected_message"_ls;
+ return "m.unknown_transaction"_ls;
+ return "m.unknown_method"_ls;
+ return "m.key_mismatch"_ls;
+ return "m.user_mismatch"_ls;
+ return "m.invalid_message"_ls;
+ return "m.accepted"_ls;
+ return "m.mismatched_commitment"_ls;
+ return "m.mismatched_sas"_ls;
+ default:
+ return "m.user"_ls;
+ }
+KeyVerificationSession::Error KeyVerificationSession::stringToError(const QString& error) const
+ if (error == "m.timeout"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.user"_ls) {
+ return REMOTE_USER;
+ } else if (error == "m.unexpected_message"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.unknown_message"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.unknown_transaction"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.unknown_method"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.key_mismatch"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.user_mismatch"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.invalid_message"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.accepted"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.mismatched_commitment"_ls) {
+ } else if (error == "m.mismatched_sas"_ls) {
+ }
+ return NONE;
+QStringList KeyVerificationSession::commonSupportedMethods(const QStringList& remoteMethods) const
+ QStringList result;
+ for (const auto& method : remoteMethods) {
+ if (m_supportedMethods.contains(method)) {
+ result += method;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/lib/keyverificationsession.h b/lib/keyverificationsession.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb7a99e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/keyverificationsession.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tobias Fella <fella@posteo.de>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "events/keyverificationevent.h"
+#include <QtCore/QObject>
+#include <qchar.h>
+class OlmSAS;
+namespace Quotient {
+class Connection;
+/** A key verification session. Listen for incoming sessions by connecting to Connection::newKeyVerificationSession.
+ Start a new session using Connection::startKeyVerificationSession.
+ The object is delete after finished is emitted.
+class QUOTIENT_API KeyVerificationSession : public QObject
+ enum State {
+ INCOMING, // There is a request for verification incoming
+ WAITINGFORREADY, // We sent a request for verification and are waiting for ready
+ READY, // Either party sent a ready as a response to a request; The user selects a method
+ WAITINGFORACCEPT, // We sent a start and are waiting for an accept
+ ACCEPTED, // The other party sent an accept and is waiting for a key
+ WAITINGFORKEY, // We're waiting for a key
+ WAITINGFORVERIFICATION, // We're waiting for the *user* to verify the emojis
+ WAITINGFORMAC, // We're waiting for the mac
+ CANCELED, // The session has been canceled
+ DONE, // The verification is done
+ };
+ Q_ENUM(State)
+ enum Error {
+ };
+ Q_ENUM(Error);
+ //Q_PROPERTY(int timeLeft READ timeLeft NOTIFY timeLeftChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString remoteDeviceId MEMBER m_remoteDeviceId CONSTANT)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QList<QVariantMap> sasEmojis READ sasEmojis NOTIFY sasEmojisChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(State state READ state NOTIFY stateChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(Error error READ error NOTIFY errorChanged)
+ KeyVerificationSession(const QString& remoteUserId, const KeyVerificationRequestEvent& event, Connection* connection, bool encrypted, QObject* parent = nullptr);
+ KeyVerificationSession(const QString& userId, const QString& deviceId, Connection* connection, QObject* parent = nullptr);
+ ~KeyVerificationSession();
+ int timeLeft() const;
+ QList<QVariantMap> sasEmojis() const;
+ State state() const;
+ Error error() const;
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void sendRequest();
+ void sendReady();
+ void sendMac();
+ void sendStartSas();
+ void sendKey();
+ void sendDone();
+ void cancelVerification(Error error);
+ void timeLeftChanged();
+ void startReceived();
+ void keyReceived();
+ void sasEmojisChanged();
+ void stateChanged();
+ void errorChanged();
+ void finished();
+ QString m_remoteUserId;
+ QString m_remoteDeviceId;
+ QString m_transactionId;
+ Connection* m_connection;
+ OlmSAS* m_sas = nullptr;
+ int timeleft = 0;
+ QList<QVariantMap> m_sasEmojis;
+ bool startSentByUs = false;
+ State m_state;
+ Error m_error;
+ QString m_startEvent;
+ QString m_commitment;
+ QString m_language;
+ int m_timeout;
+ bool macReceived = false;
+ bool m_encrypted;
+ QStringList m_remoteSupportedMethods;
+ void handleReady(const KeyVerificationReadyEvent& event);
+ void handleStart(const KeyVerificationStartEvent& event);
+ void handleAccept(const KeyVerificationAcceptEvent& event);
+ void handleKey(const KeyVerificationKeyEvent& event);
+ void handleMac(const KeyVerificationMacEvent& event);
+ void handleDone(const KeyVerificationDoneEvent& event);
+ void handleCancel(const KeyVerificationCancelEvent& event);
+ void init();
+ void setState(State state);
+ void setError(Error error);
+ QStringList commonSupportedMethods(const QStringList& remoteSupportedMethods) const;
+ QString errorToString(Error error) const;
+ Error stringToError(const QString& error) const;
+ QStringList m_supportedMethods = { "m.sas.v1"_ls };
+ QByteArray macInfo(bool verifying, const QString& key = "KEY_IDS"_ls);
+ QString calculateMac(const QString& input, bool verifying, const QString& keyId= "KEY_IDS"_ls);
+ std::pair<QString, QString> emojiForCode(int code);
diff --git a/res.qrc b/res.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6769103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
+<qresource prefix="/">
+ <file>sas-emoji.json</file>
diff --git a/sas-emoji.json b/sas-emoji.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06e1e4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sas-emoji.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2178 @@
+ {
+ "number": 0,
+ "emoji": "🐶",
+ "description": "Dog",
+ "unicode": "U+1F436",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "كَلب",
+ "bg": "Куче",
+ "ca": "Gos",
+ "cs": "Pes",
+ "de": "Hund",
+ "eo": "Hundo",
+ "es": "Perro",
+ "et": "Koer",
+ "fi": "Koira",
+ "fr": "Chien",
+ "hr": "pas",
+ "hu": "Kutya",
+ "it": "Cane",
+ "ja": "犬",
+ "nb_NO": "Hund",
+ "nl": "Hond",
+ "pt_BR": "Cachorro",
+ "ru": "Собака",
+ "si": "බල්ලා",
+ "sk": "Hlava psa",
+ "sr": "пас",
+ "sv": "Hund",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Aydi",
+ "uk": "Пес",
+ "zh_Hans": "狗"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 1,
+ "emoji": "🐱",
+ "description": "Cat",
+ "unicode": "U+1F431",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "هِرَّة",
+ "bg": "Котка",
+ "ca": "Gat",
+ "cs": "Kočka",
+ "de": "Katze",
+ "eo": "Kato",
+ "es": "Gato",
+ "et": "Kass",
+ "fi": "Kissa",
+ "fr": "Chat",
+ "hr": "mačka",
+ "hu": "Macska",
+ "it": "Gatto",
+ "ja": "猫",
+ "nb_NO": "Katt",
+ "nl": "Kat",
+ "pt_BR": "Gato",
+ "ru": "Кошка",
+ "si": "පූසා",
+ "sk": "Hlava mačky",
+ "sr": "мачка",
+ "sv": "Katt",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Amuc",
+ "uk": "Кіт",
+ "zh_Hans": "猫"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 2,
+ "emoji": "🦁",
+ "description": "Lion",
+ "unicode": "U+1F981",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "أَسَد",
+ "bg": "Лъв",
+ "ca": "Lleó",
+ "cs": "Lev",
+ "de": "Löwe",
+ "eo": "Leono",
+ "es": "León",
+ "et": "Lõvi",
+ "fi": "Leijona",
+ "fr": "Lion",
+ "hr": "lav",
+ "hu": "Oroszlán",
+ "it": "Leone",
+ "ja": "ライオン",
+ "nb_NO": "Løve",
+ "nl": "Leeuw",
+ "pt_BR": "Leão",
+ "ru": "Лев",
+ "si": "සිංහයා",
+ "sk": "Hlava leva",
+ "sr": "лав",
+ "sv": "Lejon",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Izem",
+ "uk": "Лев",
+ "zh_Hans": "狮子"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 3,
+ "emoji": "🐎",
+ "description": "Horse",
+ "unicode": "U+1F40E",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "حِصَان",
+ "bg": "Кон",
+ "ca": "Cavall",
+ "cs": "Kůň",
+ "de": "Pferd",
+ "eo": "Ĉevalo",
+ "es": "Caballo",
+ "et": "Hobune",
+ "fi": "Hevonen",
+ "fr": "Cheval",
+ "hr": "konj",
+ "hu": "Ló",
+ "it": "Cavallo",
+ "ja": "馬",
+ "nb_NO": "Hest",
+ "nl": "Paard",
+ "pt_BR": "Cavalo",
+ "ru": "Лошадь",
+ "si": "අශ්වයා",
+ "sk": "Kôň",
+ "sr": "коњ",
+ "sv": "Häst",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Ayyis",
+ "uk": "Кінь",
+ "zh_Hans": "马"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 4,
+ "emoji": "🦄",
+ "description": "Unicorn",
+ "unicode": "U+1F984",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "حِصَانٌ بِقَرن",
+ "bg": "Еднорог",
+ "ca": "Unicorn",
+ "cs": "Jednorožec",
+ "de": "Einhorn",
+ "eo": "Unukorno",
+ "es": "Unicornio",
+ "et": "Ükssarvik",
+ "fi": "Yksisarvinen",
+ "fr": "Licorne",
+ "hr": "jednorog",
+ "hu": "Egyszarvú",
+ "it": "Unicorno",
+ "ja": "ユニコーン",
+ "nb_NO": "Enhjørning",
+ "nl": "Eenhoorn",
+ "pt_BR": "Unicórnio",
+ "ru": "Единорог",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Hlava jednorožca",
+ "sr": "једнорог",
+ "sv": "Enhörning",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": null,
+ "uk": "Єдиноріг",
+ "zh_Hans": "独角兽"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 5,
+ "emoji": "🐷",
+ "description": "Pig",
+ "unicode": "U+1F437",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "خِنزِير",
+ "bg": "Прасе",
+ "ca": "Porc",
+ "cs": "Prase",
+ "de": "Schwein",
+ "eo": "Porko",
+ "es": "Cerdo",
+ "et": "Siga",
+ "fi": "Sika",
+ "fr": "Cochon",
+ "hr": "svinja",
+ "hu": "Malac",
+ "it": "Maiale",
+ "ja": "ブタ",
+ "nb_NO": "Gris",
+ "nl": "Varken",
+ "pt_BR": "Porco",
+ "ru": "Свинья",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Hlava prasaťa",
+ "sr": "прасе",
+ "sv": "Gris",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Ilef",
+ "uk": "Свиня",
+ "zh_Hans": "猪"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 6,
+ "emoji": "🐘",
+ "description": "Elephant",
+ "unicode": "U+1F418",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "فِيل",
+ "bg": "Слон",
+ "ca": "Elefant",
+ "cs": "Slon",
+ "de": "Elefant",
+ "eo": "Elefanto",
+ "es": "Elefante",
+ "et": "Elevant",
+ "fi": "Norsu",
+ "fr": "Éléphant",
+ "hr": "slon",
+ "hu": "Elefánt",
+ "it": "Elefante",
+ "ja": "ゾウ",
+ "nb_NO": "Elefant",
+ "nl": "Olifant",
+ "pt_BR": "Elefante",
+ "ru": "Слон",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Slon",
+ "sr": "слон",
+ "sv": "Elefant",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Ilu",
+ "uk": "Слон",
+ "zh_Hans": "大象"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 7,
+ "emoji": "🐰",
+ "description": "Rabbit",
+ "unicode": "U+1F430",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "أَرنَب",
+ "bg": "Заек",
+ "ca": "Conill",
+ "cs": "Králík",
+ "de": "Hase",
+ "eo": "Kuniklo",
+ "es": "Conejo",
+ "et": "Jänes",
+ "fi": "Kani",
+ "fr": "Lapin",
+ "hr": "zec",
+ "hu": "Nyúl",
+ "it": "Coniglio",
+ "ja": "うさぎ",
+ "nb_NO": "Kanin",
+ "nl": "Konijn",
+ "pt_BR": "Coelho",
+ "ru": "Кролик",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Hlava zajaca",
+ "sr": "зец",
+ "sv": "Kanin",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": "Agnin",
+ "uk": "Кріль",
+ "zh_Hans": "兔子"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 8,
+ "emoji": "🐼",
+ "description": "Panda",
+ "unicode": "U+1F43C",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "باندَا",
+ "bg": "Панда",
+ "ca": "Panda",
+ "cs": "Panda",
+ "de": "Panda",
+ "eo": "Pando",
+ "es": "Panda",
+ "et": "Panda",
+ "fi": "Panda",
+ "fr": "Panda",
+ "hr": "panda",
+ "hu": "Panda",
+ "it": "Panda",
+ "ja": "パンダ",
+ "nb_NO": "Panda",
+ "nl": "Panda",
+ "pt_BR": "Panda",
+ "ru": "Панда",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Hlava pandy",
+ "sr": "панда",
+ "sv": "Panda",
+ "szl": null,
+ "tzm": null,
+ "uk": "Панда",
+ "zh_Hans": "熊猫"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "number": 9,
+ "emoji": "🐓",
+ "description": "Rooster",
+ "unicode": "U+1F413",
+ "translated_descriptions": {
+ "ar": "دِيك",
+ "bg": "Петел",
+ "ca": "Gall",
+ "cs": "Kohout",
+ "de": "Hahn",
+ "eo": "Virkoko",
+ "es": "Gallo",
+ "et": "Kukk",
+ "fi": "Kukko",
+ "fr": "Coq",
+ "hr": "kokot",
+ "hu": "Kakas",
+ "it": "Gallo",
+ "ja": "ニワトリ",
+ "nb_NO": "Hane",
+ "nl": "Haan",
+ "pt_BR": "Galo",
+ "ru": "Петух",
+ "si": null,
+ "sk": "Kohút",
+ "sr": "петао",
+ "sv": "Tupp",
+ "szl": null,
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+ "uk": "Великий палець вгору",
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